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CC Objective Games [Abandoned]

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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby ronsizzle on Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:55 am

bruno fountain wrote:Well played you may have won that game but I thought that round was about territory ocupation not about winning the map. So I think others in that game will score more points for the territory they had. I could be wrong though well played a win is still good.

no, you are right. i just couldnt get much done in the game, so i ended it.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:39 am

ronc8649 wrote:
bruno fountain wrote:Well played you may have won that game but I thought that round was about territory ocupation not about winning the map. So I think others in that game will score more points for the territory they had. I could be wrong though well played a win is still good.

no, you are right. i just couldnt get much done in the game, so i ended it.

Both good points. Ronc8649 was in control, and already doing well on the scoreboard, might have been smart to not allow the other players to get set up.

On the other hand, someone is still getting first place out of this one, and as Bruno points out, if instead of attacking Ron he ended up with a few more territories, it might pay off in the end.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am glad to see that you guys are thinking outside the box, and using different strategies to work with the different rules of this tournament. When this is all said and done, I am going to ask for some feedback on which rules and settings worked and which didn't, since this is the first time (that I know of) that something like this has been run.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:47 am

ROUND 5 game are out! Please join on up! Also, the rules are a little confusing, so I will post a brief explanation.

The scoring is pretty similar to the last one, it is all about getting territories. So if you understand the object of the Oasis game, you should be fine here.

The main difference, is that in Oasis (Round 4), you are ranked against each other. So there can only be 1 first place, 1 second place, 1 third, etc. If A has 6 territories, and B has 7, B gets first, A gets second.

In Round 5, on Forbidden City, there are scoring 'levels' or standards. Based on the percentage of territories you own, you can get:
<12.5% = 0
<25% = 1
< 37.5% = 2
< 50 % = 3
< 62.5% = 4
< 75% = 5
< 100% = 6
100% = 8

Note that this is your peak percentage, so the highest percentage you get during the game, even if you end up being eliminated and having 0. But, if Player A has a peak of 55% of territories, and Player B has 58%, in this game they both get 3 points for the tournament. Effectively, they tie, even though Player B did a little bit better.

Round 2 still has one game ongoing.

Round 4 has only one game finished. Also, it was correctly pointed out by Mr. BlinkadyBlink that a Round 4 game got deleted somehow. Since it was Thanksgiving, and on top of that I was gone for a week with finals, I take credit for it, no penalties. I restarted the game, and will be checking tomorrow about this time to see how the joining is going.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:09 am

Checked all the games, Bruno Fountain got a reminder to join his Round 5 game, otherwise we are good. Round 2 game is still ongoing. Round 4 moving along slowly, except for one game.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby bruno fountain on Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:51 am

Sorry I missed the first invite. Not quite sure what happened to miss it probably went straight to the pub after work it is the christmas season and random nights out are cropping up regularly.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:57 pm

Its ok, I see you got in, no worries.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby k!ll on Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:04 pm

im in.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:25 pm

Just poking to let you all know I am still running this. Working on updating scores, preparing for Round 6, etc.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:00 am

Game from Round 2 is STILL underway! I never thought it would last so long.

I have scored 2 of the 3 completed games from Round 4. Players in each game have received a PM about the scoring. If you wish, double check my numbers. The last game will be scored soon.

That is all for now.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 1+3

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:18 pm

All of Round 4 is scored. Please verify your score, they will be going final in the next few days!
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 4 Adding Soon!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:35 pm

Just a final reminder, if I don't here from people shortly, then Round 4 scores are going in the books!
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Scores from Round 4

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:08 pm

Round 4 Scores
8 Points

6 Points
General Flashman
Evil Semp
bruno fountain

5 Points

4 Points

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Having received no objections to any of my scoring, these are the scores earned from Round 4.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 4 Adding Soon!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:11 pm

STANDINGS (Scores from Rounds 1,3,4)

Beckytheblondie 25

jammyjames 23
General Flashman 23

spidey 22
gubarretto 22
bigjumbo 22

ronc8649 21

pepeatila 20

zivel 18
Ryall55 18
blinkadyblink 18

pilot16 17

ubersky 16
manc 16
fairman 16

tobikera 15
babagonosh 15

OliverFA 14
mongbane 14
dean00 14

SuicidalSnowman 13
Solider4Christ 13
musteriuz 13

squishyg 11
Magneto_acolyte 11
jielking 11

Evil Semp 10
DBandit70 10
ceetar 10

-=-Tanarri-=- 9

dieforasandwich 8

jug68 7

bruno fountain 6

Nicho 5
Lukerleader 5
Adam666 5

JimRocky 4
barterer2002 4

Jobiwan 3

s_uperdave 1
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 4 Adding Soon!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:33 pm


Round 4 has concluded, and the scores and standings have been updated!

Some highlights:

First of all, a big congratulations to the Adam666, bruno fountain, JimRocky, Jobiwan, and s_uperdave for getting their first points and getting rid of the big goose eggs after their names! =D>

In Round 4, the top performers were Beckytheblondie, pepeatila, babagonosh, dean00, and Magneto_acolyte. Each won their games by having the largest number of regions owned. They created a prolific presence across the desert. Babaganoush also deserves recognition for having the highest score from the last round with 48 territories owned! That is 9 over the next closest! No points, but a round of applause for your fine effort. =D> =D> =D> =D>

This round was interesting, because of the decay on all the desert territories. While it is useful to spread yourself around, losing an army per turn created a higher cost. Some players held the Oasis territories, and then waited until the end of the game to make a run across as many territories as possible. Other players simply went for broke. Some players captured as many territories as possible each round, left them undefended, and then tried to re-capture them the next round.

