Moderator: Tournament Directors
as four games will sent out each time
Each Team will play following amount of games: (53 games)
Each Individual will play following amount of games: (78 games)
Map Setup
Map: Random
Game Type: Standard
Play order: Sequential
Cards: Random
Fort: Random
Fog: Random
Random items will be determined weekly and same for everyones games for that week. Will be determined using
Kinnison wrote:This is HUGELY ambitious. I LIKE it.This is not a criticism, but an observation or three, and a couple questions...
Kinnison wrote:1> Division Structure, Individuals: Will the individual divisions be the same as the team divisions, only with both team members in the division? i.e. if there's a team division with teams "AB", "CD", "EF", and "GH"; will there be an indie division with players A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H? Note that if individual divisions are randomly scrambled, some folks will gain an advantage playing their teammate more times than others...
Kinnison wrote:2> I REALY LIKE the way you've approximately balanced team and indie points. On lookingit over, with team negatives, and higher indie points, you've made it quite difficult for a great partner to carry an indifferent partner into the INDIVIDUAL playoffs, something I was concerned about at first.
Kinnison wrote:3> 131 games, 4/week. 33 weeks to run, plus playtime. I KNOW you have maps and cards set to random, but I'd seriously suggest doing something to manage game length. All you need is for one week, especially one of the late ones, to come up 'Circus Maximvs, no cards' and we're on the road to nowhere.Simplest solution would be to make Escalating a mandatory lock-in... but you could leave it this way and keep fingers crossed.
Kinnison wrote:4>*Multiplier* is only when playing teammate... so why is there a chart for it in team standings? Your team can't play itself.I would suggest just making games against teammate (already 4 points, in-division, if question 1 is as I suspect) doubled?
Kinnison wrote:Hunting for a partner willing to commit to this. I LOVE the idea.
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