by TheFissk on Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:19 pm
as you may or more likely may not know the 40th parliment of canada was dissolved today and Canadians are going to the polls on the 2nd of May. to recognize this i will hold a tourney based off the election. you will choose to represent one of the four major political parties in Canada (Conservatives, Liberals, New Democratic Party (NDP), and the Green Party. 77 openings in each) and will hold one of the 308 seats in Canada's parliment. all games will be played on Canada of course.
show: settings
all games will have 4 players on Canada with auto, free, esc, unl, and clear. game type will depend on the round (see below)
show: Round 1
you play 10 games of Round Robin Terminator games against 3 other players from the other parties every point you gain is considered a "vote" gained and every point you lose is considered "votes" lost. the party with the most "votes" is considered the winner of the 1st round and continues to the next roundTHE SCORING SYSTEM is so important it is all caps Winning the Game: 300 votesEliminating an Opponent: 200 VotesEliminating an Opponent but not winning the game: -100 votes per playerBeing Eliminated: -100 votes note: everyone starts with 1000 points so the lowest possible amount is 0 points Example player A wins the game and eliminates player B = 500 Votes (winning the game + eliminating an opponent) player b eliminates players B & C but is eliminated by A = 100 votes (Eliminating an Opponent - Eliminating an Opponent but not winning the game - Being Eliminated) Players B & C both are eliminated = -100 votes each (Being Eliminated) now for the exciting part the single player with the most votes after round one will get a GA MEDAL!!!! in the case of a tie the player on the team that does best wins, if that doesn't solve it then if the two players met the one who did best in that game wins (eliminated last or winner), if that fails then it will be 1v1, 1v1v1, 1v1v1v1 ect, using the second rounds settings winner gets it.
show: Round 2
the 9 lowest scorers from the previous round on the winning party's caucus (team) will be eliminated from the contetion leaving only the 64 best to compete to become PRIME MINISTER (for the girls - Ministress??). it will be a single elimination bracket with the winner advancing. all games will be 4 player free-for-all on canada (64 in the first round 16 in the 2nd and 4 in the last
show: players
Conservatives 1. GhoStedar 2. MattiWacklin 3. Ickyketseddie 4. crazycolin Liberals 1. uk massive 2. spartacus65 3. Tomod NDP 1. chapcrap 2. qwertylpc 3. ScottD Green Party 1. DJENRE 2. Hank44Soccer 3. theheadholes 4. rmjw10 5. mickunited333 6. Ish123 7. slickstick 8. Gabriel13 9. zissou2
Freemiums are welcome
Last edited by
TheFissk on Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:38 am, edited 22 times in total.