by lord voldemort on Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:19 am
This will be a winner take all tournament, Prize 1 year free membership to cc….
How its gonna work
Lukes - Keiths31, Soundout9, DukeToshiro, Wendt100
Obi Wans – Risktaker17 ,Luckyderus, rheostatic sir stiefel
Yodas – Lord Voldemort, BagwellTheGreat, Strider24, xen cobra
Mace Windus - Bald Adonis, Klupar, Kyle Trite, zero23
Anakin/darth Vaders - Rocketry, MasterMind, hrvat, UselessTriviaMan
Darth sidious/emperors – Negeoeien, dominationnation, 1llusion, gameplayer
Darth Mauls – Ariel Attack, freezie, Jedlueds, MarVal
Count Dooks - jrhulk950, rahimj_27, elloeverybody!, zemlajinin
Good Guys
Hans Solo – Risky_Stud, Gilligan, Marshall Law, Bones2484
Chewbacca – peuni, vykinsfan64, Fo Sho, dresdensooner
Padme - pimphawks70, dragon dor, insomniacdude, rebelman
Princess Leia – fireearth, pcstraub, mali, riazor
Bad guys
Nute Gunray - Ghost_Rider, Infincy, StrG8611, jedimicah
Grand Moff Tarkin - hschroed78, frood. Khan Kast, LLC22
Jabba the hutt - oakleyshole, goggles paisano, misterman10, KidWhisky
General Grevious - thekidstrumpet, lucifer4o, drum91, Windparson
Under Each character there will be 4 players.
This means 64 players are required…63 minus me
Round 1 will determine who is the best Hans solo who is the best Yoda etc
To determine this you will play four 4 player games. The maps for these 4 matches will be one game on every persons fav map. (post this when joining)
In round 1 you will be rewarded 3 points for a win 2 points for 2nd 1 point for 3rd 0 points for 4th.
Whoever has highest points advances to represent that character!!
Round 2 is to determine the best of your groups JEDI’s SITHs GOOD GUYS and BAD GUYs
To determine this you will play four 4 player games. The maps for these 4 matches will be one game on every persons fav map. (post this when joining)
In round 2 you will be rewarded 3 points for a win 2 points for 2nd 1 point for 3rd 0 points for 4th.
The person with the most points moves through to the final
The final is to determine the best star wars character.
The final will be a strait out terminator match on world 2.1
Whoever knocks out the most people wins. (in the event that 3 people get 1 knock out each then the match will be replayed)
Yer, all matches are seq (apart from final) flat rate unlimited no fog of war.
Anyone can join but I ask that non premium members have 2 spots dedicated to this tournament.
NB this also wont start til it is round 2 of my other tournament harry potter versus lord of the rings. Which should be in about a week…but still join anyway
tournament is now full!!
Last edited by
lord voldemort on Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:40 am, edited 10 times in total.