Team BenKenobie vs. Team Superkeener
*40 total player. 2 teams of 20.
*Players will be placed on either Team BenKenobie or Team Superkeener based on rank at time of signup.
*In each round, games will vary between Standard (1v1), Doubles, Triples, and Quads, each player will play one game per round
*Settings will vary, all games will be Sequential and Automatic Initial Troops
*Map and settings will be determined by team leader and team members prior to each round. Half of games will be played with Team BenKenobie's map/settings, and the other half with Team superkeener's map/settings.
Players will be eliminated after receiving 3 losses. If an entire team is completely eliminated, the remaining players will go against each other until there is one player remaining and they will get the tournament trophy.
There will be dialogue between the team leader (superkeener or BenKenobie) and the team members to determine game placements and map/settings for each round. (Sorry, but BenKenobie and I will not be playing in the tournament, just supporting our respective teams.
Round 1-3:[/b]
Round 4+:
Player List: