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is bush good?(or is he an idiot?)

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Postby P Gizzle on Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:54 pm

Backglass wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:but, Hussein is.

Um...Not any more. Ever watch watch the news? :lol:

and he killed thousands, maybe millions of iraqis for no reason.

True. He is an evil man, no doubt, but he is also an evil man who had nothing to do with 9-11...please try to remember that. We are NOT in Iraq because of 9-11 according to our own government.

So...we did it because he was evil? Fidel Castro is also an evil man, and he lives only 90 miles from Florida. When do we invade Cuba because of 9-11?

Meanwhile Osama Bin Laden WALKS FREE in Afghanistan.

i never said that we went into iraq cuz of 9/11. the reason we dont get Castro is cuz he hasnt done anything to us. i think Bush has a grudge from when Dad fought iraq 15 years ago
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Postby Backglass on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:09 pm

P Gizzle wrote:i never said that we went into iraq cuz of 9/11. the reason we dont get Castro is cuz he hasnt done anything to us.

Like Iraq did?

But (wringing hands) Castro is an EVIL man! He has also killed his own people!

But I guess thats different...

i think Bush has a grudge from when Dad fought iraq 15 years ago

Ya think? NOW, your talking some sense. :D

"After all, this is a guy who tried to kill my dad at one time." - George W. Bush (I didnt make it up Caleb, it's on film. :P )
Last edited by Backglass on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby reverend_kyle on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:09 pm

P Gizzle wrote:
Backglass wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:but, Hussein is.

Um...Not any more. Ever watch watch the news? :lol:

and he killed thousands, maybe millions of iraqis for no reason.

True. He is an evil man, no doubt, but he is also an evil man who had nothing to do with 9-11...please try to remember that. We are NOT in Iraq because of 9-11 according to our own government.

So...we did it because he was evil? Fidel Castro is also an evil man, and he lives only 90 miles from Florida. When do we invade Cuba because of 9-11?

Meanwhile Osama Bin Laden WALKS FREE in Afghanistan.

i never said that we went into iraq cuz of 9/11. the reason we dont get Castro is cuz he hasnt done anything to us. i think Bush has a grudge from when Dad fought iraq 15 years ago

can you say cuban missle crisis...

we have more of a reason to get fidel.
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Postby P Gizzle on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:13 pm

reverend_kyle wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:
Backglass wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:but, Hussein is.

Um...Not any more. Ever watch watch the news? :lol:

and he killed thousands, maybe millions of iraqis for no reason.

True. He is an evil man, no doubt, but he is also an evil man who had nothing to do with 9-11...please try to remember that. We are NOT in Iraq because of 9-11 according to our own government.

So...we did it because he was evil? Fidel Castro is also an evil man, and he lives only 90 miles from Florida. When do we invade Cuba because of 9-11?

Meanwhile Osama Bin Laden WALKS FREE in Afghanistan.

i never said that we went into iraq cuz of 9/11. the reason we dont get Castro is cuz he hasnt done anything to us. i think Bush has a grudge from when Dad fought iraq 15 years ago

can you say cuban missle crisis...

we have more of a reason to get fidel.

i definitely think we should get Castro, but it apperas he's ill. maybe we should get him now, a surprise attack of sorts. i honestly dont know why we wont invade Cuba. i know it's not because bush is soft on Commies. (he's a conservative, after all)
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Postby Backglass on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:16 pm

P Gizzle wrote:i honestly dont know why we wont invade Cuba. i know it's not because bush is soft on Commies. (he's a conservative, after all)

Honestly, I think the president(s) current & past, never thought he would last this long.

Havana will be the new Las Vegas in 15 years or less after Fidel kicks off, his brother fails and the people rise up.
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Postby P Gizzle on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:20 pm

yeah, cuba will be a great country once it's not communist. they'll make cigars for us, we'll make everything else.
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Postby Sammy gags on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:24 pm

i dont want him representing our country because of his amazingly bad social skills & his lack of leadership, but overall he is a pretty average president
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Postby Backglass on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:30 pm

P Gizzle wrote:they'll make cigars for us

They do that now. ;)
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Postby Econ2000 on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:48 pm

Backglass wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:* Saddam Trained terrorists

Perhaps...BUT NONE THAT ATTACKED THE USA AND CERTAINLY NOT ON 9-11. That was OSAMA BIN LADEN AND AL QAEDA. There are many, evil people in the world and many that think WE are Evil. You had better have your god prepared for a LOT of bloodshed if we are to try to eliminate them all.

jay_a2j wrote:*Saddam had WMD's that Bush feared would be given to terrorists then brought to the US to use against us.

