Moderator: Tournament Directors
Dukasaur wrote:4th Assassination 2nd Defenestration 1618]Rudolf II, while Catholic, had been largely agnostic and increased religious freedom, especially for Protestants. Upon Rudolf's death, his younger brother Matthias inherited Bohemia. Matthias also had a tendency towards religious tolerance, and he was prepared to give even more freedom and self-government to Protestant communities. However, being elderly and childless, Matthias named his cousin Ferdinand as his heir. Ferdinand was cast of a different substance. A conservative Catholic and an outspoken champion of counter-reformation, Ferdinand insisted that Matthias repeal certain concessions that had been made to the Protestants. Among these was the construction of Protestant chapels on royal land, construction which had already begun and was now outlawed.
On May 23rd, 1618, the Protestant Lords arrived at Prague Castle to confront the four Catholic Lords Regent. After a brief debate, they proclaimed two of the Lords Regent innocent and the other two guilty. Despite a plea for negotiation, they threw the two "guilty" Lords and their secretary out of the window. This is known as the Second Defenestration. All three men survived the plunge from the 3rd-story window. The Catholic version states that angels appeared and assisted them to land safely. The Protestant version is that they were lucky enough to fall into a wagonload of dung which was being hauled out of the Imperial stable. (The Protestant version has inspired about a thousand copycat scenes in Hollywood movies.)
This act of rebellion ended the interlude of religious tolerance and led to the Thirty Years War, one of the most destructive wars in Europe's history.
Games: To mark the Second Defenestration, you will play five 6-player Assassin games, 2 on CSFR and 3 on Holy Roman Empire. All will be Sunny, Flat Rate, Parachute, Trench. (For those with a sense of humour, Parachute is for the "angels helped me land" version and Trench is for the "horse dung" story.)
Creative Component: Post an alternative scenario. If it was NOT angels, and NOT horse dung, what might have saved the lives of the Lords Regnant?. Post your thoughts NO SOONER than the day I send the first invite in this phase, and no more than 7 days after that.
Dukasaur wrote:PersianEmpire has not renewed his premium and is dropping out of the tournament. Ch0rn has agreed to step in as a reserve. That leaves us at the same place, 46 players remaining. Two groups of five conscriptions have to be made to balance the numbers:
added in 2nd defenestration to balance numbers
added in 2nd defenestration to replace PersianEmpire
Dukasaur wrote:Another player has fllown the coop. Adam666 has not been online since June 1st and needs to be replaced. The following 6 are conscripted to take his place:
added in 2nd defenestration to replace adam666
Dukasaur wrote:Also, Vale_abel and Leehar missed a round of invites. These have been re-sent.
With a bit of luck, everyone will accept their new invites. I'm gone until Thursday, if any more changes are required now they will have to wait.
aspalm wrote:What do Erasmus, David Livingstone (I presume), Henry V, King John, and Sir Francis Drake have in common? They all died of severe diarrhea. After all, Pepto Bismol wasn't invented until the early 20th century. Sometimes, a little tummy trouble can save a life though.
Now every good Protestant knows that May 23rd is International Bean Dip Day- a day filled with good humor, much laughter, and pervasive odor. Thank goodness our good Lords were not immune to such revelries on their way to the Prague Castle. (After all, everybody knows that on the road to Prague is Český Krumlov, which translates to "Tasty Bean Dip". Please stop if you're in the area.)
So what happens when one gets thrown out of a window? Of course, one unceremoniously shits themselves. Unless one has been eating copious amounts of bean dip all day. Yes, in one of the few instances when gastric distress has saved instead of killed, the two Lords left the castle window, promptly lost their bowels full of gas and filled their bloomers with a blast of hot flatulent salvation. The two lords floated down to earth, none the worse for wear.
Of course, our two lords now smell like complete shit, so to save their pride, they invented the whole "fell in some dung" story. But now you know the truth. The world has not bean the same since.
morleyjoe wrote:I must say that the remarkable story of aspalm and his flatulence fantasy, while it has some remote chance of being probable, I think that it really stinks.
The real story here is about a somewhat lost piece of European history that reminds us that the noble court displays of the European Middle Ages would often include acrobatic performances. To go along with the rather short building heights of the day, Count Vilem (Flip) Slavata of Chlum, Count Jaroslav (Lord Gainer) Borzita of Martinice, and Philip (The Baron of the Highwire) Fabricius all used their athletic training and prowess to make the best of what could certainly have been a terrible fate. While history does note that they would not have really expected such a perilous situation, the fact that Prague was the site of the First Defenestration must certainly have been already playing out in their minds. Of course performing these acts without any safety preparations always has it's shortcomings. While Gainer and the Baron did walk away unharmed, Flip was not so lucky, as his injuries prevented his get away. Not to outdone by his nimble partners, he did manage his final great act in escaping his captors one year later.
