by Zoebear1 on Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:53 pm
i love this show it will be 1v1 the map is nyc it is in nyc so that's the map
you need a power you can pick you're power any power you want
Flat Rate
Casual (24 hours)
seprify power have all the powers
Sun Tzup power fog
jesterhawk power fire
dustin800 power healing
HighlanderAttack power super speed
madman7 power flying
Dota power time travel
tailwind power force field
red_dragon power metamorphose
Lucifer4o power Telekinesis
plurple power elements
c3po power invisability
warlord06 power mind reading
Lightning-Man power mental exploding
barterer2002 power to have-absorbing other's powers into myself without taking
it from them.
peanutsdad power immortal
JBuce4life sub
slickstick sub
zoebear1 sub
Last edited by
Zoebear1 on Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:50 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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