Conquer Club

Monopoly: CC Edition [Winner:BaldAdonis][TO:amazzony&simor]

Tournaments completed in 2008.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Monopoly: CC Edition [Winner:BaldAdonis][TO:amazzony&simor]

Postby simor on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:16 pm




  • This tournament is based on the famous board game Monopoly
  • Rules are Monopoly ones with add-ons and changes
  • Players will move around the Conqueropoly map, taking actions and managing their assets.
  • Dice rolls will be determined by a 3rd party dice server (read on)
  • Ownership of properties and position of players will be updated every 48h and shown on this page.
  • More detailed explanation of game's rules will be made available soon.
  • Official Monopoly® Game Rules < NEW! <
  • This tournament will take 2 months.
  • Tournament will be divided into 2 rounds: Qualification and Finals.
  • Qualifications: we'll have up to 5 boards of around 6 players each, depending on interest.
  • All games during qualifications will be 1vs1 Sequential, Standard, Casual (called Rent Game).
  • Players will be assigned to boards according to their points.
  • Players will play around 5 games per week depending on dice rolls and amount of properties owned.
  • Winner of each board will be the wealthiest player after 2 months of play.
  • Finals: best players from Qualifications will play a one multi-player game using the Conqueropoly Map and this will determine the winner of this tournament.
Rent Game (RG)
  • Rent Game is played between the owner of a property and a player landing on it, using owner's home settings.
  • Rent will only be collected after the owner requests a particular RG and wins it.
  • Each player will pick 3 home maps+settings, which will be played in order.
  • Home maps may be changed once per week, when notified.
How we will play?
  • Round begins once per week (or else).
  • Bank supplies dice rolls.
  • All tokens are moved and boards are updated.
  • Requested games are started.
  • Notification PMs are sent to all players.
  • Everyone has a bit of time to decide on their actions and post them in the appropriate thread. PMs with requests will be IGNORED.
  • Players' actions are executed.
  • Round ends & next one begins.
  • Buy property from Bank
  • Buy/sell property from/to other users
  • Mortgage/unmortgage properties
  • Buy/Sell houses
  • Buy/Sell hotels

As you know, Monopoly requires players to roll dice... not once, not twice, many times. There are three ways we can do that in CC: everyone throws their own dice and tells us the result:P, everybody plays tens of games with similar partners and similar settings or we use a dice server. To keep the game fair and interesting, we decided that we'll go for option 3. A dice server is basically a trusted party (no connections to us-organisers or you-players), which throws the dice and allows all interested users to see the result. To make all our lives easier, it is possible to request a number of dice rolls and that's exactly what we are going to do. Every week (around weekend time) we are going to request a lot of dice rolls for all the players for the the next 3 rounds of our game. Results will be posted in this thread and they will be also available at the dice server's verification page.


Simply fill in this form:
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1:
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2:
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3:
How well do you know Monopoly rules:
Which board would you prefer us to use?

Home maps/settings CAN be the same and you will have a chance to change them during the game.

Common sense rules
1) We are the organisers. If something is wrong or needs to be taken care of/changed then we have the right to do it.
2) Ignore list will be ignored in our tournament (aka if you have somebody in the list who you need to play then for tournament games you need to remove him/her from your ignore list).
3) Alliances are not allowed.

If you have any questions, please PM us:
Image simor
Image amazzony


Board links:

:arrow: RED BOARD


:arrow: BLUE BOARD



Click image to enlarge.
Last edited by simor on Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:58 am, edited 31 times in total.
Colonel simor
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Postby simor on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:16 pm


Image Are those community chests cards put on the bottom of the deck, not to be used until each and every card has been used once?
Answer: Yes, just like in a real Monopoly game.

Image Is it OK to say "I'll buy it" to buy a reserved property or do I need to mention the full name (you know how lazy I am:P)?
Answer: "I'll buy it" is enough.

Image Is it OK to say "I want rent from all who owe me this round" to request any/all games (you know how lazy I am:P)?
Answer: No. You must mention the property name or player you are charging.

Image Who sets up the rent game?
Answer: The bankers do. You will be notified about any new games you have to join by PM.

Image I landed on a property reserved for player X. What does it mean?
Answer: It means that player X has the option to buy this property and then s/he can request a RG with you. If s/he chooses not to buy it, it will be sold through an auction. Whoever wins the auction receives the right to ask for a RG with you and anyone else who landed on the property when it was reserved. In a normal game players can buy properties immediately after landing on them, here on CC we cannot wait for that and that's why bank reserves a property for someone who landed on it first.

