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[XML] infected neutrals

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[XML] infected neutrals

Postby cicero on Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:26 am

final proposal
The details of this suggestion are now finalised as far as regular forum discussion is concerned. Please do not post further suggestions for change.
I have drawn this post to the attention of the site owners/moderators [specifically Lack & Twill].
I would prefer that we, as community members, await their 'official' feedback/criticism before making any significant edits to this proposal.

Having said that if those of you who fully understand the suggestion aims find errors/omissions/ambiguities in this post then please do post accordingly. Please quote concisely from the proposal to make the thread easy to follow.

Back Story/Motivation
The neutrals have been infected by an unknown virus. This affects their behaviour making them irrationally, unreasonably aggressive, but predictably so. They attack any un-infected armies without thought for their own safety and with no real goal in mind. Whether they still have a mind is open to debate.
They always attack the largest uninfected armies on their borders and continue the battle until they destroy their enemies or sustain such casualties that they cannot continue. There is no antidote.

Suggestion Idea:
Additional game type option:
Infected Neutrals : Yes | No

With Infected Neutrals set to No game play is as now.
With Infected Neutrals set to Yes game play is as follows:
  • Any neutral armies on the map when the game is initialised are infected and are active.
  • Any neutral armies introduced to the game by deadbeats or bombardments are infected and incubate for one full game round before becoming active.
  • Active neutrals always attack if capable. Incubating neutrals do not attack.
  • With colour codes added active neutrals are identified by a preceding 'a' and incubating neutrals are identified by a preceding 'i'. These replace the usual 'n'.
  • The infected neutral turn occurs immediately after the end of each game round before the start of the next game round.
  • Game Log reports of infected neutral activity are affected by Fog of War in the same way as reports of player activity.
  • The infected neutral turn progresses according to the pseudo code below.
  • Killer Neutrals shall remain the same, and WILL NOT be infected.
  • This will NOT be playable by New Recruits
  • In the case of 2 players being attacked by Infected Territories, the territory that comes FIRST in the alphabet will be attacked first. For example. Angola will be attacked before Mongolia.

Code: Select all
// DEPLOY phase
// add one army to each ACTIVE infected neutral territory
For Each active infected neutral territory
   add one army to territory
   write to game log : "infected neutrals get 1 army added to <territory name>"
// Infected neutrals do not receive ANY other bonuses of any kind, positive or negative.
Motivation/Gameplay Note: This makes sense since infected neutrals cannot benefit from the political structure of a continent. Equally they are not affected by factors such as frostbite on "Age of Realms" or drought on Dustbowl since they disregard their senses.
Code: Select all
// ATTACK phase
// All ACTIVE infected neutral territories with 4 or more armies and with non-neutral neighbours are capable of making an attack
// NB bombardment attacks are not allowed
Motivation/Gameplay Note: This makes sense since infected neutrals cannot operate bombardment technology. Also it would give infected neutrals an unfair advantage since they would effectively be able to advance along bombardment lines which players cannot.
Code: Select all
FutureOffset = current system time // timestamp offset to be used to allow players to watch infected neutral turns in real time
NumAttTerr = number of territories capable of making an attack // calculate how many territories can attack
While NumAttTerr > 0 and FutureOffset < turn end time // as long as there's a territory that can attack, and not out of time, ATTACK !!
   // the following two lines must be INSIDE the While loop since the territories capable of attacking may have changed since the last iteration
   arrange the qualifying territories in an array AttTerrs() // indexed 0, 1, 2 etc
   sort the AttTerrs() array by "number of armies on territory (high to low)" then (where this is indecisive) by "(number of armies on territory -3) MOD number of AttTerrs with same number of armies (low to high)" // the reason for the "-3" here is purely for consistency with the "AttackForce" used below
   AttTerrInd = 0 // set the attacking territory index to zero; to point to the first attacking territory

   // select TARGET player territory(s)
   // This logic addresses both a single target territory and multiple target territories
   // The attacking territory will attack the bordering territory(s) which contain the most armies
   // [Remember that bombardment attacks are not allowed]
   arrange the qualifying territory(s) in an array Targets() // indexed 0, 1, 2 etc.
   sort the Targets() array by "alphabetical order (a to z)"
   NumTargs = the number of territories in the array Targets()
   AttackForce = initial number of attacking neutral armies - 3
   TargCount = 1 // set the target count to one; to indicate the first of the NumTargs targets

