by buckeye1 on Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:30 am
OK it will be classic, seq, flat rate, unlimited, no fog of war, and standard.
If there is a deadbeat, all of there games are considered forfeit.
The teams will be the Ravens, the Browns, the Steelers, and the Bengals.
Browns: buckeye1 (2-0)
Bengals: assassin7670 (1-1)
Ravens: Daring Overlord5 (0-3)
Steelers: findURinnerFREAK (2-1)
Week 1:
Browns Vs. Steelers
Ravens Vs. Bengals
Week 2:
Browns Vs. Ravens
Steelers Vs. Bengals
Week 3:
Steelers Vs. Ravens
Browns Vs. Bengals
Last edited by
buckeye1 on Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:41 pm, edited 10 times in total.