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is bush good?(or is he an idiot?)

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Postby owheelj on Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:28 am

P Gizzle wrote:it's Capitalism!

[picture link removed for fear of ruining people's viewing experience of this post/artwork.]

Hooray Capitalism!
MY pic didnt work. how do u put pics on posts?

You have to link to the actual picture file. Picture files usually end with .jpeg .gif or .bmp (there are a few other alternatives but those are the common ones).

I don't think it's fair to say that Bush is stupid. He has a lot of very intelligent advisors behind him. I think the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not actually helped the war on terror at all. In fact I'd say they've helped terrorism. It's fairly clear that one of the main reasons the terrorists are attacking the US (and allies) is because they feel that the US is siding against Islam - which makes it easy for the terrorists to recruit other Islamics and radicalise them. I'm not suggesting that this feeling is true or not but I think that fairly clearly attacking Afghanistan and Iraq re-enforces this belief amongst these people. If we really want to stop terrorism we need to either address this attitude amongst Muslims or kill every Muslim. I very much doubt that we could achieve the latter - even without all the moral objections.
Last edited by owheelj on Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby wick on Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:01 am

100% for bush!

for being an idiot that is!
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Postby Backglass on Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:24 am

owheelj wrote:I think the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not actually helped the war on terror at all. In fact I'd say they've helped terrorism. It's fairly clear that one of the main reasons the terrorists are attacking the US (and allies) is because they feel that the US is siding against Islam - which makes it easy for the terrorists to recruit other Islamics and radicalise them.

You have hit the nail on the head. Our presence in Iraq trying to "help out" by removing Saddam and his WMD's has turned a small splinter of rebels into a huge movment. THEY think we are atacking their religion & beliefs which further galvanizes them against us. How many Christians would lay down their lives if they thought someone was trying to wipe out Christianity? Quite a few I'd bet. (Jay? ;))

Not only that, but our military presence has been a free teaching aid to them as well. They watch our boys, tactics and technolog and learn from them.

So what do we do? Well...we went in to get Saddam (Check), eliminate his WMD's (Check) and install a new government (Check). King George said it a few years ago..."Mission Accomplished". So lets go home and let the Iraqis rebuild their fine nation.

owheelj wrote:I don't think it's fair to say that Bush is stupid

The late, great Anne Richards, former governer of Texas once said "Poor George, he can't help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth".

I honestly think he isnt a very bright man. Probably a great guy, a lot of fun at BBQ's and great to have a beer or two with, yes. But when it comes to my Lawyers, Doctors, Airline Pilots & Presidents...I'd rather have the "smart guy" than the "party guy".
Last edited by Backglass on Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Econ2000 on Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:01 pm

Backglass wrote:
owheelj wrote:I think the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not actually helped the war on terror at all. In fact I'd say they've helped terrorism. It's fairly clear that one of the main reasons the terrorists are attacking the US (and allies) is because they feel that the US is siding against Islam - which makes it easy for the terrorists to recruit other Islamics and radicalise them.

You have hit the nail on the head. Our presence in Iraq trying to "help out" by removing Saddam and his WMD's has turned a small splinter of rebels into a huge movment. THEY think we are atacking their religion & beliefs which further galvanizes them against us. How many Christians would lay down their lives if they thought someone was trying to wipe out Christianity? Quite a few I'd bet. (Jay? ;))

Not only that, but our military presence has been a free teaching aid to them as well. They watch our boys, tactics and technolog and learn from them.

So what do we do? Well...we went in to get Saddam (Check), eliminate his WMD's (Check) and install a new government (Check). King George said it a few years ago..."Mission Accomplished". So lets go home and let the Iraqis rebuild their fine nation.

owheelj wrote:I don't think it's fair to say that Bush is stupid

The late, great Anne Richards, former governer of Texas once said "Poor George, he can't help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth".

I honestly think he isnt a very bright man. Probably a great guy, a lot of fun at BBQ's and great to have a beer or two with, yes. But when it comes to my Lawyers, Doctors, Airline Pilots & Presidents...I'd rather have the "smart guy" than the "party guy".

(And edit that link out would ya? It's screwing with the formatting!)

said perfectly backglass
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Postby jay_a2j on Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:37 am

Backglass wrote: King George said it a few years ago..."Mission Accomplished". So lets go home and let the Iraqis rebuild their fine nation.

Bush never said that. It was a banner on a navel ship (which btw Bush had nothing to do with in it being put up)

You can hate till you feel better about yourself but it will never change the FACTS.
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Postby reverend_kyle on Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:01 am

And he gave a speech declaring that we won.
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Postby rogue2 on Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:46 am

jay_a2j wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:
Econ2000 wrote:
Boxcutta wrote:It makes me sad that Caleb doesn't know Bush said those things and Jay thinks we found WMDs in Iraq.

I suppose they only people that still support Bush are those who know as little about the world around them as these two.

By the way, I have a different scenario for you if Gore won:

* 9/11 never happens

* 2000 US soldiers and countless Iraqis don't die in a senseless war

* The end

actuallly u mean 3000 would not die uselessly in afganistan and iraq

it's more like, 9/11 does happen, but there's no retaliation. And Terrorists take over the world, pretty much

Glad to see someone else besides me doesn't have their head stuck in the sand!

boxcutta...wake up, you live in a dream world. :roll:

Why is Boxcutta's postulation the product of a "dream world" while yours is not? Do you have access to an alternate reality machine?
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Postby Backglass on Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:23 am

jay_a2j wrote:
Backglass wrote: King George said it a few years ago..."Mission Accomplished". So lets go home and let the Iraqis rebuild their fine nation.

Bush never said that. It was a banner on a navel ship (which btw Bush had nothing to do with in it being put up)

True George never spoke those exact words and I dont believe that Curious George climbed the tower and hung that banner himself.

