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Tournament of the super newbs

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Tournament of the super newbs

Postby tsubodai 2 on Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:52 pm

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if someone could help out. I'm new, in a tournament for super newbs, won first round, won second round, and then for some reason I was eliminated. Usually if you win you advance, right?
Sergeant 1st Class tsubodai 2
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Re: Tournament of the super newbs

Postby Mad777 on Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:12 pm

tsubodai 2 wrote:Hello everyone,

I was wondering if someone could help out. I'm new, in a tournament for super newbs, won first round, won second round, and then for some reason I was eliminated. Usually if you win you advance, right?

The auto-tournament have rules for tied players, you can found it here:

It appears that more that oneplayer had 3 points and I guess the player who registered before you gets the final spot...
".....Under Phucumol treatment....."
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