Mosconi cup is a nine ball pool tourni played between the USA and EUROPE .
It is a 21 game tourni , the first team to 11 wins .
Now the MOds won't let me have a tourni in which half the players get a tourni award , so i have had to extend it , and Nightstrike and i have agreed to a 6 player event with 4 teams minimum. The winner will be the team with the most wins against the others , in event of a tie , it will go on the amount of rounds taken to win , the fewer the better
Teams at the moment will be
I will see how these fill up , if someone has a better option drop me a line ( i am currently considering putting in a team consisting of scottish players for example .
the tourni itself will consist of 21 games ( though all 21 might not get played as it is first to 11
2 quad games
2 triple games
6 double games
11 1 v 1 games
the teams must appoint a captain , he will be the one responsible for giving me the line up per game , but please note this is not a recruiting tourni , don't post that you want team usa and go and find players , it will be first come first served
The maps will be the same as the team , eg usa will play on the usa , so if they are playing Europe , the 2 boards in that game will be usa and europe