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What if you are being false accused?

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What if you are being false accused?

Postby Poisonflood on Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:13 pm

Hello everybody,

in game 1467080, I am being accused of having a secret alliance with green.

Off course, because of the fog, you can't see anything. Thing is: I have Oceania, and I have placed an army to protect Siam. Only, the neighbouring countries, owned by green, all have 1 troop. Green doesn't attack me, he has no continent, and tries to take North America, which isn't my consearn. It is the consearn of yellow, he holds South-America and I think green is attacking him. Off course I have been attacking yellow also because he does have a continent and was marching towards me, taking Africa. I do not have a clue why green does not try to slow me down, he has had a large army, wasted it all taking North-A.

This will give me a negative feedback, but I want to make sure: I do not have an alliance, please don't ban my account. :) And secondly: what if you are being false accused?

Yours sincerely,
Last edited by Poisonflood on Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dr_Demento on Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:27 pm

if he gives you a negative, introduce him to your ignore list :D
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Postby hecter on Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:59 pm

Just explain to them what's going on. Hopefully it will clear things up, and if it doesn't and they neg you, just explain to people in the neg what happened.
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