The Protestants will protest that this story is a pile of crap and the Catholics of course will talk about how their heavenly savior saved the day. Asplam, well he's just blowing hot air on the subject, and for Hollywood, they would really flip out if they heard this true story!
Peteee wrote:Whilst my learned colleagues, Aspalm and MorelyJoe pander to the more populist view of the escape of the Lords Regent, It is of Angels that I wish to speak of. Angels with towels.
Now some of you may be aware that May the 25th is International Towel Day in honour of the works of Douglas Adams and as everyone know (or so they should) no hitchhiker goes without his towel. Well on this occasion, a pair of itinerant time travelling hitchhikers were touring Eastern Europe to view famous cities Glorious 25th of May. However, they had failed to take full notice of the recent instigation of the Gregorian calendar which had shifted all the dates around. So in fact they had arrived to early and had observed the "celebrations" of the 25th May on the Julian calendar and were now awaiting a passing space craft to hitch hike onto.
Now, it just so happened that a Vogon survey ship was in the vicinity in preparation for the construction of a new Hyperspace bypass, as the hitchhikers thumbed their way onto the ship the Lords Regent crashed out of the windows. They landed on the hikers as they dematerialised and all 5 ended up on the Vogon ship. To the Lords Regent these were truly angels - to the hitchhikers this was hell in a space ship.
How the Lords Regent returned is a story for another time and space - lets just say for now they were more enlightened on their return......
With apologies for the inspiration to Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.
Dukasaur wrote:5th Assassination Heydrich 1942 -- Operation Anthropoid]
In 1938 Czechoslovakia was forced to surrender the Sudetenland to Germany, and in 1939 the rest of the country fell under German occupation. Slovakia was split off as an “independent” puppet state, while Bohemia and Moravia were put under direct German “protection.”
The official Reichsprotector was Konstantin von Neurath, but the Czechs demonstrated against German occupation, and Hitler decided that von Neurath was too gentle for the job. Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking SS official and a much more fanatical Nazi than von Neurath was put in as “deputy” Reichsprotector. All real power was transferred to Heydrich and von Neurath became purely a figurehead.
While Poland, Yugoslavia, and Greece had active and vigorous partisan movements, in the occupied Czech lands people were relatively acquiescent, and the Czech government-in-exile in London was embarrassed by the lack of resistance. In concert with British Intelligence, Czech and Slovak partisans were trained in Britain and parachuted back to Czechoslovakia on a variety of missions, the most ambitious of which was the assassination of Heydrich.
Codenamed Operation Anthropoid, the operation almost failed. On May 27th, 1942, Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš attacked Heydrich's car on his daily commute to Prague Castle. Gabčík's Sten gun jammed, whereupon Kubiš threw a grenade which fatally injured Heydrich. Initially it was thought that the attack had failed, and Gabčík and Kubiš were depressed, but eight days later Heydrich finally died, most likely of septicemia caused by the grenade blast, although the evidence is sketchy.
Some 13,000 Czechs were arrested in the reprisals that followed, and 5,000 of those died, but the primary objectives of the assassination were achieved. The Czech resistance became steadily more animated. Gabčík, Kubiš, and five other operatives were cornered by the SS and fought heroically. The battle of the seven men who held off over a hundred Waffen SS for most of a day has become the stuff of legend. The church where the seven died is a shrine. When I last visited there, I saw many cards and flowers left by English soldiers -- Gabčík, Kubiš, the other five are remembered in Britain as well as at home.
Heydrich's Mercedes after the attack:
"Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1972-039-44, Heydrich-Attentat" by Unknown - This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - ... tentat.jpg
Games: To mark Operation Anthropod, you will play five Assassin games, 2 on CSFR map and 3 on the WW II Europe map. To honour the Seven operatives, these will be 7-player games. They will be Sunny, Escalating, Trench, Parachute. (Escalating for the rapidly escalating violence in the wake of the assassination, Parachute for the operatives' arrival in Czechoslovakia by parachute, and Trench for their heroic defense at the church.)
Creative Component: Was it worth it? Resistance activity in Czechoslovakia increased after the assassination, but still had a relatively small impact on the war. Were all the sacrifices worth it, or should the Government-in-Exile have let sleeping dogs lie? Post your thoughts NO SOONER than the day I send the first invite in this phase, and no more than 7 days after that.
Dukasaur wrote:Three players -- Leehar, lucbra, and SuperWang -- have missed their invites. All have been re-sent.
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