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hopalong: thank you for filling the oldest waiting game on the site!!! woot woot woot!
hopalong wrote:Adding a weekly poll to the first post for us to get to know each other better.
While you're here, why not join the three oldest waiting games? They have been waiting 18 months to fill!!!
Game 17488945
Game 17488946
Game 17488949
Fewnix wrote:Appreciate all that you have done, are doing and will do
Yynatago wrote:I noticed many of the current oldest games are created by the same player. A quick search of his games found 91 waiting games, many where he is the only player, some older than 18 months (created June 2017), and many older than 6 months. I've posted on his wall requesting he drops his old games where the game is practically empty atm.
Does anyone who is active in keeping up this thread up to date reach out to repeat offenders to help keep all games fresh? Is there a general guideline you recommend when reaching out to such offenders? ... mit%5D=100
hopalong wrote:Yynatago wrote:I noticed many of the current oldest games are created by the same player. A quick search of his games found 91 waiting games, many where he is the only player, some older than 18 months (created June 2017), and many older than 6 months. I've posted on his wall requesting he drops his old games where the game is practically empty atm.
Does anyone who is active in keeping up this thread up to date reach out to repeat offenders to help keep all games fresh? Is there a general guideline you recommend when reaching out to such offenders? ... mit%5D=100
I have been tempted to reach out to players who are the only ones in an old game waiting to be filled, but have not. It just seems like it is taking the easy way out to filling old, waiting games. In some instances, the only player listed in a waiting game is not even the person who originally created the game - the original creator dropped the game, or left the site, waiting for it to be filled!
My general guidelines to suggest to you when approaching people who are the only ones listed in a waiting game would be:
1) be friendly
2) suggest that they invite people to their waiting games to get them filled
3) ask why they hold on to games that are not filling
4) join their waiting games, and invite some friends!
Let me know how it works out ... and sign-up for some games in the opening post!
hopalong wrote:Now, the next 5 Oldest Games to be Filled are:
Game 17525950
Game 17525951
Game 17544066
Game 17544068
Game 17591423
We clear these 5 games, and the gap between the oldest and the most recent game waiting to be filled will decrease by a 1,000,000! 10 daze left in February to make this happen - sign up for each of them now, and be part of history!!!
nightrain007 you invite me to games and then bail?
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