Image I landed on a property reserved for the BANK. What does it mean?
Answer: It means that this property is being auctioned off by the BANK next turn. Whoever wins the auction will receive the right to ask for any rent games that were due when the notice "Reserved for BANK" & "Reserved for player Y*" was displayed. *Player Y is the player who had the option to buy but didn't use it.

Image Why are there so many tokens on the board?
Answer: The tokens in the center of the board (outside properties' borders) represent ownership of properties.

Image At the end of the 2 months, when determining who has the most money, are the properties worth the purchase price or the mortgage price?
Answer: Quoting the official rules: player values his/her property: (1) Cash on hand; (2) Lots, Utilities and Railroads owned, at the price printed on the board; (3) Any mortgaged property owned, at one-half the price printed on the board; (4) Houses, valued at purchase price; (5) Hotels, valued at purchase price including the value of the three houses turned in.

Here is our set of rules that had to be changed or added to suite our tournament idea. Everything that isn't covered below will be played according to the Official Monopoly® Game Rules.
This set of rules may not be final and we leave ourselves the right to amend it during the game play for any `unforeseen` events.

We will be using a dice server to simulate throwing 2 dice. We also have 32 Houses, 12 Hotels, 16 Chance and 16 Community Chest cards and 28 Title Deed cards. Each player will pick a token to represent them on the board and receive $1500.

In this tournament we (amazzony and simor) are the bankers.

The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player after 2 months of game play.
The game begins with an initial roll of dice to determine the order in which players' actions will be processed. The player with the highest total starts the play. The order then follows the alphabetical order of tokens' names (see chart). All dice rolls will be supplied by us using a public dice server. Players start the game at the "GO" and their tokens are moved by the number of spaces indicated by the dice (their position is marked on the board). Rolling doubles does NOT let you roll the dice again like it is in the real game BUT rolling doubles in 3 consecutive turns will get you busted.

Image DICE
We will be using the EvilDM Dice Server. Each round, dice will be rolled for every player and the results sent to the bankers and to temporary email accounts (separate for every board) which can be accessed by everyone to verify the dice results. Emails are automatically deleted after 24h. To verify the results you need to copy a short encrypted message that can be found at the end of every email and paste it in the verification page of the Dice Server. If it's authentic you will see the email message with dice rolls otherwise you'll see an error message.

All players must post their actions in the time allowed. Those are then executed by the bankers in the initial-roll's order at the start of every round. If you do not have any actions you are still required to say so, otherwise you will be missing a turn and fined (read on). All action-posts must be posted in the appropriate thread (each board will have a separate thread). Editing your posts is NOT allowed, but you may change your actions by re-posting them during the time allowed. Action-posts must be univocal i.e. clear and understandable in only one way. Bankers will execute actions as they understand them and will not be held responsible for any misunderstandings, so it is in your best interest to write your posts as clear as possible.

Whenever you land on an available (unowned) property you may buy that property from the Bank at is given price and your ownership will be marked on the board. If you do not wish to buy the property, the Bank sells it through a blind auction to the highest bidder. Blind auction means that all players (including the one who declined the option to buy) may bid by sending a PM with their bidding price to us and the winner (highest bidder) will be revealed during next round. Only bids sent by PM are valid and only the first bid counts. If there are two highest bidders then the their bids are ignored and next highest bidder considered. TIP: Avoid bidding "round" values (eg. $100, $200, etc) since they seem to be the most popular ones and you have a higher chance to double a bid that way.

When you land on a property that is owned by another player, the owner may request a Rent Game with his/her home settings. If the owner wins the RG or if you fail to join it within 48h the owner collects rent from you in accordance with the list printed on the Title Deed card. If the owner fails to request the RG or looses it, no rent will be collected. Game winners are requested to report games’ results in their threads. If the property is mortgaged, a RG cannot be requested and so no rent can be collected. Mortgaged properties are marked on the board.

When you land on either of these spaces, you'll receive a card from the deck indicated, we'll explain what you must do/do the actions for you. The "You are cleared of being a multi" card is held until used and then returned to the bottom of the deck. If the player who draws it does not wish to use it, then they may sell it, at any time, to another player at a price agreeable to both sides. This action must be decided between the players and then noted to Bankers in the tournament thread.

