by wpg27offsuit on Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:10 am
Requirements: You will need to keep 2 game spots open to play in this tournament
Concept: This is going to be one of the hardest tournaments to win - I guarantee it. To win - you need to be the person at the end of the tournament with the LOWEST score. (just like in golf). Score will be determined by number of "extra" armies at the end of each game. You are allowed 1 army per territory you occupy. So, say you win the game, and you occupy 65 Territories, and you have a total of 90 armies on the board. Your score would be 25 (90-65=25).
Winner of game score calculated by:
Total Armies - Total Countries occupied = Final Score
2nd Place - First Place score + 10
3rd Place - First Place Score + 20
4th Place - First Place Score + 30
To help you in your conquest, ALL games will be No Cards - Chained Forts, Sunny, and sequential play (no point having extra armies when they will only increase your end score now is there).
I am keeping this tournament small - as its just a trial run on a concept. Assuming it is as successful as I hope it will be - I will launch golf tournament #2 with a much larger group. That being said - this tournament is limited to 16 players - 2 reserves.
The 16 players will be divided into 4 groups of 4 - Unlike real golf - your 4-some will change every hole - so each map you play will have a different set of players to play against.
We will play 2 games / week - over a 9 week span.
Here is the course:
REMEMBER: All games are NO CARDS / Chained / Sunny / Sequential
Par Score Calculations
Par score calculated by # of territories per map divided by 2 (so essentially you are allowed 1.5 armies per territory at the end of each game to make par). Except Age of realms. divided by 4 (1.25 armies / territory) as you start those games with only 1 territory, and you do not need to conquer the entire map to win the game.
Week #1
Hole #1 - Classic Map (Par: 24)
Hole #2 - Doodle Earth (Par: 9)
Week #2
Hole #3 - Arctic Map (Par: 24)
Hole #4 - British Isles (Par: 24)
Week #3
Hole #5 - Ireland (Par: 16)
Hole #6 - Australia (Par: 18)
Week #4
Hole #7 - Duck & Cover (Par: 12)
Hole #8 - 8 Thoughts (Par: 21)
Week #5
Hole #9 - Age Of Realms 1 (Par: 23)
Hole #10 - Age Of Realms 2 (Par: 23)
Week #6
Hole #11 - Netherlands (Par: 17)
Hole #12 - WWII - Iwo Jima (Par: 18)
Week #7
Hole #13 - USA (Par: 21)
Hole #14 - Canada (Par: 21)
Week #8
Hole #15 - Portugal (Par: 18)
Hole #16 - Feudal War (Par: 20)
Week #9
Hole #17 - Age Of Realms 3 (Par: 25)
Hole #18 - World Map 2.1 (Par: 57)
Week 1 Draws
Group 1.......... Group 2.............. Group 3............. Group 4
Game # 2596383 Game # 2596395 .. Game # 2596397... Game # 2596399
1. Negoeien......... 1.Trillian........... 1. Dazoot............ 1. Lagger-no-1
2. grant.gordon.....2. Blockhead15..... 2. Madman7........ 2. RedBaron0
3. HappyCamper... 3. Lach07............3. Kilazul............ 3. Wpg27OffSuit
4. Woodsy24........ 4. BobbyChan...... 4. Revlisd........... 4. Poptartpsycho18
Doodle Earth
Group 1.......... Group 2.............. Group 3............. Group 4
Game # 2596406 Game # 2596408 ... Game # 2596410 ..Game # 2596412
1. Woodsy24........ 1. grant.gordon..... 1. Kilazul.............1. Lagger-no-1
2. poptartpsycho18. 2. Revlisd............ 2. RedBaron0....... 2. BobbyChan
3. Wpg27OffSuit... 3. HappyCamper..... 3. Blockhead15..... 3. Lach07
4. Madman7......... 4. Dazoot............ 4. Negoeien......... 4. Trillian
Games for hole 1 and 2 have been created - PM's have been sent. Check your mail and good luck
Last edited by
wpg27offsuit on Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:31 pm, edited 24 times in total.
"Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So, this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you might as well pack it in. Game over."
Highest Points: 1603