Die2Live and jlbotts
i didnt check any games they may have played as this happened in the chat
Social Chat wrote:21:41:59 ‹Die2Live› what is your name
22/01/2008 21:42:19 ‹jlbotts› my name is janice
22/01/2008 21:42:28 ‹jlbotts› im 19 and i live in new york city
22/01/2008 21:42:35 ‹Die2Live› me 2
22/01/2008 21:42:41 ‹richardgarr› wow, this is definetly turning into the wrong type of chat room, real fast
22/01/2008 21:42:42 ‹Die2Live› and my name is jan
22/01/2008 21:42:44 ‹Die2Live› jann
22/01/2008 21:42:46 ‹jlbotts› i was actually born a male but now i have both well you know
22/01/2008 21:42:56 ‹Die2Live› oohhh lala
22/01/2008 21:43:07 ‹sbg68› wow right next door james
22/01/2008 21:43:09 ‹James Vazquez› ok go to a private room or ya both get kicked out
22/01/2008 21:43:12 * richardgarr smells a multi
22/01/2008 21:43:13 ‹Die2Live› well this james character is a very nice man
22/01/2008 21:43:14 ‹rebelman› folks this is not a singles room
22/01/2008 21:43:14 ‹jlbotts› wow what part of nyc do you live in?
22/01/2008 21:43:16 ‹Herakilla› im very inclined to submit a multi report right now
22/01/2008 21:43:22 ‹James Vazquez› im nowheres near NYC
Callouts Chat wrote:21:37:10 ‹Die2Live› so if you ever want to talk call my cell513-238-6719, my name is jannd im 19
die2live was generally being hated for all for turning the chat into semi-adult stuff and then comes along jbotts who she seemed to know immediately
Callouts Chat wrote:21:41:02 * jlbotts joins Callouts
22/01/2008 21:41:15 ‹Die2Live› JLBOTTS
then the two proceed to have a slow (theres about 10 secs between a lot of their posts) and short conversation (shortly kicked afterwards by James, doing his job and keeping the chat clean, good job sir!)
they both have said that their name is Jan or Janice (hmm very similar)
they both have said they are 19 and live in NY
before you say they were on at the same time, its not that hard to do
side by side computers
different browsers
and prolly some more ways
i am very sorry if this isnt true