jay_a2j wrote: Those who take the life of an unborn child are lacking in "morals"... let me quote... " THOU SHALL NOT KILL".
sooo its okay to kill childern because they did something they cant begin to comprehend, and thats not killing?
face it, the child is not even born yet, it has no life.
none whatsoever. you cannot kill what is not alive.
unless ofcourse you need we should not kill anything at all, like platns, animals for food ect.
so i will amend to this, an unborn child has no file in that it is not capable to breathing on its own, to sustain its own life in any way shape or form.
(this to distinguish from the deathrow inmate whom you so please to shut out of the human race or something, or the elderly senile who is like a unborn child in many respects but has been able to sustain its own life, even it at present it may not be able to do so)