Game settings (all maps): Standard, sequential, flat rate, chained
First Round: 8 groups of 4 players. Each player will play 3 games (league mode). Only the two best players of each group will qualifie for the next round.
Players will be award 1 point for a win. If players are level on points, they will be ranked on the following criteria in order:
- 1 The number of turns needed to defeat the enemies a player who need less number of turns to defeat the enemy is better) This score will appear in brackets.
- 2 Most points earned in matches against other players in the tie
- 3 Turns needed against other palyers in the tie
For example:
- 1 PlayerA 2 (13)
- 2 PlayerB 2 (15)
- 3 PlayerC 2 (21)
- 4 PlayerD 0 (-)
Second round, quarter-finals, semi-finals and final: eliminatory system
First Round: Australia, Africa, South America
Second Round: North America
Quarter-Finals: Europe
Semi-Finals: Asia
Final: Classic
1 Bancado
2 NickJP
3 Lufsen75
4 mulit
5 Terminalcase56
6 lach07
7 Kilazul
8 Dzubson
10 ZjonBelz
11 lumpykiller
12 XsaladX
13 goggles paisano
14 superlopez
15 killukbrisk
16 MuzzaG
17 Revlisd
18 pela666
19 Spinal
20 pempi
21 joshrising
22 *manimal
23 JoshyBoy
24 LB Ninja
25 andyf23
26 kirstylouise
27 markec
28 pebble
29 tdaloisio
30 Synthespian
31 kevlove102
32 plurple
1 monster14
2 ncardoso
3 XiaoYu
p=played w=won t=turns
*manimal VS XsaladX Game 2720615
JoshyBoy VS lumpykiller Game 2720625
lach07 VS killukbrisk Game 2720687
superlopez VS Terminalcase56 Game 2720679
MuzzaG VS andyf23 Game 2720711
goggles paisano VS Dzubson Game 2720717
markec VS pempi Game 2720722
Kilazul VS kevlove102 Game 2720724
LFAW VS monster14 game ???
kirstylouise VS pebble Game 2720732
NickJP VS Lufsen75 Game 2720736
pela666 VS joshrising Game 2720744
ZjonBelz VS Spinal Game 2720752
plurple VS Bancado Game 2720757
LB Ninja VS Revlisd Game 2720771
tdaloisio VS Synthespian Game 2720781
*manimal VS JoshyBoy Game 2727090
XsaladX VS lumpykiller Game 2727101
lach07 VS superlopez Game 2727110
killukbrisk VS Terminalcase56 Game 2727112
MuzzaG VS goggles paisano Game 2727119
andyf23 VS Dzubson Game 2727131
markec VS Kilazul Game 2727137
pempi VS kevlove102 Game 2727147
LFAW VS kirstylouise Game 2727152
monster14 VS pebble game ???
NickJP VS pela666 Game 2727167
Lufsen75 VS joshrising Game 2727169
ZjonBelz VS plurple Game 2727173
Spinal VS Bancado Game 2727178
LB Ninja VS tdaloisio Game 2727185
Revlisd VS Synthespian Game 2727190
South America
*manimal VS lumpykiller Game 2751567
XsaladX VS JoshyBoy Game 2751574
lach07 VS Terminalcase56 Game 2751580
killukbrisk VS superlopez Game 2751583
MuzzaG VS Dzubson Game 2751607
andyf23 VS goggles paisano Game 2751610
markec VS kevlove102 Game 2751634
pempi VS Kilazul Game 2751638
LFAW VS pebble Game 2751644
monster14 VS kirstylouise game ???
NickJP VS joshrising Game 2751658
Lufsen75 VS pela666 Game 2751672
ZjonBelz VS Bancado Game 2751678
Spinal VS plurple Game 2751684
LB Ninja VS Synthespian Game 2751691
Revlisd VS tdaloisio Game 2751696
2 round
goggles paisano VS Kilazul Game 2848967
ZjonBelz VS LB Ninja Game 2848971
superlopez VS lumpykiller Game 2848977
kevlove102 VS andyf23 Game 2848980
NickJP VS pebble Game 2848983
Synthespian VS Bancado Game 2848987
kirstylouise VS Lufsen75 Game 2848990
JoshyBoy VS Terminalcase56 Game 2868402