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The War of the Ring [Scenario I]

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The War of the Ring [Scenario I]

Postby milner94 on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:07 pm

This is a Middle Earth based tournament, in which players take the side of either Good or Evil and fight for their side. The players then take place in scenarios relevant to the story-line of The Lord of the Rings. Whichever team has the most points (awarded for the winning games) will win the tournament. Therefore this tournament has a large element of teamwork and as such will involve doubles, triples, quadruples and 1v1s only.

WARNING: This is a tournament for teamwork. It is expected that you communicate with your teammates to discuss tactics. Although not mandatory, it will make the game a more interesting experience.

Freemiums are welcome, and only need one slot.

All games will be Freestyle, reflecting the chaos of war.

Game settings for all scenarios will be Standard, Flat Rate, Chained, Sunny.

All games will (for obvious reasons) be played on the Middle Earth map.

The story-line will be based primarily on the films.

For games, players will be seeded to have the best players teamed up with the worst players etc. This will make games fairly evenly balanced in terms of skill.

Now pick Good or Evil, and help decide who will win the War of the Ring!

Current scenario: Scenario I - Weathertop
Good total score: 2
Evil total score: 1
Last edited by milner94 on Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:08 am, edited 19 times in total.
Cook milner94
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Postby milner94 on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:08 pm

Frodo Baggins has come into possession of the One Ring, a ring of power forged by the dark lord Sauron that gave him immense power. Sauron, although defeated, could not be destroyed while the ring existed, and now he is amassing an army in Mordor to conquer all of Middle Earth! The only hope is for a desperate mission into Mordor and throw the ring into the fires from whence it came - Mount Doom!

Scenario I: Weathertop
Aragorn must fight off the Witch-king to protect the Hobbits.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario II: Moria - Balin's Tomb
The Fellowship must fight off hordes of goblins and a lumbering Cave Troll!
Doubles, each win worth 2 points.

Scenario III: Moria - The Bridge of Khazad-Dum
Gandalf faces off against the fearsome Balrog, allowing the Fellowship time to escape. But who will win this mighty conflict?
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario IV: Amon Hen
Boromir, corrupted by the ring, tries to take it from Frodo. Meanwhile a group of Uruk-Hai ambush the fellowship to try and take it for themselves.
Doubles, each win worth 2 points.

Scenario V: Ambush at Fangorn
The Uruk-Hai, having captured Merry and Pippin, make their way towards Orthanc, and stop by Fangorn Forest. Eomer and his exiled Riders of Rohan ambush the Uruk-Hai while they camp.
Doubles, each win worth 2 points.

Scenario VI: The Passage of the Marshes
Frodo and Sam, guided by the twisted creature Gollum, make their way across the Dead Marshes, ever closer to Mordor. Meanwhile, Nazgul on their Fell-Beast ride the skies, searching for the Ringbearer.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario VII: Helms Deep - The Deeping Wall
Saruman's army advance on Rohan, and Theoden and his men make a stand at Helms Deep. A battalion of elves has arrived to help the Rohirrim. Can the forces of Rohan prevail?
Triples, each win worth 3 points.

Scenario VIII: Helms Deep - The Hornburg
Theoden, Aragorn and the men of Rohan retreat into the Hornburg - Helms Deep's stronghold. Will they be able to hold out against the forces of the White Hand until Gandalf and Eomer arrive?
Triples, each win worth 3 points.

Scenario IX: The Spoiling of Isengard
Merry and Pippin have persuaded Treebeard and the Ents to help in the war. The Ents march on Isengard, reducing it to rubble, but Saruman locks himself in the pillar of Orthanc and even the strength of the Ents cannot destroy it.
Doubles, each win worth 2 points.

Scenario X: Ambush in Ithilien
Faramir and his Rangers of Gondor have found Frodo, Sam and Gollum in Ithilien, bordering Gondor. A troop of Haradrim arrive from the south, along with a mighty Mumak! Faramir and his men ambush the force, taking down the beast.
Doubles, each win worth 2 points.

Scenario XI: The Defense of Osgiliath
Sauron's forces attack Osgiliath, and Faramir and the Gondorian force fight bravely, but are forced to retreat in the face of Fell-Beast.
Triples, each win worth 3 points.

