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Happy Veterans Day 2024 A.D.!!!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 11:11 pm
by ConfederateSS
------ Happy Veterans Day 2024 A.D. :!: /Remembrance Day 2024 A.D.(for some)!!!
--------To all those who served, serving....Those who died fighting for their country, What they truly believe/ed in...... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)

Re: Happy Veterans Day 2024 A.D.!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 4:17 am
by jusplay4fun
Yes, Thanks to ALL the Veterans. =D>

I have two brothers who served, my Dad, and another relative. We got most branches covered. :D =D>

Re: Happy Veterans Day 2024 A.D.!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 8:50 am
by ConfederateSS
-------This is kinda along the line.... Remember during the campaign.... TRUMP said , he would protect and defend women... The LEFT RADICAL NUT JOBS went nuts....
------- Ironic, on MeTV...Today....I had the TV on....A Leave it to Beaver episode was on....Think of TRUMP wanting to Make America Great Again....
------- So imagine Sir Walter Scott saying the same..... Beaver reads Ivanhoe.....(hoe) :lol: ....Ward tells Beaver, Men are always supposed to protect and Defend Women... Beaver is like, cowboys wearing white hats...Ward goes that's right....So on his way to the bus stop to school....Beaver sees a boy hitting a girl(turns out to be his sister)... Beaver starts punching the boy...Bus driver breaks it up...Ward calls Beaver's teacher...She tells the class...What Beaver did was a wonderful thing... Gallant and Chivalrous...The American Society back then.....To today's American nut job society...
---------- You have Illegal Aliens riding mopeds... Stealing women's purses....Crazy men, pushing women in front of subway trains....
---------- Women / girls being raped and killed.....I still have to laugh, in NYC...When A guy is beating the crap out of an older woman....A Door Man... Watching, locks the Doors...Just continued watching the beat down...
---------- That plays out all over the country....A beat down in progress....A Sh*t load of people pull their phones out...Film the beat down, watch....No one does anything...To protect or defend the victim...
---------- Although, in some cases, it has to do with The Nut Job run, American legal system....Take Penny in NYC....After people have been pushed in front of subway trains... Trouble on one, a crazy man, threatening passengers....Penny steps in...Saves everyone...Police come, crazy guy still breathing....But Police refused, to do things, like touch him...Maybe mouth to mouth etc....He dies... Penny now on trial for murder... Today's American Society... :lol: ...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)

Re: Happy Veterans Day 2024 A.D.!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 9:40 am
by ConfederateSS
--------This is from Mark Levine last night...
--------- You could call this one SILENCE...As opposed to those who fought before...

-------- Why all the silence on both sides, Democrats/Republicans...
-------- Amsterdam, just a Jew thing...
-------- France , just a Jew thing...
-------- Middle East, just a Jew thing... Chicago,NYC, just a Jew thing... Trouble on College Campuses just a Jew thing...
--------- We've been here before...
--------- The war against the Jews , is a war against Humanity...War against THE WEST... Civil Society...
---------- Our enemies are forming Alliances... They share Intelligence, They share resources, they share weapons...To Attack The United States and our Allies...(Ukraine/Israel etc...)... Europe grows weaker...

----------YET, no out cry.... DEAD SILENCE...As we approach WW3...
---------- (Me not Levine),...We have Americans being held hostage...In Russia/Soviet Union, those taken in the 10/7 attack on Israel... WHERE IS THE OUT CRY....
---------- A basketball player is held by Russia/Soviet Union...for breaking one of their laws...NOT HELD HOSTAGE...She went there to make millions (or their exchange rate)...Why, she probably wasn't good enough to play in the WNBA...But that was her choice...THE WEST and Russia/SOVIET UNION have been at war(cold), since the end of WW2...She went of her own free will, broke their law...She is a typical American...In America, Americans can do what ever they feel like doing...They project that thinking, when they travel... That's why other countries/people, view Americans as uppity a**holes...Who think they are GOD's gift to the world...
--------- Once again....HER CHOICE to go....HER CHOICE to break a law...Yet the out cry across America, when she was arrested and held....WAS LOUD AND ENDLESS...
-------- The Americans/ and Israelis didn't choose to be taken hostage...Or attacked...
------- WHERE IS THE LOUD AND ENDLESS OUT CRY FOR THEM???... Instead, the out cry is for the Attackers/Hostage takers... :roll: :roll: :roll:
------- But like the switch from Carter to Reagan, our Hostages in Iran were freed...So will our Hostages now(if still alive)...When the switch from Biden to TRUMP...But the SILENCE... across America...sad... :(
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)