   While TargCount<=NumTargs // attack each of the targets in turn
      TargInd = (AttackForce + TargCount - 1) MOD NumTargs // set the target territory index; to point to the TargCount target

         attack Targets(TargInd) // attack the target territory
      Until the attacking territory has <= (3 + (NumTargs-TargCount)*INT(AttackForce/NumTargs)) armies or the battle is won
      If the battle is won Then
         If TargCount = NumTargs Then // ie neutrals are attacking the last target territory
            advance (all remaining - 1) armies
            advance (all remaining - (3 + (NumTargs-TargCount)*INT(AttackForce/NumTargs))) armies
         write to game log using FutureOffset as timestamp : "infected neutral player attacked <territory name> from <territory name> and conquered it from <player name>"
      FutureOffset = FutureOffset + 5 seconds // to allow players to watch the turn in real time
      TargCount = TargCount + 1
   End While
   NumAttTerr = number of territories capable of making an attack // recalculate
End While
If FutureOffset >= turn end time
   write to game log using FutureOffset as timestamp : "infected neutral player ran out of time"

// END phase
// Consider all INCUBATING neutrals
For Each incubating neutral territory
   If incubating neutral territory was infected in the preceding game round Then
      write to game log : "infected neutral territory <territory name> incubating"
      incubating neutral territory becomes active neutral territory
      write to game log : "incubating neutral territory <territory name> now active"

// Note that regardless of game settings infected neutrals make NO fortifications.
// Note that regardless of game settings infected neutrals receive NO cards.

The player who wins gains no points for beating the infected neutrals any more than they do now for winning a game containing neutral players or eliminating neutral players.

It will be seen that infected neutrals cannot win any games and so the question of points lost does not arise*. This firmly positions the infected neutrals as a gameplay feature and not an AI player.

This suggestion relies on the predictability of the Infected Neutrals for it's effectiveness. Players will need to understand this predictability to incorporate the Infected Neutral behaviour into their strategy. Whilst the pseudo code above does describe the behaviour accurately it does not present it as simply as will be necessary for the community as a whole.

The "Instructions > Game Options" tab to be updated to include the following just after the Fog of War section:
Infected Neutrals

Infected neutrals play their turn immediately after the end of each game round before the start of the next game round in both sequential and freestyle games.

Any neutral armies on the map when the game is initialised are infected and are active. Any neutral armies introduced to the game by deadbeats, bombardments or killer territories are infected and incubate for one full game round before becoming active. Active neutral territories are capable of attack if they have 4 or more armies and at at least one non-neutral neighbour. Incubating neutrals do not attack. [With colour codes added active neutrals are identified by a preceding 'a' and incubating neutrals are identified by a preceding 'i'.]

At the start of their turn infected neutrals receive one additional army on every territory held. They receive no other bonuses, positive or negative, of any kind. Infected neutrals will always attack from each of their capable territories in turn attacking from the territory with the largest number of armies first. Such a territory will attack its largest neighbour(s) and continue until battle is won or the attacking territory has less than 4 armies remaining. Infected neutrals end their turn when there are no neutral territories capable of attack or they run out of time. Regardless of game settings infected neutrals do not make fortifications and do not receive a card.

Ordinary neutrals do not have a turn, receive no armies at any time and are entirely passive. [With colour codes added ordinary neutrals are identified by a preceding 'n'.]

Further, to avoid overwhelming the "Game Options" tab page, a more detailed post describing Infected Neutral behaviour to be posted in "General Discussion > Q&A" when Infected Neutrals are implemented. This post will then form the basis of a thread for any clarifying questions about how the Infected Neutral option works.

cicero, in Q&A on Infected Neutral implementation date, wrote:Infected Neutrals



Why it is needed
It would introduce interesting new ways of playing and tactics ...
  • Neutral territories are no longer handy defences, but are actively dangerous!
  • A deadbeating player does not benignly lapse, but the neutral armies produced by a deadbeat (in non terminator games) become infected and attack! Perhaps you won't ignore the player who looks like he might deadbeat after all.
  • Even if there are no infected neutrals in the game to start with (because of the map/player numbers combination) some may be introduced by a deadbeat or, in maps including the option, by a successful bombardment or a "killer" territory (no maps yet exist with killer territories) ...
  • When considering an attack on another player the fact there are "infected neutrals behind him" needs to be taken into account ...
  • You may actually decide to deploy/fortify your armies away from infected neutrals since this may make them attack elsewhere ...
  • Several players have asked for AI over time and, rightly, this has been rejected since this is a player/community based site. However the infected neutrals would introduce some positive elements of AI players (though 'intelligence' is stretching it a bit).
  • Imagine a 1v1 (where 1/3 of territories are automatically neutral) ...
  • Imagine a growing infected horde (which cannot auto attack since it is surrounded on all sides by other infected neutrals) ... that you deliberately release knowing, because of their predictable behaviour, that the infected neutrals will attack your opponents ...
  • Map designers could take into account infected neutral behaviour when designing maps ...
  • In heavily infested situations human players will have to cooperate to eliminate infected neutrals first ...
  • In extremely heavily infested situations human players may not, even with co-operation, be able to eliminate the neutrals ... in which case the player able to survive longest will win.
  • Assassin games ... "someone kill the infected neutrals before they give the game to .. oh shit - too late!!"