Scenario XII: The Path of the Dead
Aragorn accepts his role as the heir of Isilidur and takes the Path of the Dead with Legolas and Gimli. There, Aragorn summons the Army of the Dead to fulfill their broken oath to Isilidur.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario XIII: Shelob's Lair
Frodo and Sam must find a way over the mountains into Mordor. Gollum leads them into Cirith Ungol, a pass haunted by a giant spider named Shelob.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario XIV: The Battle of the Pelennor
Sauron's army launches its assault on Middle Earth, attacking Gondor outside Minas Tirith on the fields of the Pelennor. Meanwhile, Lord Denethor, Steward of Gondor, goes mad and tries to burn himself and his son, Faramir, on a pyre.
Quadruples, each win worth 4 points.

Scenario XV: The Siege of Minas Tirith
The enemy have broken through the great gates of Minas Tirith, and are pillaging and burning the beautiful city. Gandalf leads the men of Gondor against the orcs, but on the horizon, a herd of Mumakil appear!
Quadruples, each win worth 4 points.

Scenario XVI: The Tower of Cirith Ungol
Frodo has been captured by the orcs from the tower in Cirith Ungol. Sam must evade them and rescue Frodo, although at the same time, a civil war is breaking out between two groups of orcs.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario XVII: The Ride of the Rohirrim
Theoden, Eomer and the Riders of Rohan arrive on the Pelennor, and lead a heroic charge against the Mumakil. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and the Army of the Dead arrive in an enemy ship up the river, and surprise all the orcs. The Dead cut a swathe through Sauron's army - could Gondor win this fight?
Triples, each win worth 3 points.

Scenario XVIII: The Fate of Kings
The battle is nearly won, but then the Witch-king swoops down on Theoden and knocks him to the floor, mortally wounded. Eowyn, Theoden's niece, fights the Witch-king desperately, while Merry advances from behind it.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.

Scenario XIX: The Black Gate Opens
Gondor has been defended, the Pelennor won. Now, all the forces are collected together and the decision is made: fight Sauron's army outside the Black Gate in a suicidal attempt to distract him from Frodo's mission to throw the ring into Mount Doom.
Quadruples, each win worth 4 points.

Scenario XX: Mount Doom
Frodo and Sam have nearly made it to the end of their path. Parched and starving from their tiring trek across the barren plateau of Gorgoroth, all they have to do is cast the ring into Mount Doom. However, Frodo is finally corrupted by the ring and refuses to cast it into the fire. He puts the ring on, becoming invisible. Gollum, seeking the ring (his precious) leaps on the invisible Frodo and the two are caught in a struggle.
Singles, each win worth 1 point.
Last edited by milner94 on Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
Cook milner94
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Participants, Reserves, Games and Results

Postby milner94 on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:09 pm

Players (in score order)


Kodiak Matt



Overlord Jon


Games (winners in bold)

Scenario I
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario II
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte VS bbqpenguin, riv74
Game B: previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game C: ultraman, Coomber VS FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game D: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game E: Mensathis, blade5048 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69
Game F: inti1992, Omne666 VS milner94, ktownknight

Scenario III
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario IV
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte VS bbqpenguin, riv74
Game B: previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game C: ultraman, Coomber VS FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game D: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game E: Mensathis, blade5048 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69
Game F: inti1992, Omne666 VS milner94, ktownknight

Scenario V
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte VS bbqpenguin, riv74
Game B: previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game C: ultraman, Coomber VS FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game D: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game E: Mensathis, blade5048 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69
Game F: inti1992, Omne666 VS milner94, ktownknight

Scenario VI
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario VII
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat
Game B: Gamefreakguy, ultraman, Coomber VS Jim1086, FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game C: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100, Mensathis VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon, Pepinoch
Game D: blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario VIII
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat
Game B: Gamefreakguy, ultraman, Coomber VS Jim1086, FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game C: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100, Mensathis VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon, Pepinoch
Game D: blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario IX
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte VS bbqpenguin, riv74
Game B: previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game C: ultraman, Coomber VS FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game D: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game E: Mensathis, blade5048 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69
Game F: inti1992, Omne666 VS milner94, ktownknight

Scenario X
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte VS bbqpenguin, riv74
Game B: previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game C: ultraman, Coomber VS FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game D: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game E: Mensathis, blade5048 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69
Game F: inti1992, Omne666 VS milner94, ktownknight

