jcaste5 wrote:I feel I need to come in here and defend myself and explain my stance on the situation. Let me preface this by saying I had no idea that there was a glitch going on and wouldn't have taking my turn had i known.
thats fair enough although you had aprox. 20 more hours to take your turnand there had been multiple forum posts by the time you did move according to the game log but I take what you say at face value.
After clicking begin turn there was nothing else to do then attack. The situation of the game is that rebelman was the clear cut leader in the game but i did still have 4 armies in kamchatka, 4 in greenland, 7 total in s. america and a couple singles in europe.
once you began your turn and saw this you could have reported the bug and not deployed let your move time out as many did. Even if this bug was unique to this game that would have been the tried and tested procedure.
The bottom line is that I feel he would have struggled to eliminate all of that, with nuetral countries that he would also have had to go through on his next turn. Even if he came up just one army short i had a multi set to cash on my next turn, so i would have had another 13 armies to deploy. From there if you ask me anything is possible.
this is true i had a maybe a 90 - 95% chance of pulling it off but no guarantee if i failed to do it in rd 6 i would still have 4 more rounds though and my oceania bonus was rock not to mention card cashing.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.