Are you saying that Bush and his cronies are idiots and just didnt notice the fact that this message was hung directly over his head for an internationally televised press conference?! If they didnt endorse it, it would have been removed or the shot re-staged in a diferent direction. Had it said "Down with Islam" it would have been removed. If you truly believe that it wasnt intentional, then you must also believe he is a total idiot for not noticing it.

George DID say we had attained a "victory in a war on terror" complete with the "thumbs up".

George DID say "In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed".

All the while with the banner directly over his head.

Now...If thats not a victory speech/pose...what exactly was it?! The simple fact that he allowed it to remain directly behind him is a ringing endorsement of it's message.

jay_a2j wrote:You can hate till you feel better about yourself

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Postby DRoZ on Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:30 am

Backglass wrote:
owheelj wrote:I think the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not actually helped the war on terror at all. In fact I'd say they've helped terrorism. It's fairly clear that one of the main reasons the terrorists are attacking the US (and allies) is because they feel that the US is siding against Islam - which makes it easy for the terrorists to recruit other Islamics and radicalise them.

You have hit the nail on the head. Our presence in Iraq trying to "help out" by removing Saddam and his WMD's has turned a small splinter of rebels into a huge movment. THEY think we are atacking their religion & beliefs which further galvanizes them against us. How many Christians would lay down their lives if they thought someone was trying to wipe out Christianity? Quite a few I'd bet. (Jay? ;))

Not only that, but our military presence has been a free teaching aid to them as well. They watch our boys, tactics and technolog and learn from them.

So what do we do? Well...we went in to get Saddam (Check), eliminate his WMD's (Check) and install a new government (Check). King George said it a few years ago..."Mission Accomplished". So lets go home and let the Iraqis rebuild their fine nation.

owheelj wrote:I don't think it's fair to say that Bush is stupid

The late, great Anne Richards, former governer of Texas once said "Poor George, he can't help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth".

I honestly think he isnt a very bright man. Probably a great guy, a lot of fun at BBQ's and great to have a beer or two with, yes. But when it comes to my Lawyers, Doctors, Airline Pilots & Presidents...I'd rather have the "smart guy" than the "party guy".

The quote from Anne Richards is from the 1988 democratic national convention keynote address, and she was refering to George Bush Sr. not the "W" (pronounced- DUH-BA-YA) lol, although from what I've read about her since her death here recently, I never did follow her much as I have never lived in texas, nor cared much about the politics that go on there, she does seem to be a highly intelligent woman and a good leader for her state... and if I recall correctly I think she was in an episode of king of the hill, which somewhat shows her loyalty to her people, not like some of the elitists that seem to fill the democratic party of today. I just wanted to clear up that quote, although she didn't have very many good things to say about the "W" either...

Although another quote from her speech that night was this...

"We want leaders like Jesse Jackson. Jesse Jackson is a leader and a teacher who can open our hearts and open our minds and stir our very souls. And he has taught us that we are as good as our capacity for caring, caring about the drug problem, caring about crime, caring about education, and caring about each other."

I can't say I agree too much with her there...
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Postby jay_a2j on Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:41 am

Backglass wrote:
George DID say we had attained a "victory in a war on terror" complete with the "thumbs up".

George DID say "In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed".

And both of those statements are TRUE. (just cleaning up the terrorist remnants now)

And boxctta saying 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Gore had been elected is complete ignorance. 9/11 took years to plan (that means it was being planned in the Clinton years) And no wonder, since Clinton did nothing to stop terrorism during his terms.
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Postby vtmarik on Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:22 am

jay_a2j wrote:And both of those statements are TRUE. (just cleaning up the terrorist remnants now)

And since it's done and we're just cleaning up, we can expect an estimated time of completion right? I mean, since we're sooooo good at guessing these days, we can at least form a basic estimate of when we'll be able to start bringing our brothers and sisters home. Can't we?

And boxctta saying 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Gore had been elected is complete ignorance. 9/11 took years to plan (that means it was being planned in the Clinton years) And no wonder, since Clinton did nothing to stop terrorism during his terms.

True, Gore's election to office would have had no impact on whether or not 9/11 would have happened. But I can guarantee that Gore's administration wouldn't have invaded Iraq since that whole invasion was the pet project of Rumsfeld, Cheney, and the Project for a New American Century (plus the fact that Bush himself has admitted that Saddam and Al Qaeda had no connection).
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Postby jay_a2j on Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:27 am

vtmarik wrote:But I can guarantee that Gore's administration wouldn't have invaded Iraq .

Or Afghanistan. Or done anything. Leading to more attacks in the US. :wink:
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Postby vtmarik on Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:35 am

jay_a2j wrote:
vtmarik wrote:But I can guarantee that Gore's administration wouldn't have invaded Iraq .

Or Afghanistan. Or done anything. Leading to more attacks in the US. :wink:

No, Gore would've gotten just as pissed at Bush did. We'dve gone into Afghanistan, but it would've been more of an international effort and we'dve used our intelligence agencies in a more Tom-Clancyish kind of way.

Gore would've signed an order, sent in Black Ops (agents with no families, no friends, and nothing else to live for) and we would've read in the newspapers "Osama Bin Laden dead from mysterious circumstances" because Gore would've done the smart thing and just done an old fashioned assassination.

Then he could go on TV, make a speech about the death of the mastermind, and subtly hint that if anyone ever tries that shit again they won't be going to Allah.

Bush isn't capable of that level of subtlety (why do you think he picked Rumsfeld as his DoD secretary, or Cheney as his Vice President?). I'm sure that if the man had better advisors, things would've been different. I think Bush kinda got suckered into this whole thing because Cheney's got something on him.

How's that for a conspiracy theory?
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