Serbia wrote:Sure, global warming is probably happening, but we can't affect it! The earth operates on it's own cycles that we are only beginning to understand. Did you know that back in the 1940's through 1970's, the big scare was global COOLING? People were worried about causing an ice age!
This isn't right. For a start, no-one at the time thought people would "cause" an ice age, it was just thought that we were due another one (which may or not be the case, but isn't really relevant because it would happen over hundreds of years.)
And anyway, that idea never got anything like the currency that the theory of climate change has, presumably because there wasn't enough evidence for it.
I can well understand that there might be some debate between INFORMED people (i.e., mostly scientists) over the size of global warming, its exact causes, its effects, and how best to cope with it, but most of what has been written in this thread so far is complete piffle, and worse, complete disinformation.