by sd031091 on Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:11 pm
Not that it's any of my business but you don't need to post your day by day schedule. I don't want to bash you, as you've been hit pretty hard already (and it's really hard to pick on someone when I haven't worked on my own tournament since September), but let me make another 'suggestion'. Don't include petty details like I'll be at the hospital for two more hours. The majority of people don't care what you're doing on a daily basis. So long as you let them know you're updating and so long as you actually update everyone should be happy.
PS. I'm not in. Sorry, but I'm already in a lot of tournaments ATM and I have my own to work on as well.
PPS. If you ever want a grammar/spell checker just PM me (and I HIGHLY recommend you do at least go over it on your own). It can be a real turn off if someone spells a lot of words incorrectly.
"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."