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Re: copy pastes.

Postby Votanic on Thu Nov 07, 2024 1:13 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:“They appear as if blood is pumping through the top of a flesh-free face. The long, ghastly “stare” of their searing eye-like cores shines out into the supreme cosmic darkness,” NASA said in a press release.

Okay, it's true. That freaky text is genuine NASA issue, though anonymous, ...and it was likely a Halloween-themed post.
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Re: copy pastes.

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Nov 07, 2024 1:41 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:Image

Two far-away galaxies have been described as “blood-soaked eyes” by NASA after the Hubble and James Webb Space telescopes captured an intriguing video of the two colliding galaxies.

NASA says the galaxies have been analyzed in order to better understand the physics of the two colliding galaxies and the rapid star formation caused by their collision. They earned the name after NASA said they resemble a macabre vision.

“They appear as if blood is pumping through the top of a flesh-free face. The long, ghastly “stare” of their searing eye-like cores shines out into the supreme cosmic darkness,” NASA said in a press release.

They look more like two ovaries and the top of the uterus.
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Re: copy pastes.

Postby Votanic on Thu Nov 07, 2024 2:50 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Image

Two far-away galaxies have been described as “blood-soaked eyes” by NASA after the Hubble and James Webb Space telescopes captured an intriguing video of the two colliding galaxies.

NASA says the galaxies have been analyzed in order to better understand the physics of the two colliding galaxies and the rapid star formation caused by their collision. They earned the name after NASA said they resemble a macabre vision.

“They appear as if blood is pumping through the top of a flesh-free face. The long, ghastly “stare” of their searing eye-like cores shines out into the supreme cosmic darkness,” NASA said in a press release.

They look more like two ovaries and the top of the uterus.

Or two nipples with areolae, ...or two testes post-groin kick, ...or two skinned knees?
The common factors in all of these fanciful comparisons appears to be pareidolia based on bilateral symmetry.
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Re: NOT copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Thu Nov 07, 2024 3:54 pm

Votanic wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Image

Two far-away galaxies have been described as “blood-soaked eyes” by NASA after the Hubble and James Webb Space telescopes captured an intriguing video of the two colliding galaxies.

NASA says the galaxies have been analyzed in order to better understand the physics of the two colliding galaxies and the rapid star formation caused by their collision. They earned the name after NASA said they resemble a macabre vision.

“They appear as if blood is pumping through the top of a flesh-free face. The long, ghastly “stare” of their searing eye-like cores shines out into the supreme cosmic darkness,” NASA said in a press release.

They look more like two ovaries and the top of the uterus.

Or two nipples with areolae, ...or two testes post-groin kick, ...or two skinned knees?
The common factors in all of these fanciful comparisons appears to be pareidolia based on bilateral symmetry.

Is this an example of Rorschach test?
Last edited by jusplay4fun on Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NOT copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Nov 11, 2024 4:15 pm

The cutting-edge, $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) shared its debut image with the world on July 12, 2022, peering deeper into the universe than any telescope before it. Since then, JWST has captured the mystery and beauty of the cosmos in image after dazzling image, captivating curious Earthlings everywhere. Here are 19 of the telescope’s finest observations.


In one of its most impressive feats yet, JWST looked back to the dawn of the cosmos to identify the faintest galaxy ever seen. Called JD1, the galaxy — whose light traveled for roughly 13.3 billion years to reach us — was born just a few million years after the Big Bang. Back then, the cosmos was shrouded in a pitch-black fog that not even light could pass through; galaxies like this one were vital in burning the gloom away.

Last edited by jusplay4fun on Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:00 am

I saw this that night, Dec. 4. Venus was so bright that at first I thought it was an airplane near the crescent moon. Since it did not move, I was sure it was a planet (Venus, Mars, or Jupiter). I looked here and saw that it was Venus. Really cool to see two celestial objects so close.


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Re: NOT copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:07 am


Explanation: What's happening with these clouds? While it may seem that these long and thin clouds are pointing toward the top of a hill, and that maybe a world-famous observatory is located there, only part of that is true. In terms of clouds, the formation is a chance superposition of impressively periodic undulating air currents in Earth's lower atmosphere. Undulatus, a type of Asperitas cloud, form at the peaks where the air is cool enough to cause the condensation of opaque water droplets. The wide-angle nature of the panorama creates the illusion that the clouds converge over the hill. In terms of land, there really is a world-famous observatory at the top of that peak: the Carnegie Science's Las Campanas Observatory in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The two telescope domes visible are the 6.5-meter Magellan Telescopes. The featured coincidental vista was a surprise but was captured by the phone of a quick-thinking photographer in late September.

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:56 am

--------A Full Cold Moon happens every 18.6 years...This is known as a Lunar Standstill...One will happen this weekend... December 15th...But can be seen full...The 14th-16th...A The Sun standstill can last a few days...But A Moon standstill can last a few years...
-------- This occurrence...Also...means a cold, very cold winter is in store...When this event happens closest to the Winter Solstice, December 21st...Bundle up and enjoy the view this weekend... :D
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Dec 13, 2024 6:27 am

Lots going on in the night sky, as ConfedSS mentions:



■ The full Moon shines all night. It's exactly full at 4:o2 a.m. Sunday morning EST. So the Moon this evening is just a few hours before its opposition — while Jupiter is just a week past its opposition. So it's no surprise that they shine close together in the sky: opposite the Sun.