Other notables:

We have a new leader in BeckytheBlondie with 25 points! A solid 8 points from the last round were key. Jammyjames and GeneralFlashman are also both right in the hunt with 23 points. They scored 5 and 6 points in Round 4, both very solid performances.

Spidey, gubarreto, and bigjumbo are only 3 points behind the leader. Bigjumbo had his first bad score in Round 4, only earning 1 point, but is still up there from some good earlier rounds.

Remember, everyone is playing all the rounds, and the last rounds have opportunities for large point swings. Everyone is still in this tournament. Also, there are always bragging rights! For instance, spots 9 through 29 are separated by only 8 points!

***Organizer note***
Thanks to everyone for making this so much fun! This tournament is a large project, and you guys are making it awesome.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 4 Adding Soon!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:36 pm

Ok, I am going to begin sending out Round 6 games. Its not going to happen all at once, because everyone needs to get a PM with their secret target. Also I have to make up and write all this stuff down. But as I get them done I will put them out.
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Re: CC Objective Games Standings Round 4 Adding Soon!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:27 pm

First two games of Round 6 running.

Next two sent out.

Good stuff.
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:15 pm

Ok, all games are out, except for the people playing in my game. You will all be receiving a few PMs in the next day or so...
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:40 pm

I know I just got my PM with my secret target!

Round 6 should be all set to go now. If anyone has any problems, let me know. I am going to start hunting down my target! I also might be looking to block someone else's target!!! Muahahaha.

Seriously, a round of applause for Amazzony for helping us all out! =D> =D> =D> =D>
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby Tobikera on Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:24 am

In round 6, if you take out your secret target, do you get another one (e.g., your target's target), or do you just hang in there until round 21, avoiding being eliminated by your personal terminator? Apologies if this is a repeat question and I didn't see the response. :?
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:37 am

Tobikera wrote:In round 6, if you take out your secret target, do you get another one (e.g., your target's target), or do you just hang in there until round 21, avoiding being eliminated by your personal terminator? Apologies if this is a repeat question and I didn't see the response. :?

This is a good question!

You only have 1 target. You may hang around until round 21, which prevents whomever has you as a target from earning points, or, since you already have +10, may take out other targets to prevent other people from scoring.

Or just build for a few rounds. Or you can try and protect someone from getting killed. Or you can just kill everyone.

But each person has only 1 Target they may kill for points in this round.

On a side note, while I think this round is the most interesting game type so far, it is also the one I think needs the most re-working if I ever do it again.
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:47 pm

I had another question I wanted to answer. Someone asked what they should do it someone else kills their target.

The answer is, it is entirely up to you. As stated before, you do not get another target. You could try to kill someone else's target, to prevent them from getting more points. Or you could make sure you survive, thereby preventing someone from getting points for killing you.

You can also try to make sure other people cannot kill their own targets by protecting them.

Finally, keep in mind that after round 20, I am not scoring the game. So once round 21 rolls around, you can kill anyone you want.
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby Beckytheblondie on Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:44 pm

2011-11-07 14:19:43 - StinknLincoln: whoa, what happened?
2011-11-07 14:19:50 - Beckytheblondie: Becky happened
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:18 pm

Beckytheblondie wrote:ROUND 2 FINALLY DONE!

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen, I had a late night last night, a long day today, and an early day tomorrow, but sometime tomorrow I will add these scores in.
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:28 pm

Round 2 Scores!

Mongbane: 8
JammyJames: 8
BrunoFountain: 8
Ronc8649: 6
Barterer2002: 6
Tobikera: 6
Beckythelbondie: 4
OliverFA: 4
Jug68: 2
Soldier4Christ: 2
pepAtila: 2
gubaretto: 2
SuicidalSnowman: 2
Bigjumbo: 2
Dean00: 2
Blinkadyblink: 2

If your name is not listed, you did not kill anyone in Round 2 (Great Lakes Map) and therefore did not score any points.
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Re: CC Objective Games Round 6! Diplomacy!

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:36 pm

Updated Scores:

jammyjames 31

Beckytheblondie 29

ronc8649 27

gubarretto 24
bigjumbo 24

General Flashman 23

spidey 22
pepeatila 22
mongbane 22

tobikera 21

blinkadyblink 20

zivel 18
Ryall55 18
OliverFA 18

pilot16 17

ubersky 16
manc 16
fairman 16
dean00 16

SuicidalSnowman 15
Solider4Christ 15
babagonosh 15

bruno fountain 14

musteriuz 13
-=-Tanarri-=- 13

squishyg 11
Magneto_acolyte 11
jielking 11

Evil Semp 10
DBandit70 10
ceetar 10
barterer2002 10

jug68 9

dieforasandwich 8

Nicho 5
Lukerleader 5
Adam666 5

JimRocky 4

Jobiwan 3

s_uperdave 1
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