Moderator: Tournament Directors
jonofperu wrote:I thought I understood the scoring. But I just looked at the first post again and it's talking about troop count??
Based on the scoring system described in the Equestrian Show Jumping event (I don't know if other tournaments operate differently), in Round 1 you get 1 point per kill, plus 1 point to game winner.
If a game finishes at the round limit, the game itself declares a winner based on troop count... no need to apply a rule. I would assume the winner by round limit, winning conditions, or last man standing would get the extra point for game winner.
If a game goes to round limit and gets replayed, only the second game counts... unless it also goes to round limit, in which case both games count.
Scoring should still be straightforward, no need to mention troop count. Score = total kills in both games plus one extra point to each game winner. UNLESS you are implying that the game winners for the initial game and the replayed game don't each get the extra point, but rather you are going to manually add up the troop counts from both games and pick a game winner over all based on that??
Very confusing unless I'm missing something (which is likely).
jonofperu wrote:So what you mean is:
[*]Round limit to be set at 30 for the entire competition.
- If any game goes to Round Limit, the below conditions will apply in numerical order, not all together:
- It will be replayed once (with the same map & settings and with all players).
- If 2nd game is complete before round limit, it will superseed the 1st game and points will be awarded for the 2nd game only.
- If 2nd game goes to the round limit, the scoring system will be in effect for both games (apply for Terminator), BUT combined total troop count for both games will apply to determine a single overall winner.
- Most team member remaining if player tie with troop count (apply for any Poly, Dubs, Triples & Quads only).
Not sure if that works for other tournaments, but it makes sense to me for the one I mentioned.
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