Sorry for the big delay as I've been busy lately. The standings and matchup lists will be updated tomorrow and the games will be sent out by tomorrow, if not sunday at the latest. Thank you for your patience!
Hey guys, sorry for the delay again. I only have one more regents and the actual school year is already over, YAY! Haha, so basically, once I get this back on track, I should be able to keep up with it quite easily as I'll have much more time. Sorry guys, but I hope now we can have some more fun. Scoreboard and Round 2 match-ups are updated. Will send games for Round 2 soon. UPDATED!
Hey, everyone. The last games for round 2 are going on now. I will try to update the standings once we get closer to finishing the round so that you can check to see who you might play. Remember that you need to place top 2 to move on to rounds 3. Good luck to all of those still in it and have fun.