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Cops and Robbers - 24 Doubles [0/24]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:10 pm
by true2paintball
Crime is very much a matter of perception and to be on top in the world it is wise to take the one percieved as the lesser of two evils.

In this tournament each of you will test merit on the streets of Chicago during the Prohibiton era. Succeed here and take the path of the corrupt cops and live a well-to-do life gambling your dirty money away. Extend your reach to ultimately take on the final battle of nuclear domination and become the World's Ruler (1st).

Fail in Chicago and be thrust into the bowels of the Drug Trade with the only hope being to become Lord of the Underworld (2nd) by overthrowing the overbearing prison system.

Tournament will consist of:

Format: Doubles

Turns: Sequential

Fog of War: Yes

World Ruler & 1st Place
Prohibition Chicago (Win), Poker, Arms Race

Lord of the Underworld & 2nd Place
Prohibition Chicago (Loose), Operation Drug War, Prison Riot

Round 1

Chicago 1
Team A: Highest Combined Score
Team B: 5th highest combined score
Team C: 9th highest combined score

Chicago 2
Team D: 2nd highest combined score
Team E: 6th highest combined score
Team F: 10th highest combined score

Chicago 3
Team G: 3rd highest combined score
Team H: 7th highest combined score
Team I: 11th highest combined score

Chicago 4
Team J: 4th highest combined score
Team K: 8th highest combined score
Team L: Lowest combined score

Round 2

World Ruler Path

Poker 1
Chicago 1 Winner
Chicago 4 Winner

Poker 2
Chicago 2 Winner
Chicago 3 Winner

Lord of the Underworld Path

Drug 1
Chicage 1 Looser
Chicage 4 Looser

Drug 2
Chicago 2 Looser
Chicage 3 Looser

Drug 3
Chicago 2 Looser
Chicage 4 Looser

Drug 4
Chicage 1 Looser
Chicage 3 Looser

Round 3

Arms Race
Poker 1 Winner
Poker 2 Winner

Prison Riot
Drug 1 Winner
Drug 2 Winner
Drug 3 Winner
Drug 4 Winner

World Ruler - Arms Race Winner

Lord of the Underworld - Prison Riot Winner

Re: Cops and Robbers - 24 Doubles [0/24]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:18 pm
by true2paintball
Come one come all, sign up for this spectacular event. Come with a partner or get assigned one. Everyone is welcome!

Re: Cops and Robbers - 24 Doubles [0/24]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:28 pm
by true2paintball
What would make this one interesting to people?

Re: Cops and Robbers - 24 Doubles [0/24]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:11 pm
by Natewolfman
it would be helpfull if you displayed the settings for all games in a more obvious manner, players dont like to go searching for game settings ;)

that aside, perhaps it is the complex nature of the tournament? If this one dosnt work out for you, i would suggest perhaps trying out some more basic tournaments first, then revisiting this once you have some players used to your tournaments. Many players tend to shy away from complex tournaments when the organizer is not very well known. Good luck in filling this!

Re: Cops and Robbers - 24 Doubles [0/24]

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:42 pm
by V.J.
Drags, V.J.

is there gonna be cards?

Re: Cops and Robbers - 24 Doubles [0/24]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:35 am
by Steelhorse