Joining Multis:
ImageImage Your token lands on the space marked "Busted",
ImageImage You draw a card marked "You were busted, join your fellow multis",
ImageImage You throw doubles in 3 consecutive rounds.

If you are not "Busted as a multi" but in the ordinary course of play land on that space, you are "Just Visiting", you incur no penalty, and you move ahead in the usual manner on your next turn. You have all options and actions available at that time.

When you are "Busted as a multi" you cannot collect your $200 salary in that move since, regardless of where your token is on the board, you move directly to Multis. Your turn ends when you are busted. At later rounds while still busted, you may freely take actions concerning your properties, request Rent Games, trade, buy/sell houses etc.

Getting cleared of being a multi:
ImageImage Throwing doubles on any of your first three turns
ImageImage Using the "You are cleared of being a multi" card.
ImageImage Purchasing the "You are cleared of being a multi" card from another player and playing it.
ImageImage Buying a premium for $50 before you roll the dice on either of your first two turns. If you do not throw doubles by your third turn, you must buy premium for $50. You then get cleared of being a multi and immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by the dice.

If you land here, you have to pay $200 to the Bank.

If you land here, you have to pay $75 to the Bank.

A player landing on this place does not receive any money, property or reward of any kind. This is just a "free" resting-place.

Image DEADBEATING (Missing a turn OR not posting actions)
When a player doesn't post actions in the time given then he/she misses a turn and has to pay a fine of $10 to each other player.

Image FINES :twisted: **NEW**
Players who do not follow the rules of the game will be charged a fine determined by the Department of Justice. The amount will be determined according to the crime committed and will be automatically deducted from player's cash.

In case a player does not have enough cash to cover any required expenses the Bankers will automatically do the following actions (in order):
Image1. Auto-mortgage the lowest rental-value property(ies) that cover required costs.
Image2. Sell houses from lowest value property(ies) until enough cash is accumulated.
Image3. Sell hotels from lowest value property(ies) until enough cash is accumulated.

This is a place where the Bankers will be putting up notices about different purchase & sales offers from players. Players may come to trade-agreements privately but Bankers must be notified by both parties (PM) when agreements are finalized.

Questions can be sent through PMs and they will be answered by PMs or posted in the forums and they will be answered there.
Any relevant points will be mentioned in our FAQ section on the first page.
Last edited by simor on Wed May 14, 2008 12:52 pm, edited 27 times in total.
Colonel simor
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Postby amazzony on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:16 pm

