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Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 double (1-8) (0-2)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:59 am
by jameschamp15
Jameschamp's PGA tour2 Double

O this game will be held Random Maps.Freemiums and Premiums can all join.This wil be double teams so get a friend.must atleast have 1space open at all times.

The first round wil be 4 games agenst each other one who wins the most out of 4 gose on.
Then round 2 wil also consist of 4games same as the last round
Round3 you wil need to win best out of 3 match
then the finall 2 groups wil play for the finall 3 games to see who wins

-flat rates
-fog of war

1.LFAW and Ryall55


Re: Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 (0-16) (0-2)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:00 am
by jameschamp15
i wil be joining ass soon as i find a partner

Re: Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 double (0-16) (0-2)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:40 pm
by Night Strike
Are "rounds" supposed to be games against the same team? So a best of 3 series before advancing? If so, you're making the first 3 rounds be best of 3 games then just best of 1 game for the final? There are too many things that need to be straightened out before being added to the database.

Re: Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 double (0-16) (0-2)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:17 am
by jameschamp15
just fixed it hope its right

Re: Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 double (0-16) (0-2)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:34 am
LFAW and Ryall55, in :)

Re: Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 double (1-8) (0-2)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:14 pm
by jameschamp15
your in

Re: Jameschamp15's PGA tour2 double (1-8) (0-2)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:33 pm
by Night Strike
So the first round is 4 games but the team that wins the most advances? What happens if both teams win 2? And you have 4 rounds but eliminating a team every round and only starting with only 8 teams means you only have 3 rounds worth of eliminations.