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maniacmath17 wrote:Yea vtmarik pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one. Since there's no one debating it yet, I'll pretend to be jay for a second. "If there were aliens, God would have told us about them". (he did actually say this somewhere)
Ford Prefect wrote:Teasers are rich kids with nothing to do. They fly around the universe looking for planets that no one's made interstellar contact with and buzz them. [...] Yeah, they land in some isolated spot in front of some poor soul who no one's ever gonna believe and strut up and down in front of them wearing silly antennae on their heads and making 'Beep Beep' noises. Rather childish really.
Sammy gags wrote:not likely, our galaxy is 2 small
strike wolf wrote:Really on earth we had the optimal conditions for life.
Truman wrote:Of course, you all know that ETs are all based on "If evolution is true, there must be others out there!"
Now, if evolution isn't true...then this would all be a bunch of hocus pocus, right? Exactly right. I wrote a paper previously about this, but I'd prefer not to get into this topic any farther, so be free to deluge yourselves into thinking what you think about this nonsense.
Prediction from earlier wrote:I'm sure Caleb or Truman will mosey on in here to stir up trouble like they always do.
AndyDufresne wrote:Could always look to the Drake Equation, again though that is hotly debated, as you can put in any values you want for each of the variables. There are a few general area numbers that are used for certain variables, but again, you can put in what you wish.
AndyDufresne wrote:Wikipedia is a scary frontier, 1984-esque. Essentially, if enough people get behind a certain idea, they can make it fact, and erase others that they don't agree with. **chills run down his spine**
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