Players' Settings
    Image Fag_Ash (USApocalypse [FCN], American Civil War [NCY], Middle Earth [EUN])
    Image hiloopy (King Of The Mountains [FUN], Europe [FUN], Australia [FUN])
    Image pogophiles (Caribbean Islands [FCN], Arctic [FCN], Bamboo Jack [FCN])
    Image homer_jay (Age Of Realms: Might [NUY], Feudal War [NUY], King Of The Mountains [FUN])
    Image dragon dor (Feudal War [ECY], Crossword [ECY], Philippines [ECY])
    Image BaldAdonis (Waterloo [NCY], Waterloo [NCY], Waterloo [NCY])
    Image Godd (Classic [FCN], Classic [FUY], Classic [ECN])
    Image banana_hammocks (Montreal [FUN], Discworld [FUN], Africa [FUN])
    Image Sir. Ricco (Age Of Realms: Magic [NUN], Age Of Realms: Magic [NCY], World 2.1 [FUN])
    Image Hath (Tamriel [EUN], Middle Earth [EUN], Australia [EUN])
    Image topper (Classic [ECN], British Isles [ECN], Doodle Earth [ECN])
    Image Tieryn (Cairns Coral Coast [FCN], Rail USA [EUY], Prohibition Chicago [FUN])
    Image greenoaks (Age of Realms: Magic [NCY], Age of Realms: Might [NAY], Feudal War [NAN])
    Image Lufsen75 (Germany [NCN], British Isles [NCN], Arctic [NCN])
    Image tsioumiou (Classic [ECN], Bamboo Jack [ECN], Alexander's Empire [ECN])
    Image thekidstrumpet (Madness [FCY], Philippines [FCN], Chinese Checkers [ECN])
    Image graulenst (American Civil War [FUN], Siege! [EUN], Caribbean Islands [FUN])
    Image seamusvibe (Great Lakes [EUY], Australia [FUN], WWII Western Front [FUY])
    Image tabsnake (Age Of Merchants [FUN], Classic [FCN], Age Of Realms: Might [FUY])
    Image brandoncfi (Pearl Harbor [FUN], Malta [FUN], Prohibition Chicago [FUN])
    Image LSU Tiger Josh (Middle Earth [FCN], British Isles [FCN], Classic [FCN])
    Image mushin (American Civil War [FAY], Age Of Realms: Magic [NAY], Classic [EUN])
    Image original Doogie (USA [FCY], Scotland [FCY], Caribbean Islands [FCY])
    Image Natewolfman (Germany [FCN], WWII Western Front [FCN], Classic [FCN])
    Image calchmbrs (Middle Earth [EUN], D-Day: Omaha Beach! [EUN], WWII Iwo Jima [EUN])
    Image badmoon (Puget Sound [ECY], Classic [FCY], Montreal [FCY])
    Image oziris (USA [FCN], American Civil War [FUY], Classic [FCN])
    Image Rallyraider (Puget Sound [FAY], Classic [FCY], Arctic [FCY])
    Image sd031091 (Classic [FUN], Feudal War [FCY], Chinese Checkers [FUN])
    Image wurmsrus (World 2.1 [EUN], Solar System [EUN], Alexander's Empire [EUN])
    Image Drunk_Idiot (USA [FUY], Doodle Earth [NAY], North America [FCY])
    Image thedoggdakdes (Classic [EUN], Doodle Earth [NUY], Feudal War [NCY])
    Image LLLUUUKKKEEE (Doodle Earth [NCN], King Of The Mountains [FUN], Siege! [EAY])
    Image wpg27offsuit (Berlin 1961 [FCN], Scotland [FCN], Draknor - Level 1 [FCN])
    Image wilgusk (Classic [FUN], Africa [FUN], Feudal War [FUN])
    Image jako (Indochina [EUN], Asia [FCN], Scotland [FUN])
    Image (CCU [NCN], Germany [NCN], Great Lakes [NCN])
    Image hammyshawn (Feudal War [NCY], Age Of Realms: Magic [NCY], Age Of Realms: Might [NCY])
    Image AtreidesHouse (Pearl Harbor [FCN], World 2.1 [FCN], Battle For Australia [FCN])
    Image illusions850 (Feudal War [FCN], Classic [FCN], Asia [FCN])
Last edited by amazzony on Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:07 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Postby simor on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:16 pm

For the game board, we will be using an image from the Map Foundry. There are two images available and one of them will be customized to be more compatible with this tourney.

1. Conqueropoly was made by Bad Speler (graphics) and Gilligan with bryguy worked on the XML.
Bad Speler gave us the permission to use the map and change it to suite our needs.
Image(Click to view full size)

2. Riskopoly was probably created by EvilOtto. Unfortunatelly we were unable to get in touch with him.
Image(Click to view full size)

If you are interested in these maps, follow up the links to the Map Foundry :)

UPDATE 23/02:
Majority voted for the Conqueropoly map so that's the one we'll use. Picture below shows the most up to date version but as you see it's not yet complete. Comments & suggestions are welcome :)

UPDATE 2/03:

We got the final (most probably) version ready.

Image(Click to view full size)
Last edited by simor on Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:24 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby BaldAdonis on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:38 pm

Very interesting idea.

BeNeLux/No Cards/Chained/FoW
USA/Escalating/Chained/No Fog
Classic/No Cards/Chained/FoW
How well do you know Monopoly rules:Well enough to know not to pay unless I'm asked.
Which board would you prefer to play? First!
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Postby graulenst on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:17 am

I am very interested to see how this plays out...

Home Settings

USA/Flat Rate/Unlimited/Fog
WWII Western Front/Escalating/No Fog
Dust Bowl/No Cards/No Fog

I have played more than a few monopoly games in my time :)

I like the first map better
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Postby brandoncfi on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:23 am

Very Excited about this one Great Idea and Great Job

1.Pearl Harbor, flat, No Fog, unlimited
2. Malta, same
3. Solar System, same

I know the rules pretty good

Map 1
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Postby dragon dor on Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:59 am

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Postby Godd on Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:12 am

sounds interesting
I'm in
classic/flat/chained/FoW off 1:
classic/flat/unlimited/FoW on 2:
classic/esc/chained/FoW off 3:
How well do you know Monopoly rules: good
Which board would you prefer us to use? open
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Postby on Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:16 am

