Subject line: SkyT and Nikola Milicki
These are suspected- Freestyle abuse
Suspect users: SkyT and Nikola Milicki
Game number: 1567122 ( and a couple others )
Comments: SkyT just cant seem to play a single game where either he makes all the moves in a triples/freestyle game or another member of his team makes all the moves for his team. he has already been warned for this. It is posted in game chat that SkyT is away on a trip. So who joined the games? SkyT or other members of his team? Who goes on a trip and sets up games right before they walk out the door? Or is this the aliakber1001 example all over again? He took 2 accounts and set up games knowing in advance he was going to play both turns.
Rank: Brigadier
Score: 4182
Games: 1457 Completed, 1143 (78%) Won
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Joined: 15 Jan 2007
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Country: Croatia
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Occupation: ... 2759665645
Interests: Donate for darfur please
why is Nikola Milicki making double the moves in a freestyle game for SkyT? Why was this not announced in game chat that Nikola was making both turns for himself and SkyT ? How many times is SkyT going to abuse triples/freestyle play? First hes playing moves in triples play for all 3 members in his dorm, now he gives his password out so the team can make the moves for him. this gives his team a huge unfair advantage in triples/freestyle play. Again, how many times is he going to be warned and permitted to do this?