by Tieryn on Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:30 am
Conquer Club Ashes
This is a game for the Ashes trophy, and as such it is a game of homelands, and it is between Australia and the Mother Land.
I ask that all players be from Australia or England and play in their respective teams.
Each team has 11 players and 2 reserves, Australia vs England.
Each player will select a member of the two teams. Each player will be a batsman or a bowler.
If someone who has more current cricket knowledge could fill in the names of the players in each of these positions that would be really cool
The Ashes is made up of Five Test Matches
A Test match is made up of Four Innings
An Innings is made up of 10 Games.
All games will be Doubles, Sequential
Each round will have 10 Games
Alternating Batting and Bowling.
Every Elimination by a batting team is worth 25 runs.
A win is worth an extra 25 runs.
Every Elimination by a bowling team is worth -10 runs for the batter
Every win is worth -5 extra runs for the batter.
+75 for a win with both batters alive (+75)
+65 for a win with one batter alive (+75-10)
+5 for a loss with one bowler dead (+25-20)
-25 for a loss with no bowlers dead (-25)
Feel free to use cricket jargon in the conversation of the game...
-invade- OOH I've hit him for SIX!
-bad dice- Damn, nicked it.
Australia Bat - England Bowl
Wicket 1 - Aust Bat 1/2 - Vs Eng Bwl 1/2
Wicket 2 - Aust Bat 1/3 - vs Eng Bwl 2/3
Wicket 3 - Aust Bat 1/4 - vs Eng Bwl 3/4
Wicket 4 - Aust Bat 1/5 - vs Eng Bwl 4/5
Wicket 5 - Aust Bat 2/3 - vs Eng Bwl 5/1
Wicket 6 - Aust Bat 2/4 - vs Eng Bwl 1/3
Wicket 7 - Aust Bat 2/5 - vs Eng Bwl 2/4
Wicket 8 - Aust Bat 3/4 - vs Eng Bwl 3/5
Wicket 9 - Aust Bat 3/5 - vs Eng Bwl 4/1
Wicket 10 - Aust Bat 4/5 - vs Eng Bwl 5/2
So it works out: All batters and bowlers get 4 games.
(Any Hattricks by an indiviual will be well cheered (3 wins))
Then we swap over for the next innings and England Bats and Australia Bowls.
Then we do it again, and again again. And tally up the scores.
A team must win 3 test matches to take the Ashes
(but we will play all five regardless)
While the batters are batting, the bowlers are watching.
While the bowlers are bowling, the batters are watching.
The keepers are always active, a little.
I'll keep a running tally of the scores as each game is completed.
eg "245/6" (245, 6 games completed/wickets lost)
Each Test Match will be held at a different "location"
All locations are Doubles and Sequential
Test 1 - England, Flat, Unlimited
Test 2 - England, Flat, Chained
Test 3 - Australia, Flat, Unlimited
Test 4 - Australia, Flat, Chained
Test 5 - England, Escalating, Adjacent (it's the tricky one!)
We will also record Individual scoring and bowling records and provide statistics
(I hope, unless that becomes ridiculous.... but I'll try)
Last edited by
Tieryn on Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:43 am, edited 10 times in total.