betiko wrote:Dukasaur wrote:So, it's true what they say, that your polls close at 7, so working people don't have time to get home after work, feed the kids, and still make it to the polls?
Here, we generally close the polls at 9:30. I guess respect for working people is a luxury I shouldn't take for granted.
we vote only on sundays and polls close at 8. and at 8:01 we know who our president is and he starts straight away, not 2 month later.
Also, the vote of each of our citizens counts the same.
I think they should have in-person polls for a week... and mail-in only if requested and only if you state a valid reason.
There SHOULD be some barriers to voting... like caring.
The idea that we have a lame-duck president for months after the election... that’s a remnant of a time when communication took longer.
It’d be nice if we could put bipartisanism aside and make this a faster transition.
People like to complain about the Electoral College, but these are people who generally don’t understand our country and our founding.
There’s an argument to be made that we should get rid of it. It’s not valid however to state that an election is ‘stolen’ or ‘unfair’ or anything else like that because some losing candidate “won the popular vote”. The “popular vote” is meaningless in our system and crying about it after the fact is the same as a 9yo crying about losing because the “rules were unfair”. If there was a different system candidates would run campaigns differently, and people would vote differently, and so you can’t assume the “winner” of the “popular vote” would “win” if the system was changed prior to the fact.