Happy Pearl Harbor Day 2024A.D./83rd Anniversary!!!

-------- Happy Pearl Harbor Day 2024A.D./83rd Anniversary
-------- Happy, well Happy is my thing... America does make Pearl Harbor Day,big on the Calendar...Sure FDR said we'd never forget...I mean, What was bigger...The Attack on Pearl Harbor,or say...The attack on The Alamo...Which led America gaining the Southwestern United States from Mexico... After Pearl Harbor, we would eventually lose ownership of the Philippines...
--------- FDR knew a Japanese Fleet left Tokyo Harbor...FDR knew they intend to attack Their only rival in the Pacific...The United States, Germany was keeping the Europeans tied up , The USA was Japan's only opstical in taking over the Pacific... However, FDR thought the attack would take place in The American Territory of The Philippines... Acquired from Spain, after The Spanish/American War...FDR wanted The United States in the war...Not just to help our Allies....But he knew it would pull America out of our depression...Put people back to work...As America/Detroit, would become, The Arsenal of Democracy...
--------- I remember one year...I believe it was Toyota (could of been a different car company from Japan)...Made a commercial...It was soon(I don't know if the word mocked here would be used to describe it), would ironically blow up in their faces... Being the commercial aired on or a little before Pearl Harbor Day... Americans were not happy about the commercial, by a Japanese company, it being near The day Pearl Harbor was Attacked...In fact, until this new Jaguar commercial a few weeks ago came out...Was probably the worst car commercial ever......
ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... 

-------- Happy, well Happy is my thing... America does make Pearl Harbor Day,big on the Calendar...Sure FDR said we'd never forget...I mean, What was bigger...The Attack on Pearl Harbor,or say...The attack on The Alamo...Which led America gaining the Southwestern United States from Mexico... After Pearl Harbor, we would eventually lose ownership of the Philippines...
--------- FDR knew a Japanese Fleet left Tokyo Harbor...FDR knew they intend to attack Their only rival in the Pacific...The United States, Germany was keeping the Europeans tied up , The USA was Japan's only opstical in taking over the Pacific... However, FDR thought the attack would take place in The American Territory of The Philippines... Acquired from Spain, after The Spanish/American War...FDR wanted The United States in the war...Not just to help our Allies....But he knew it would pull America out of our depression...Put people back to work...As America/Detroit, would become, The Arsenal of Democracy...
--------- I remember one year...I believe it was Toyota (could of been a different car company from Japan)...Made a commercial...It was soon(I don't know if the word mocked here would be used to describe it), would ironically blow up in their faces... Being the commercial aired on or a little before Pearl Harbor Day... Americans were not happy about the commercial, by a Japanese company, it being near The day Pearl Harbor was Attacked...In fact, until this new Jaguar commercial a few weeks ago came out...Was probably the worst car commercial ever......