by madeinchinain85 on Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:09 am
I don't think highly of any of the next gen consoles. I've seen the 360 in action and I also think "XBox 1.5", it's not truly that big of a step up from the current gen. The PS3 looks potentially powerful, but Sony has promised stuff in the past and didn't deliver on those promises so I'll take the wait and see approach. Plus I can't get past the new PS3 controllers. The only thing it has going for it for sure is that it will have Blu-Ray(which IMO will win the next-gen format war, but that's a different topic). Revolution is probably the most promising of the bunch as of now. The new controller is just...revolutionary. It has so much potential, but until we see what kind of software comes out, it could just crash and burn like the powerglove. And as is with all consoles, it's the quality of the software that determines their success or failure. Right now we don't know anything about the PS3 or the Revolution line up. Sure we know titles that WILL appear (Killzone, UT2007, MSG4, GTA4, NextGen Mario and Zelda), but we have yet to see any of those games in action. Plus of those games I've mentioned I'm not really excited about any of them. The only next gen games that have my interest piqued is Splinter Cell 4 and Halo 3 and even those have me turned off because of their previous game (Halo 2) or their new direction (SC4).
So, for right now I say PC all the way!