■ The Moon forms a line with Jupiter and Aldebaran to its right, as shown above. For most of the night in most places, the line will gently curve. But the Moon will make an exact straight line with Jupiter and Aldebaran in late evening for most of eastern and central North America; earlier in the evening for most of western North America.

■ By midnight the Moon will be very high, not far from the zenith. The full Moon of the Christmas season rides higher across the sky at midnight than at any other time of year, thus "giving lustre of midday to objects below."

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:56 pm

Anybody out watching the Gemenids?
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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:25 pm

same source, cited above:

Saturday, Dec. 14:
The Geminid meteor shower, often the richest of the year, should be at its peak late tonight. But the full moonlight will hide many of its meteors, leaving only the brightest ones to shine through. In the evening the meteors will be fewer still, but those that do appear will be long, graceful Earth-grazers skimming far across the top of the atmosphere.

The best direction to watch? Wherever your sky is darkest and the Moon can be kept out of your eyes.

So don't write this shower off. See Bob King's Don't Let the Bright Moon Ruin Your Geminids.

btw: I noticed Jupiter most of this week, but was not sure what it is until I checked HERE at this source; it is a good one.

Because of light pollution where I live, I do not see things such as these meteor showers. I have yet to see the Milky Way for the same reason.

More info at

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Dec 18, 2024 2:23 am

same source, and looking ahead:

Saturn, magnitude +1.0 in Aquarius, glows high in the south-southwest after dark. Don't confuse it with Fomalhaut twinkling two fists below it. Saturn is now about 33° east of Venus along the ecliptic. Watch them close in on each other toward their conjunction on January 18th, when they'll pass each other by 2.2°.

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:02 am

This Week's Sky at a Glance, December 27 – January 5

Jupiter, then Aldebaran, appear in the east in twilight. Orion is rising below them, about to walk east to west across the sky nearly all through the night.


■ Jupiter is nearly a month past its opposition. So it's already fairly high in the east when you first catch sight of it through the fading twilight.

How much later in twilight will you first see Aldebaran 6° to its right, twinkling pale orange? And then the 3rd and 4th-magnitude stars of the Hyades V, lying on its side?


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Re: copy pastes.

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 07, 2025 1:48 am

--------All January, well when the sky isn't full of snow...You can see...Very well, because of the Cold Moon...The night sky better....All month...The planets Venus,Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with shine Bright in the night sky...... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:51 am


The waxing gibbous Moon occults many of the Pleiades on the evening of January 9th for various parts of North America. The Moon passes Jupiter and Aldebaran on the 10th, then the Horns of Taurus on the 11th, as it waxes toward full. (Note, the Moon here is always drawn about three times its actual apparent size.)

This Week's Planet Roundup

Venus (magnitude –4.6, in Aquarius) shines very high and bright as the "Evening Star" in the southwest during twilight, and lower in the west-southwest as evening grows late. Venus doesn't set until about 2½ hours after dark. It forms a long triangle with Saturn to its upper left and Fomalhaut much farther to their lower left.

Mars (magnitude –1.4, near the Cancer-Gemini border) rises glaringly orange in the east-northeast around the end of twilight, below Castor and Pollux. Watch Mars as it shifts position night by night and lines up perfectly with those two stars on January 18th.

Jupiter, a month past its own opposition, shines at a bright magnitude –2.6 in Taurus. It dominates the high east to south during evening, with fainter, Mars-colored Aldebaran and the Pleiades nearby. Jupiter still is a good 46 arcseconds wide.

Saturn, magnitude +1.1 in Aquarius, glows in the southwest after dark, upper left of Venus and closing in on it fast. Saturn is 14° from Venus on January 3rd and 7° from it by January 10th. They'll pass each other at conjunction on January 18th, 2.2° apart.

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:34 pm

Planetary parade: Rare alignment of six planets to grace the night sky on January 21

A rare celestial event is set to captivate skywatchers in January 2025, when six planets—Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—will be visible together in the night sky. On January 21, these planets will align in a formation known as a planetary parade, offering a unique opportunity for both casual viewers and aspiring astronomers to engage with space in a tangible way.

Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be the most distinct planets during the parade, especially around January 21. These planets can be seen with the naked eye, shining brighter than any other stars in the night sky. Uranus and Neptune, due to their distance and lower brightness, will require binoculars or a telescope for observation, providing a clearer view of these distant planets, as reported by


Things actually become more interesting in late February. Starting around February 23rd, Mercury begins a bright run in the evening sky. While Saturn will be nearly lost in the glow of dusk, dedicated observers should be able to see both planets during early-to-mid twilight under good conditions with binoculars or a small telescope. They'll be in conjunction, less than 2° apart, on February 25th. As the sky darkens, Neptune, followed by Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars will appear to make a total of seven planets strung across about 119° of sky.

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:37 pm

February 24 is fast approaching.

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Re: copy pastes.

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:45 am

----------The Planets are Kool.....But the Moon the next two days will be sweet...Full Snow Moon...The moon will be blood red for a while...A perfect Valentine moon...It looks like Detroit will never see the sky...for weeks...Damn... :( ........ O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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