Scenario XI
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat
Game B: Gamefreakguy, ultraman, Coomber VS Jim1086, FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game C: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100, Mensathis VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon, Pepinoch
Game D: blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario XII
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario XIII
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario XIV
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game B: ultraman, Coomber, Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS FaraonJal, aspet1011, TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game C: Mensathis, blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario XV
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game B: ultraman, Coomber, Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS FaraonJal, aspet1011, TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game C: Mensathis, blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario XVI
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario XVII
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat
Game B: Gamefreakguy, ultraman, Coomber VS Jim1086, FaraonJal, aspet1011
Game C: Kodiak Matt, Arcane100, Mensathis VS TaCktiX, Overlord Jon, Pepinoch
Game D: blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario XVIII
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight

Scenario XIX
Game A: endar1077, magneto_acolyte, previsualconsent, Gamefreakguy VS bbqpenguin, riv74, BagwellTheGreat, Jim1086
Game B: ultraman, Coomber, Kodiak Matt, Arcane100 VS FaraonJal, aspet1011, TaCktiX, Overlord Jon
Game C: Mensathis, blade5048, inti1992, Omne666 VS Pepinoch, DarkWolfe69, milner94, ktownknight

Scenario XX
Game A: endar1077 VS bbqpenguin
Game B: magneto_acolyte VS riv74
Game C: previsualconsent VS BagwellTheGreat
Game D: Gamefreakguy VS Jim1086
Game E: ultraman VS FaraonJal
Game F: Coomber VS aspet1011
Game G: Kodiak Matt VS TaCktiX
Game H: Arcane100 VS Overlord Jon
Game I: Mensathis VS Pepinoch
Game J: blade5048 VS DarkWolfe69
Game K: inti1992 VS milner94
Game L: Omne666 VS ktownknight
Last edited by milner94 on Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:07 am, edited 20 times in total.
Cook milner94
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Re: War of the Ring

Postby blade5048 on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:17 pm

im in
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Re: War of the Ring

Postby previsualconsent on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:26 pm

Im in
I want to be Good
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Re: War of the Ring

Postby blade5048 on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:56 pm

id like to be good to
sry forgot to say
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Re: War of the Ring

Postby FaraonJal on Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:30 pm

I'm in, i would like to be Evil... >:) :evil:
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Re: War of the Ring

Postby Pepinoch on Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:34 pm

im in bad guys :evil:
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Re: War of the Ring

Postby magneto_acolyte on Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:31 pm

in on the side of good.
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Re: The War of the Ring (6/24)

Postby milner94 on Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:26 am

Added everyone up to this point.
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Re: The War of the Ring (6/24)

Postby Overlord Jon on Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:04 am

I'll be the Evil King :twisted: (or if i cant then i'll just be an evil henchman)
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Re: The War of the Ring (7/24)

Postby Arcane100 on Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:28 am

=D> im in for the good guys pls...
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Re: The War of the Ring (7/24)

Postby Coomber on Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:35 pm

im a goody two shoes too :lol:
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Re: The War of the Ring (7/24)

Postby inti1992 on Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:40 pm

i'm in, good guys
riders of rohan
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Re: The War of the Ring (7/24)

Postby Mensathis on Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:10 pm

i'm in....on the side of Good please and thank you
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Re: The War of the Ring (11/24)

Postby Gamefreakguy on Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:04 am

Go! Frodo! Go!

I'm a huge fan of LOTR, count me in for the Good side.
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Re: The War of the Ring (11/24)

Postby ultraman on Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:17 am

I'm a good guy
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Re: The War of the Ring (13/24)

Postby DarkWolfe69 on Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:45 am

I wouldn't mind givin this a try ...
Give me the EVIL side
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Re: The War of the Ring (14/24)

Postby Jim1086 on Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:58 pm

I've always been fascinated with Sauron, place me with the dark forces. My first post, (other than the intro.) Can someone assist for a sig or avatar?
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Re: The War of the Ring (15/24)

Postby Omne666 on Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:38 am

I'm in...good side if room left!!
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Re: The War of the Ring (15/24)

Postby BagwellTheGreat on Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:12 am

in for the dark side
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Re: The War of the Ring (15/24)

Postby TaCktiX on Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:53 am

Evil, because corrupting everyone sounds like a ton of fun.
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Re: The War of the Ring (18/24)

Postby milner94 on Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:21 pm

Added everyone up to this point. Only six more slots to fill, and then we're off!
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Re: The War of the Ring (18/24)

Postby endar1077 on Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:06 pm

sweet! I'll be good, if there's space - although I'm not completely opposed to being evil. :twisted:
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Re: The War of the Ring (19/24)

Postby Kodiak Matt on Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:19 pm

I'll take the last good slot.
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