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Postby gray beard on Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:47 am

i have the rank of cadet but have 47% win...why is that
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Re: rank

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:13 am

gray beard wrote:i have the rank of cadet but have 47% win...why is that

Most of your wins are against the bots, who are a decent introduction to the game but don't give any points. Against human players, you're actually not doing very well.

Looking at your games, I see you're joining a lot of team games with random players. That's almost always a way to lose points. When a random team goes up against an organized team of people who all know each other, the random team will lose 90% of the time.

I see you joined the SoC but you only played 3 games there before dropping it. I think you might do well to return to the SoC and finish your training there. You need to start getting points off humans if you want to rise in rank.

You want a strategy to rise in rank?
  • Stop playing the bots. They're okay for new players to get an introduction to the game, but after 900 games against bots there's nothing more they can teach you.
  • Return to your SoC training and finish the program there..
  • Play a lot more Standard and Terminator games against humans.
  • Stop joining team games with partners you don't know. Start talking to people who you've met in games and who seem to be good at it, and ask them to form a regular team.
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Re: rank

Postby betiko on Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:44 am

well tht is a very unique and peculiar profile! so many team games with so many different teammates...
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Re: rank

Postby Keefie on Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:19 pm

Do BOT games show in the games played/won stats ? I thought they didn't.
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Re: rank

Postby Donelladan on Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:34 pm

2039 completed, 954 (47%) won

among that
1vs1 : 545 games
2vs2 : 233 games
3vs3 : 470 games
4vs4 : 652 games

Total 1898 games.

So among your 2093 games, 1898 games were games with only 2 teams.

When playing games with 2 teams only, winning 50% of the games wouldn't be enough to rise in a rank unless you only play against higher ranked opponents.
You won less than 50% of the games, which is why your score isn't going up.

Dukasaur suggested you start playing multiplayer games, for example, if you play 8 players games, winning 20% of them is enough to rise in rank - but it's quite hard to win 20% of your 8 players games.

You might keep playing the same kind of games you play, but to increase in rank you'll need a win ratio closer to 60% at least.

To summarize, 47% win ratios when playing 2-teams games is indeed relatively low, which is why you are only a cadet at the moment.

@Duk - how can I know how many bots games he played using game finder ? I don't find this option.
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Re: rank

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:56 am

Donelladan wrote:

@Duk - how can I know how many bots games he played using game finder ? I don't find this option.

No, unfortunately there isn't an option for searching it automatically. I just rolled through his games and mentally estimated.
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Re: rank

Postby dfwfencearborpro on Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:17 am

Rank refers to the relative position, value, worth, complexity, power, importance, authority, level, etc. of a person or object within a ranking.
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