[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]
.... Is filling forum threads with huge posts that nobody wants to read abuse? I hope so. I am quite sure I am not the only one being serioulsy annoyed at the moment.
... Max & some git named Pennywise.
... Did I spell "git" right? Never used it before, but seems to fit.
It would be nice to be able to find out his home address or phone...his parents (who I believe are brothers) need to know about this secret little life he leads.
Maybe they could try not attaching his diapers so tightly..sometimes that can lead to loss of circulation to the brain.
Hmmm...at least we have the Ignore List and Auto Delete of Max / pennywayz mail.....
"Gypsy told my fortune...she said that nothin showed...."
Max, I've received way too many complaints about you spamming the forum. Anyone who wants to keep up-to-date with the forum has to waste a lot of time reading your posts.
You should keep the number of posts you make to a minimum. Same goes for anyone else reading this.
I took away your posting privileges for 24 hours. I hope you learn your lesson.