Hi and thanks for your interest in this tournament,
I am interested in making this NFL Tournament roll through the first few weeks to catch up to the real schedule. This will be played the same as the one Killer619 had started. Anyone can join in this tournament premium or non premium. You choose your team and settings. Such as I will play Doodle Earth-Flat Rate- Unlimited. All games will be played sequentially. Sorry there will be no fog of war in this tournament. Please don't join if you don't plan on finishing the tournament and joining games quickly. To join while being non-premium you must leave 2 games open. I PREFER PREMIUM MEMBERS. Post here if interested in joining. Also please make sure your team is still open.
Check if you have a home game on the page linked below. Thanks
Baltimore Ravens- tiberiusaquila Valley of the Kings, flat Rate, chained
Cincinnati Bengals- moss76ers333 classic, flat Rate, chained
Cleveland Browns- Polishluke Doodle Earth, flat Rate, unlimited
Pittsburgh Steelers- luckyderus doodle earth, no cards, chained
Houston Texans- goggles paisano Africa, flat Rate, chained
Indianapolis Colts- Gold Knight Europe, no cards, chained
Jacksonville Jaguars- matt_707 cairns coral coast, no cards, unlimited
Tennessee Titans- JesusReigns AOR: Magic, flat rate, unlimited
Buffalo Bills- spock11384 classic, flat Rate, chained
Miami Dolphins- badnuzjr USA, flat rate, unlimited
New England Patriots- soundout9 classic, flat rate, unlimited
New York Jets- Michael Kowalson USA, no Cards, Unlimited
Denver Broncos- gotmilk95 classic, flat rate, unlimited
Kansas City Chiefs- LocutusofBorg01, Artic, Flat Rate, Unlimited
Oakland Raiders - coolmexi69 Doodle Earth, no cards, chained
San Diego Chargers- hill71 Siege, escalating, unlimited
Chicago Bears- vykingsfan64 USA, flat Rate, chained, sequential
Detroit Lions- herus Ireland, flat Rate, chained
Green Bay Packers- chopsiu Germany, flat Rate, chained
Minnesota Vikings- WalkingShadow classic, flat rate, unlimited
Atlanta Falcons- Riskmaster101 doodle earth, no cards, unlimited
Carolina Panthers- jpcloet 8 thoughts, no cards, chained
New Orleans Saints- Risktaker17 AOR: Might, no cards, unlimited, fog
Tampa Bay Buccaneers- Hrvat North America, flat Rate, chained
Dallas Cowboys- Tyrell Classic, flat Rate, unlimited
New York Giants- Marshall Law Italy, flat Rate, unlimited
Philadelphia Eagles- Karrill Siege, flat Rate, chained
Washington Redskins- ACE11 Siege, flat Rate, chained
Arizona Cardinals- cougfan82 France, flat Rate, unlimited
San Francisco 49ers- TheTrust, Bamboo Jack, no cards, unlimited
Seattle Seahawks- Risky_Stud Siege, flat Rate, unlimited
St. Louis Rams- Russianfire8371 Classic, flat Rate, unlimited
1. King Achilles
2. CrimsonDeath
3. Aces
Please make sure once your games have been made that if you are the home team that you have the right map and settings.
[size=20]http://jesusreigns-jesusreignstournaments.blogspot.com/ this is where you will find your game #'s posted I will pm you your first round but I expect that you will check this page regularly just to help this run smoothly