yeti_c wrote:BTW - you still have "Loyalites" instead of "Loyalties"
Or are you saying that the people are "loyalite" - I think "Acolytes" would be a better word if that's your intention.
Moderator: Cartographers
yeti_c wrote:yeti_c wrote:BTW - you still have "Loyalites" instead of "Loyalties"
Or are you saying that the people are "loyalite" - I think "Acolytes" would be a better word if that's your intention.
HAWK79 wrote:i personally dont think you should make a map about an ongoing war because being part of a military family i know it would offend me and should offend any other person on this site that has a loved one currently serving over seas or has a loved one that has given his life for the war. (i am a part of both groups i have immediate family currently serving in iraq and i had two very close friends killed when the war first started)
Baghdad wrote:WWII wasn't fought using WMDs... Now, Iraq... hmmm... ?
yeti_c wrote:Baghdad wrote:WWII wasn't fought using WMDs... Now, Iraq... hmmm... ?
Hmmm I think'll you'll find the (ex)-inhabitants of Hiroshima & Nagasaki might beg to differ...
Coleman wrote:Guys that's going to have to stop there. We need to keep this discussion about the map and how to improve it.
mibi wrote:Coleman wrote:I like those without putting the in front of them.
City of "Name" Province of "Name" (if province is the word we are using)
Now that dashes don't screw up BOB could we do Baghdad - "Name" for those?
As for the loyalty boxes I'm not sure about all that text. I could do another simple Mahdi - "Name" for those like Baghdad. Or the reverse "name" - Mahdi.
what about <loyalty> of <city>. Like Bathists of Ramadi
bahdad could be, "<name> district of bahdad" or is that too long
Coleman wrote:Proposed:
City of <name>
Region of <name>
Sector: <name>
Cities would come first this way, followed by regions, and then portions of Baghdad.
Not just asking mibi here, anyone have comments?
yeti_c wrote:Coleman wrote:Proposed:
City of <name>
Region of <name>
Sector: <name>
Cities would come first this way, followed by regions, and then portions of Baghdad.
Not just asking mibi here, anyone have comments?
Like this one...
Group everything together...
wcaclimbing wrote:These are my thoughts when i saw this map:
"wow. amazing image there!"
"this one will be fun to play"
*looks at explanation of attacks and bonuses*
"theres no way I'll understand that
*head explodes*
basically, the image looks great, but I am so hopelessly lost in the bonuses and attacking schemes for this map that I doubt I will be playing this one in a long time.
uber-complex maps---------1
my ability to understand----0
Coleman wrote:I already wrote the xml but lack didn't implement the new code the way I expected him to so there is some rewriting to do.
Coleman wrote:Anyway, this map is no longer help up by the xml being impossible. You can Final Forge without xml.
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