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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:47 pm
by Zackismet
before i sart- whenver i say # v #, the left # is the attacking one and the right is the defending, and when i say someone won or lost, i mean they we attacking.

Alright, usually i'm calm about shit like this and i never go off- but lately i've been getting FUCKING SHITTY ROLLS!!! i've lost more 5v1 than i can count, people have been running through my territories without losing ONE army after something like a 14v12 or 6 v 7 (YES, A 6V7 THEY WON!!! WHAT THE f*ck!?) bu THIS... THIS has put me over the edge.. it happened to me ONCE beforew when i was a newb on the LOTR map- i needed one more territory to own a continent so my partner (since he owned it) fortified my 9 with two from it... i auto-attack and was left with 3 ARMIES then i attack 2 more times AND STILL LOST... NOW IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!! and i have proof!!!!


it's on that 'grand strategy' site...

once again





damn that felt good

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:56 pm
by wicked
umm, go flame them on their own boards. but glad to hear their dice are shitty....LMAO.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:00 pm
by Zackismet
well, their site actually kinda sucks, they don't have anywhere to bitch about how crappy everything is. all of the new maps they're making now don't even have names on any territories, you have to hold your cursor over every single one to see what's what.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:00 pm
by minihaymanz
while they're still shitty for you...

wanna play? lol jk.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:08 pm
by wicked
well, I'll move this to mess hall since it's not related to CC. you might want to change the title to 'grand strategy sucks" or something like that. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:23 am
by reverend_kyle
Funny, GS started as a CC ripoff, and now they are copying landgrab, but with CC dice.

Speaking of which I came to see what was different there and they had band me for being a multi? Wtf? I never created a multi there. I played a total of 3 games.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:17 am
by wicked
they have multis too? copycats. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:24 am
by morph
only they seem do not actually investigate to see if people are actually multis...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:32 am
by reverend_kyle
grandstrategy wrote:Premium Membership

Hosting a game like Grand Strategy involves a significant investment of time and money. By no means is it a profitable venture. I ask players to please support the game.

By supporting the game you increase the chances that I will have the time and incentive to improve the game and provide email support directly to you. Supporting the games means I can provide a bigger and faster server to run the game, directly translating to a better gaming experience for you.

Premium Membership confers the following benefits:


Play all maps. A few of the more advanced maps are limited to Premium members.

Play up to 30 Active games

Pause games

You can play Grand Strategy and pause your games for week-ends or vacations.

Create password protected private games, which can be joined by free members

Password protected games allow you to avoid having players join your games who don't intend to finish the game.

The cost of a yearly Premium Membership is $17 USD. Renewing the membership costs $12 USD. You can pay by credit card and no PayPal account is required.

The cost of a six month Premium Membership is $9 USD.

Purchasing a Premium Membership may be performed after logging in to the game under the Options Dialog.


It is possible you are seeing this page because your account was disabled due to having multiple accounts.

I got this when I went to log in and it wont let me play

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:35 am
by wicked
wow, what a scam. :roll:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:39 am
by jay_a2j
reverend_kyle wrote:

I got this when I went to log in and it wont let me play

So apparently if you become a premium there, you can then play again!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:41 am
by reverend_kyle
why the hell would I want to do that..

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:44 am
by jay_a2j
reverend_kyle wrote:why the hell would I want to do that..

I don't know.... you seem kinda peeved that they wouldn't let you play. So if it means that much I'll loan you the $17. :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:47 am
by reverend_kyle
jay_a2j wrote:
reverend_kyle wrote:why the hell would I want to do that..

I don't know.... you seem kinda peeved that they wouldn't let you play. So if it means that much I'll loan you the $17. :wink:

Why would i want to give someone who band me for being a multi(which I wasnt in my whole 3 games there) $17.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:48 am
by wicked
sounds like they're just "busting" people to make money. I love that last line. What a joke.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:49 am
by AK_iceman
I joined a game there, and deadbeated. :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:49 am
by reverend_kyle
wicked wrote:sounds like they're just "busting" people to make money. I love that last line. What a joke.

How long til lack starts doing that?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:49 am
by AK_iceman
Starts? :?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:50 am
by wicked
AK_iceman wrote:I joined a game there, and deadbeated. :wink:

ooh good idea!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:52 am
by reverend_kyle
speaking of multis Icreated another account there and intend to raise hell

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:59 am
by AndyDufresne
People accuse us of busting for membership every now and again. Those people are usually pretty obviously guilty too. :)


PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:01 am
by reverend_kyle
the only difference is over there they actually do...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:05 am
by reverend_kyle
got busted again, time to make a new monkey and raise all hell.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:43 pm
by Zackismet
i'm curious... how does one 'raise hell' by making an account and playing a game..?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:28 am
by reverend_kyle
I created 2 more accounts joined 8 games and am deadbeating.. as is wicked. and ak iceman.