i was winning this game and now i come back to do my turn now and he gets bonuses for holding every place in the map out of nowhere and then just beats me down look at this SHIT
2008-01-20 18:12:29 - frogman_1984 receives 5 armies for 15 territories
2008-01-20 18:12:36 - frogman_1984 deployed 5 armies on East Africa
2008-01-20 18:12:41 - frogman_1984 attacked North Africa from East Africa and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-20 18:12:46 - frogman_1984 attacked Brazil from North Africa and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-20 18:12:56 - frogman_1984 gets a card
2008-01-20 18:12:56 - Incrementing game to round 10
2008-01-21 13:29:08 - lilwdlnddude receives 5 armies for 16 territories
2008-01-21 13:29:19 - lilwdlnddude deployed 5 armies on Peru
2008-01-21 13:29:23 - lilwdlnddude attacked Brazil from Peru and conquered it from frogman_1984
2008-01-21 13:29:34 - lilwdlnddude attacked North Africa from Brazil and conquered it from frogman_1984
2008-01-21 13:29:50 - lilwdlnddude gets a card
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 5 armies for holding North America
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 2 armies for holding South America
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 5 armies for holding Europe
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 7 armies for holding Asia
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 2 armies for holding Oceania
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 3 armies for holding Africa
2008-01-21 17:34:38 - frogman_1984 receives 5 armies for 15 territories
2008-01-21 17:34:55 - frogman_1984 deployed 10 armies on New Guinea
2008-01-21 17:35:01 - frogman_1984 deployed 19 armies on East Africa
2008-01-21 17:35:06 - frogman_1984 attacked Eastern Australia from New Guinea and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:35:11 - frogman_1984 attacked Western Australia from Eastern Australia and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:35:16 - frogman_1984 attacked Indonesia from Western Australia and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:35:23 - frogman_1984 attacked Siam from Indonesia and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:35:50 - frogman_1984 attacked Madagascar from East Africa and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:10 - frogman_1984 attacked South Africa from Madagascar and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:18 - frogman_1984 attacked North Africa from East Africa and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:26 - frogman_1984 attacked Western Europe from North Africa and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:37 - frogman_1984 attacked Brazil from North Africa and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:41 - frogman_1984 attacked Argentina from Brazil and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:45 - frogman_1984 attacked Peru from Argentina and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:49 - frogman_1984 attacked Venezuela from Peru and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:36:54 - frogman_1984 attacked Central America from Venezuela and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:37:02 - frogman_1984 attacked Great Britain from Western Europe and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:37:08 - frogman_1984 attacked Northern Europe from Great Britain and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:37:15 - frogman_1984 attacked Scandinavia from Northern Europe and conquered it from lilwdlnddude
2008-01-21 17:37:20 - frogman_1984 gets a card
look how before all he gets is freaking 5 for 15 territorries and only kills 2 PLACES, ONLY 2, and the next turn after i take mine he gets a whole bunch of bonuses out of nowhere and now im going to lose. and i would like not to lose any point because of this crap cheater: game 1629477, take a look at the game