by SuicidalSnowman on Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:58 am
Wow seriously. If you don't like the tourny, don't join. There is no need for constant flaming. Maybe some constructive criticism.
Grim, I don't know you too well man, and I have never run a tourny myself, but here are some things I have picked up.
1) Have a reason for your tournament/settings. Why is the second round assassin and FoW? Even if it is just because you think it sounds fun, people respond to this kind of stuff.
2) I get the idea you want to have a 300 Spartans tournament more than a 300 post tournament. So make it that! Maybe you can put in a notice: On such and such date, I will divide everyone signed up into groups of six, and we will start with less than 300 if necessary. Unless you really want 300 people that bad. Its going to be a ton of work.
3) If you Uncle is in and out of the hospital right now, maybe its not a good time for a huge tourny. You have important family business to take care of that is obviously (and well should be) more important than CC. Go be there with your family, and when you are ready, re-start this.
4) You have low attendance. It would really help people if you found someone else to help, like "In my abscence so and so will run the tournament" You are in a really good clan, see if someone there will help you.
5) Most tournament organizers say in the first post "What I say goes." Come out and say it, don't hide it in small fine print. Seriously, this is why I can't get into something like this. You can't just say it? You have to trick us with terms and fine print? What are you, a cell phone company? This is CC, say it outloud, and let people make a decision.
Good luck man, I hope this works out for you. Like I said, I have never run a tourny myself so I am no expert, but I think some of this stuff is pretty basic and applies. Let me know if you run another tourny in the future, I will sign up for it.