so with the NFL season getting closer to starting i would like to run a turny that plays along during the NFL season what im looking at is a tournament with a max of 32 players. when you sign up you state what NFL team you want to represent and name you home map and settings. on large maps if trench is selected it is recommended to choose a turn limit(example of large map would be hive)
the way this is going to work is once the games start each teams schedule will match the schedule of the team they choose so if your team has a bye in week 3 then you will get a pass in your 3rd game. I will be splitting the teams up exactly as the nfl dose it ie AFC North,East,South,West and NFC North,East,South,West
12 people will eventually move on to the playoffs
the way the play offs and "superbowl" will work is the top 2 people from each AFC and NFC will get a bye in the week 1 playoffs, the 4th and 5th ranked teams will face off on the 4th ranked persons home field, the 3rd and 6th ranked will face off on the 3rd rank persons homefield, winners of both move on. in week 2 of play offs winner of 4th and 5th will face the 1st rank person on the 1st ranked persons homefield, the winner of the 3rd and 6th rank teams will face the #2 on there home field, in both AFC. in the 3rd week of the play offs the winner of those previous games will face off on the higher ranking players home field. finally in the "Superbowl" the 2 winning players from the prior week will face off on the following settings
map-Random Standard Automatic Zombie Adjacent Fog
once a game starts they a person will have 2 days to join, if they do not join then they forfeit the game and counts as a loss if a person misses more then 3 games i will look for a replacement.
this is open for ALL players freemium and preemium,ill start the week 1 games and send invites as soon as i get a chance, then as peoples week 1 games finish i will start week 2 games and send invites for those so it may end up that some are playing week 3 games while others are playing week 2 however playoff games will NOT be started until EVERYONE has finished all there games up to there.
when you sign up list what team you wish to represent AND your home game map/settings List of teams taken owners map and settings