* Infected neutrals can't win or gain points ...
It is important to note that existing rules do not consider neutral armies as a player and hence the neutral armies cannot win. Hence from existing rules:

standard game
If at any time there is only one player left that player wins.
(whether the player holds 99% of the territories or a single territory)

assassin game
If at any time one player is eliminated (by whoever) the player whose target that was wins.

terminator game
If at any time a player is eliminated by the infected neutrals then the points are awarded to the last surviving player at the end of the game (as per the rules to cover deadbeats).

1 References to 'alphabetical order' mean ASCII order (and refer to the names of the territories). Hence numbers come before letters etc.

Implementation of this would possibly be more straightforward and processing/server efficient as 'XML order'. To facilitate XML=alphabetical order it would be necessary to revise XML for all maps to ensure the [borders] sections presented the borders in strict ASCII order.
Last edited by JamesKer1 on Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:39 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: neutral zombies - no really, READ this !!

Postby DiM on Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:34 am

cicero wrote:
* Zombies are dim and predictable.

i'm not predictable. for example i sometimes eat soy brains because i care about my weight and everybody knows a good looking zombie is a killer :twisted:

btw i love this idea and in fact i suggested it a long long time ago ( a few days after i joined the site actually :P

the only difference was that it wasn't with zombies it was with aliens.

i play this game variation with my friends a lot of times and it's great. btw we used green figurines for the alien (duh) :P
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Postby Bolbs on Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:40 am

Brilliant idea, it would bring a whole different type of strategy for those games.

Deadbeaters turning into zombies in genius :)
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Postby yeti_c on Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:24 am

This would be amusing on AOR Magic...

You could unless the zombie horde on some unsuspecting people - then slip in for the sanctuary win!!

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Postby rebelman on Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:45 am

great idea - could i suggest it should also be posted on this thread:
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby DiM on Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:47 am

yeti_c wrote:This would be amusing on AOR Magic...

You could unless the zombie horde on some unsuspecting people - then slip in for the sanctuary win!!


actually whoever would go for the sanctuary would die surely. imagine that 75 zombie armie not having what to attack (it's surrounded by other zombies) and then suddenly a fool breaks near it and makes an opening. :twisted:

AoR magic with zombie mode on would be a battle for survival. killing others won't matter surviving the longest will be the idea.

which come to think of it would be something really really nice
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Postby yeti_c on Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:51 am

DiM wrote:
yeti_c wrote:This would be amusing on AOR Magic...

You could unless the zombie horde on some unsuspecting people - then slip in for the sanctuary win!!


actually whoever would go for the sanctuary would die surely. imagine that 75 zombie armie not having what to attack (it's surrounded by other zombies) and then suddenly a fool breaks near it and makes an opening. :twisted:

AoR magic with zombie mode on would be a battle for survival. killing others won't matter surviving the longest will be the idea.

which come to think of it would be something really really nice

Not necessarily - I've not looked at the map - but remember it attacks alphabetically...

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Postby DiM on Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:02 am

yeti_c wrote:
DiM wrote:
yeti_c wrote:This would be amusing on AOR Magic...

You could unless the zombie horde on some unsuspecting people - then slip in for the sanctuary win!!


actually whoever would go for the sanctuary would die surely. imagine that 75 zombie armie not having what to attack (it's surrounded by other zombies) and then suddenly a fool breaks near it and makes an opening. :twisted:

AoR magic with zombie mode on would be a battle for survival. killing others won't matter surviving the longest will be the idea.

which come to think of it would be something really really nice

Not necessarily - I've not looked at the map - but remember it attacks alphabetically...


i know it attacks alphabetically but imagine you're the only fool to break a terit near the sanctuary. the 75 zombies will attack all the way to your castle because the rest of the terits are neutral. unless there's another guy foolish enough to venture that far. :)

it would actually add some interesting strategies.

let's say i come from Qasr and release the sanctuary zombies and there's another fool that holds duht. the zombies will come out and go through duht all the way to his castle leaving you a very nice open way towards the santuary :twisted:

i'm starting to like this.

i can already see a map of a cemetery 8 teens 1 exit and lots of zombies :twisted:
Last edited by DiM on Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby yeti_c on Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:24 am

DiM wrote:
yeti_c wrote:
DiM wrote:
yeti_c wrote:This would be amusing on AOR Magic...

