Check out the 'LIVE' Scoreboards, you start in Super League 24 which is a very tough starting League. Average Rank of a League 24 Player is 1954. Your'e the 7th highest Ranked from 9.
zynmaster wrote:do you have to resign up every season or once you're in you're in? in baltic crusade or never mind depending on the answer. also i was reading the rules and it said 4-7 stay in the same league and i was 7th. but am getting relegated down 1. i assume this is because there were only 9 in 25 as opposed to 10. i signed up at the end and only played 1 tournament but finished like 3rd or 4th and had a chance to make it to the next rd depending on the outcome of another game. i assume my lower ranking of 7 was beause of the late start and not playing as many tourneys as the others....right?