Suggestion Idea:
Population based continent bonus
Description: Somthing like the "Food Count" suggestion, allow map maker to make troop grant a function of something other than # of territories or territoriy pairs/sets held. An earlier post suggests adding non-linear grant functions. ("Variable Basic Army Grant"). My suggestion is to use # of neutral units as a dependent variable that increases your toop bonus. You could combine this with the Variable Basic Army Grant concept to have differnet troop grants based on whether a player controls an entire continent or if there are hostile forces. See my map suggestion at Unlike the food count concept where you deplete resources by having too many troops, this concept is that if you increase the base population and/or dominance of a region, your recruiting numbers will be higher.
Why It Should Be Considered: Flat rate conscription means the only challenge is territory management. Modern warfare requires population management... if you kill off the entire civilian population in a state (as now is the case to get a "continent" bonus), there would be nobody to recruit from. It would also create interresting insurgent strategies where reducing but not necessarily occupying a neutral population has the effect of breaking a bonus withou putting your insurgent force in direct contact with the enemy force on the next turn.
Lack Label: <To be used at a later date, to determine feasibility>
REMARK - If it is too complicated to pass a variable with the number of neutrals in each continent after each player turn, the idea could be simplified by using a boolean framework where you have specific territories within a continent (like an urban center) where there needs to be a minimum number or units in order to get the "continent" bonus. Just a thought....