Count me in this looks great,

My home settings
CCU/no cards/chained/no fog
Germany/no cards/chained/no fog
Great lakes/no cards/chained/no fog

first map,
Winner of....
Foggy Tournament
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Postby dominationnation on Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:59 pm

def. in

Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1: Age of magic/escalating/unlim/on
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2: age of might/flat/unlim/on
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3: dust bowl/flat/unlim/on
How well do you know Monopoly rules: very very well. Have practicly memorized the board/prices
Which board would you prefer us to use? I dont really care but If I was forced to choose...option 1.
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Postby soundout9 on Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:01 pm wrote:Count me in this looks great,

My home settings
CCU/no cards/chained/no fog
Germany/no cards/chained/no fog
Great lakes/no cards/chained/no fog

first map,

I am in using the above settings
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Postby homer_jay on Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:44 pm

Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1: age of realms: might/no cards/unlimited/yes
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2: feudal war/no cards/unlimited/yes
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3: king of the mountain/flat rate/no
How well do you know Monopoly rules: pretty well
Which board would you prefer us to use? the first
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Postby Riskmaster101 on Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:44 pm

Age of Realms: Might,Escalating,Unlimited,Foggy
Age of Realms: Might,No cards,Unlimited,Sunny
Age of Realms: Magic,Escalating,Unlimited,Foggy

I'm SO in!
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Postby Natewolfman on Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:59 pm

filling up- fast how theres room

Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1: Germany/flat/chained/no
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2: WW2 Western Front/flat/chained/no
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3: Classic/flat/chained/no
How well do you know Monopoly rules: Very well

EDIT: i think iom number 11 so im fine with reserve spot if necissary..
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Postby ke666 on Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:02 pm

ill play class esc unl no fog
class esc unl no fog
class esc adj no fog
cheers :D
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Postby simor on Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:34 pm

All of you are in, thanks for joining and the great enthusiasm about this tourney :D
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Postby tsioumiou on Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:23 am

Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1: Classic/Escalating/Chained/No Fog
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2: Bamboo Jack/Escalating/Chained/No Fog
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3: Alexander's Empire/Escalating/Chained/No Fog
How well do you know Monopoly rules: Pretty Good
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Postby amazzony on Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:57 am

Welcome, tsioumiou :)
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)
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Postby Lufsen75 on Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:35 pm

If still possible Im in.

WWII: western front;nocard;chained;no fog
Brittish Isle;nocard;chained;no fog

I know the rules.

And hope for the first map.
Last edited by Lufsen75 on Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tieryn on Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:50 pm

Sign me in :)

Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1: Cairns Coral Coast, Flat, Chained, No
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2: Rail USA, Esc, Unlim, Yes
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3: British Isles, Flat, Unlim, No
Last edited by Tieryn on Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LLLUUUKKKEEE on Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:45 pm

yes yes yes

Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1: Doodle, No, Chained, No
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2: King of mountain, Flat, Unl, No
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3: Seige, Esc, Adj, Yes
How well do you know Monopoly rules: Very well, including variations
Which board would you prefer us to use? probably the second

Don't quite understand but who cares, its a great idea
Last edited by LLLUUUKKKEEE on Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monopoly $$$ 'Bank Error in Your Favor Collect $200'

Postby simor on Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:36 pm

Lufsen75 wrote:If still possible Im in.

Sure! We are open and accepting players all the time. We have almost 3 boards full and we decided that we can go up to around 6 so there is plenty of room left :)




Simply fill in this form:
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 1:
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 2:
Map/Cards/Fort/FoW 3:
How well do you know Monopoly rules:
Which board would you prefer us to use?

Home maps/settings CAN be the same and you will have a chance to change them during the game.

If you have questions then please ask or PM us, we are more than happy to answer them :)

You were all added (list will be udpated soon).
Welcome aboard!
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Postby amazzony on Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:56 am

List of players and their settings have been updated in first page (third post). Please check that you are not missing anything (simor will also PM you with a reminder to tell us missing settings).
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)
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Postby pogophiles on Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:28 pm

1: Caribbean/Flat Rate/Chained/Sunny
2: Arctic/Flat Rate/Chained/Sunny
3: Bamboo Jack/Flat Rate/Chained/Sunny
How well do you know Monopoly rules: Fairly well, but could stand to re-read
Which board would you prefer us to use? The 2nd
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