You could unless the zombie horde on some unsuspecting people - then slip in for the sanctuary win!!


actually whoever would go for the sanctuary would die surely. imagine that 75 zombie armie not having what to attack (it's surrounded by other zombies) and then suddenly a fool breaks near it and makes an opening. :twisted:

AoR magic with zombie mode on would be a battle for survival. killing others won't matter surviving the longest will be the idea.

which come to think of it would be something really really nice

Not necessarily - I've not looked at the map - but remember it attacks alphabetically...


i know it attacks alphabetically but imagine you're the only fool to break a terit near the sanctuary. the 75 zombies will attack all the way to your castle because the rest of the terits are neutral. unless there's another guy foolish enough to venture that far. :)

it would actually add some interesting strategies.

let's say i come from Qasr and release the sanctuary zombies and there's another fool that holds duht. the zombies will come out and go through duht all the way to his castle leaving you a very nice open way towards the santuary :twisted:

Exactly what I meant...


PS although the Duht player could put in a "firebreak" by taking the Iburi and Nyt terit...
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Postby pepperonibread on Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:12 pm

Maybe the zombie attacks could just be completely random, instead of alphabetic. That way, it would be harder to prepare for where the zombies would go next. Of course, we'd also get a lot of complaints on the forums that the zombies aren't really random... :)
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Postby skaterchild3 on Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:00 pm

extremely good idea, You could also make it where you can just fight the xombies for fun games to practice strategy and not gain points....
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Postby richardgarr on Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:53 pm

Interesting Idea,
I would look for a more random way of making the zombies attack, or not attack,

-perhaps if a player takes so many territories the zombie goes after them,

-or zombie attacks all players equally through sequential play... round 1 zombie goes after red , if he can attack him, going through other players if need be, zombie stopping when at 3 armies of course,....round 2 he goes after green, round 3 blue...ect.,.
This would make zombies an ally as well as an enemy, so you may open up the hoard, but in two turns you are due for a Zombie attack, will you unleash the hoard and take your chances ?,or will you leave them trapped.?.hmmm
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Postby InkL0sed on Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:57 pm

Zombies should attack each other - after all, that's what they actually do in real life (I swear, I've seen them at it!).
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Postby hulmey on Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:00 am

very good idea...abit like tribal wars "barbian village"!!!
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Postby mitchmitch11 on Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:55 am

ok, I like the idea but I say we keep to risk and not bring in aliens or zombies or fictional caracters. Why dont we just call them rebels or outlaws or something like that. I would prefer that a lot more than zombies or aliens. But that is just me.
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Postby rebelman on Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:51 am

mitchmitch11 wrote:Why dont we just call them rebels .
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby yeti_c on Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:00 am

pepperonibread wrote:Maybe the zombie attacks could just be completely random, instead of alphabetic. That way, it would be harder to prepare for where the zombies would go next. Of course, we'd also get a lot of complaints on the forums that the zombies aren't really random... :)

Actually - I suspect it might be easier to attack in XML order...

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Postby lord voldemort on Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:57 am

the only prob is not keen it could be abused this way
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Postby yeti_c on Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:09 am

lord voldemort wrote:the only prob is not keen it could be abused this way

At least alphabetically people will know - and it wouldn't be abuse - it would be a tactic... if you do it correctly - you can unleash a devastating neutral army... if you do it wrong - or you get to close - you get yourself annihilated!!!

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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:11 am

rebelman wrote:
mitchmitch11 wrote:Why dont we just call them rebels .

Yes, we're after you!
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Postby lord voldemort on Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:31 am

yeti_c wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:the only prob is not keen it could be abused this way

At least alphabetically people will know - and it wouldn't be abuse - it would be a tactic... if you do it correctly - you can unleash a devastating neutral army... if you do it wrong - or you get to close - you get yourself annihilated!!!


nah im sayin gpeople with z in ther name will abuse it..
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Postby DiM on Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:54 am

lord voldemort wrote:
yeti_c wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:the only prob is not keen it could be abused this way

At least alphabetically people will know - and it wouldn't be abuse - it would be a tactic... if you do it correctly - you can unleash a devastating neutral army... if you do it wrong - or you get to close - you get yourself annihilated!!!


nah im sayin gpeople with z in ther name will abuse it..

it attacks terits alphabetically not players.

so if player XXX is in terit A and player MMM is in terit B the zombies will attack player XXX because his terit is alphabetically in front of B
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Postby yeti_c on Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:12 am

Actually - I think we should go with alphabetical names!!!! (As long as it's not case sensitive!)

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Postby DiM on Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:14 am

yeti_c wrote:Actually - I think we should go with alphabetical names!!!! (As long as it's not case sensitive!)


no way. it should attack terits alphabetically not players.
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Postby Bolbs on Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:02 am

lol funny how yeti_c is all for the zombies attacking players alphabetically but DiM wants them to attack territories alphabetically.

I'm obviously going to vote for territories as well :D
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