Each iteration of the series will be done on one map, but the tower may look different, starting with quads, and stacking with more quads, less trips, less dubs and less 1v1 OR increasing in amount of games in Poly format, and a 1v1 to round out the Finalists best of 7. For more details see the example. In some way, as you move on through the tournament, the game type you played first, will "stack" with one more game per matchup and the next format will build on top of it.
Each tournament will be a 16-player, randomly seeded, single elimination tournament that are "best of" matches.
The settings for each game type (1v1, poly 2, poly 3 and poly 4) may differ from one another in order to fit the number of players and style of play that I think goes best... I am the tournament overlord, after all.
Planned Iterations: - Conquer Rome - Northwest Passage - Battle for Iraq - Random - New Zealand - Oasis
If you have any other requests for iterations, I will gladly consider hosting them! These are the first ones that I plan on doing, if I get enough interest
TowerSeries - Battle for Iraq
This tournament will be randomly seeded for all players and the game types will be as follows per game type: 1v1 - no spoils, parachute, foggy, trench Poly 2 - No spoils, chained, foggy, no trench Poly 3 - No spoils, adj, foggy, no trench Poly 4 - No spoils, adj, foggy, no trench
This tournaments tower is structured as follows: Round 1 - Best of 1 - Poly 2 Quarter Finals - Best of 3 - Poly 3 - Poly 2, Poly 2 Semi Finals - Best of 5 - 1v1 - Poly 3, Poly 3 - Poly 2, Poly 2 Finals - Best of 7 (Sent in 4 games, 3 games sets) - Poly 4 - 1v1 - Poly 3, Poly 3 - Poly 2, Poly 2, Poly 2
* FOG RULE ENFORCED - PLAYER TO GO FIRST MUST WAIT 12 HOURS UNLESS OPPONENT STATES THEY HAVE SNAP * - If you take before, you must copy and paste assault and fort logs into chat AND tell enemy any territs they would have seen before move was taken. If this is reported and found to have not been the case, you will lose any games with an infraction and possibly be barred from other entrants in this series. - A Complaint MUST be made within 48hrs of the infraction causing turn, being taken. - By signing up you agree to this rule.