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Hell yes. Tired and happy

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Hell yes. Tired and happy

Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:04 am

Hi all
I dont know why but i feel the need to share my newfound love for Valentines day.

I got home from work yesterday at 6:00 and had a shower. By girlfriend arrived at mine at 6:30ish and we had a tai meal. We exchanged presents which were really nice and then my girlfriend went to the loo (toilet for you non uk like folk) She came out wearing what can only be the sexiest outfit wrapped around the sexiest body i have ever seen.

Naturally action followed but she wasnt finished there.
After a short respite she dissapeared to the loo again this time coming out in something kinky. Once again action commenced... twice. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I am now extremely tired and very happy.

Thankyou for listening. Seriously though, i just had to shout out my glee to someone regardless that i am possibly up there with Jamie as most hated forum goer in CC.
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Postby Kayla on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:07 am

lol actually i found it sweet and interesting
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:11 am

i have no argument with you Kayla but ....

Oh great now everyone will defo hate me :P
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:16 am

what a slutty he-bitch
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:17 am

seriously dude.
you can go f*ck your self you c**t

Take the piss out of me but not her.

Oh and thenk god you are across the water or i would rip your fucking face off
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Postby Kayla on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:20 am

shut up jamie...

How about this....

That was the stupidest and most pointless post ive ever read, and this thread shouldnt even be on this site because no one gives a f*ck about it

is this better or should i edit it

P.S. No one thought I was the bitch queen until i had a hissy fit about Marvaddin in the flame wars, people seem to never forget things lol
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Postby Kayla on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:21 am

oh and he was talking about you not her
Last edited by Kayla on Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:22 am

Dariune wrote:seriously dude.
you can go f*ck your self you c**t

Take the piss out of me but not her.

Oh and thenk god you are across the water or i would rip your fucking face off

I said HE-Bitch you tard. I was talking about YOU. So unless your woman is a HE, I was OBVIOUSLY talking about YOU.
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:29 am

ok well thats at least one thing. i thought you were calling my girlfriend a he.

Your a wanker but at least you arent a pussy who has to dig at people who arent around to defend themselves.

Now as this was meant to be a happy thread, could Jamie piss off and if anyone has anything slightly more constructive and less negative to say then at least they have the room to do that

Oh and cheers Kayla
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Postby Kayla on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:30 am

well i thought the post was beautiful, if you start becoming hated for me actually agreeing with something (since most people think i dont), ill edit it to something more bitchy
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Postby Spuzzell on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:32 am

1: I don't think you had sex with anyone.
2: Ever.
3: Even if you did, talking about it in this forum is deeply tacky.
4: I don't think you did though.

That is all.
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:34 am

LOL thats funny

My girlfriend even plays CC though her comps down and she rarely posts.

Her user name is ... actually i dont think i will divulge that.

But your free to think that dude.

I assure you last night was as i explained though.

Tacky? naaa just funny, possibly boastful but not tacky.
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Postby Kayla on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:35 am

why would you say that when millions of couples probably had sex tonight lol
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:41 am

Dariune wrote:ok well thats at least one thing. i thought you were calling my girlfriend a he.

Your a wanker but at least you arent a pussy who has to dig at people who arent around to defend themselves.

Now as this was meant to be a happy thread, could Jamie piss off and if anyone has anything slightly more constructive and less negative to say then at least they have the room to do that

Oh and cheers Kayla

I apologize if you thought i was calling your GF a he. I was not. I was quoting a line from the movie "Duece Bigalow" If you've seen the movie, you'd know what I mean. Sorry for the confusion there.
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Postby lackattack on Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:22 am

Jamie and Dariune, keep your flaming to the Flame Wars or keep off the forum!
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Postby Titanic on Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:36 am

Congrats to you dude if you did. If you didn, so what, its the internet, this is what it was made for.
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:47 am

I kinda regret posting this now.

I was just all cheerful this morning cos of aforementioned night of fun and as CC entertains me while im at work and on the phone i thought i would share.

Sorry all
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Postby 2dimes on Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:17 pm

Dariune wrote:seriously dude.
you can go f*ck your self you c**t

Take the piss out of me but not her.

Oh and thenk god you are across the water or i would rip your fucking face off
What happened to?
Dariune wrote:Hahahahaha this is funny.
Cant imagine there are many people who spend a lot of time on the net writing in forums who could kick anyones ass.

Not saying anyones lying, just think its a funny concept.

... please continue :)
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:20 pm

he is across the water so i wont.
I was just upset at the fact that i thought he was saying stuff bout my girlfriend.

Lets face it, we all say dumb stuff when we protecting our partners
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:25 pm

lackattack wrote:Jamie and Dariune, keep your flaming to the Flame Wars or keep off the forum!

Who's flaming?? I made a light hearted comment that was supposed to be funny, and he thought I was talking about someone else, and took it the wrong way. I apologized, and no more was said. Words were exchanged, an apology was rightfully issued, and it was over. Gees
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Postby 2dimes on Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:30 pm

Hey hey hey now. I don't need reasons to say dumb stuff.
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Postby Titanic on Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:12 pm

Jamie, you have the most retarded view of funny comments.

1) Tricking people into posting into a topic which was intentially made racist, and you covered it with bullsh*t

2) You offend someone deliberately, and call him names on purpose without any humour in it or sarcasm.
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:08 pm

Titanic wrote:Jamie, you have the most retarded view of funny comments.

1) Tricking people into posting into a topic which was intentially made racist, and you covered it with bullsh*t

2) You offend someone deliberately, and call him names on purpose without any humour in it or sarcasm.

#1 if ANYONE else had said it, you, and alot of other people would think it was funny, and would see humor in it, and sense the sarcasm. Sarcasm is hard to convey over the net, but the sarcastic name I chose does a pretty good job of it.

#2 I apologized for it like a man, so shut up about it.
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Postby Dariune on Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:46 pm

Oh cmon guys this was supposed to be a cool thread where i was bragging about a special occasion. I was rather hoping for jelousy or kudos which to be fair is generally what is given when a guy tells another bunch of guys this story.

Is it possible to ask a mod to close this thread as it really didnt go the way i expected and isnt constructive.

I have made it plainly obvious that i dont like Jamie but he is right. I misunderstood him, he apolagised, i apolagised. Dont think anything else needs to be said on the matter.

Also to be honest it didnt cross my mind that people wouldnt believe me. There is such a thing as having a hot girlfriend and being proud of the fact as well as being a forum goer.
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:48 pm

Dariune wrote:Oh cmon guys this was supposed to be a cool thread where i was bragging about a special occasion. I was rather hoping for jelousy or kudos which to be fair is generally what is given when a guy tells another bunch of guys this story.

Is it possible to ask a mod to close this thread as it really didnt go the way i expected and isnt constructive.

I have made it plainly obvious that i dont like Jamie but he is right. I misunderstood him, he apolagised, i apolagised. Dont think anything else needs to be said on the matter.

Also to be honest it didnt cross my mind that people wouldnt believe me. There is such a thing as having a hot girlfriend and being proud of the fact as well as being a forum goer.

Congrats on the awsome sex with your GF. Wouldn't let her know you posted it in the forum for all to see though. :wink:
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