Bush's fears were just that...fears. Not Facts. They dont exist.

jay_a2j wrote:* WE found 500 wmd's. (of course we can't win either way, you complain of no wmd's then turn around and make excuses about the "age" of them when we find them)

You make a valid point. Allow me to clarify so you understand why the munitions you read about are meaningless.

What was found were rusting gas shells from the 80's, which by The White House's own Iraq Survey Groups Admission were duds.

You can read all 600+ pages of the White House's own "Iraq Survey Group" Report on the CIA website HERE or I will save you the time:

"While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad’s desire to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered."

There's your WMD's Jay...straight from the White House...not me! Good thing thousands of brave Americans died and we have spent over 300 BILLION dollars for some rusty gas shells, huh Jay? Remember thats the reason BUSH gave for going in...the WMD's.

The reason it was all over the news was because two Senators (Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI)) found this report and ballyhooed a small fragment, out of context. From the above text "a...number of...chemical munitions have been discovered". Makes all the difference in the world doesnt it. It was an attempt to "save face"...plain and simple.

It would be like driving out in to the Nevada desert, seeing a crater and saying "SEE! They are testing ATOMIC BOMBS! Here is the evidence!"

jay_a2j wrote:*Most world leaders do not doubt for a second Saddam had wmd's.

Huh? What a selective memory you have. Most world leaders were staunchly against us going in. Please state your source.

jay_a2j wrote:Oh and were you complaining when Clinton bombed Serbia to get Monica off the front page????

Stay on topic JAY....I know you can do it! CONCENTRATE! ;)

It looks like he is the only person that has any common sense or a brain.....cuase guess what? thousands are dying and we r like hmmm.... not my children, brother, sister, dad, etc.
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Postby P Gizzle on Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:55 pm

Backglass wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:they'll make cigars for us

They do that now. ;)

but, we can get them the capitalistic way. Hooray for Capitalism
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Postby Backglass on Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:03 pm

P Gizzle wrote:Hooray for Capitalism

...and Hooray Beer!

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Postby P Gizzle on Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:07 pm

it's Capitalism!


Hooray Capitalism!
MY pic didnt work. how do u put pics on posts?
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Postby Econ2000 on Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:40 am

u no bush's apprroval rating rose 2% yesterday..... probably from him lowering to gas prices that motherfucker
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Postby Boxcutta on Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:10 am

It makes me sad that Caleb doesn't know Bush said those things and Jay thinks we found WMDs in Iraq.

I suppose they only people that still support Bush are those who know as little about the world around them as these two.

By the way, I have a different scenario for you if Gore won:

* 9/11 never happens

* 2000 US soldiers and countless Iraqis don't die in a senseless war

* The end
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Postby Econ2000 on Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:21 am

Boxcutta wrote:It makes me sad that Caleb doesn't know Bush said those things and Jay thinks we found WMDs in Iraq.

I suppose they only people that still support Bush are those who know as little about the world around them as these two.

By the way, I have a different scenario for you if Gore won:

* 9/11 never happens

* 2000 US soldiers and countless Iraqis don't die in a senseless war

* The end

actuallly u mean 3000 would not die uselessly in afganistan and iraq
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:14 am

Econ2000 wrote:
Boxcutta wrote:It makes me sad that Caleb doesn't know Bush said those things and Jay thinks we found WMDs in Iraq.

I suppose they only people that still support Bush are those who know as little about the world around them as these two.

By the way, I have a different scenario for you if Gore won:

* 9/11 never happens

* 2000 US soldiers and countless Iraqis don't die in a senseless war

* The end

actuallly u mean 3000 would not die uselessly in afganistan and iraq

it's more like, 9/11 does happen, but there's no retaliation. And Terrorists take over the world, pretty much
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Postby jay_a2j on Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:38 am

P Gizzle wrote:
Econ2000 wrote:
Boxcutta wrote:It makes me sad that Caleb doesn't know Bush said those things and Jay thinks we found WMDs in Iraq.

I suppose they only people that still support Bush are those who know as little about the world around them as these two.

By the way, I have a different scenario for you if Gore won:

* 9/11 never happens

* 2000 US soldiers and countless Iraqis don't die in a senseless war

* The end

actuallly u mean 3000 would not die uselessly in afganistan and iraq

it's more like, 9/11 does happen, but there's no retaliation. And Terrorists take over the world, pretty much

Glad to see someone else besides me doesn't have their head stuck in the sand!

boxcutta...wake up, you live in a dream world. :roll:
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Postby Backglass on Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:23 am

P Gizzle wrote:it's more like, 9/11 does happen, but there's no retaliation. And Terrorists take over the world, pretty much

9-11 would have still happened, they attacked America not George W. Bush.

However, Gore would have gone after the actual attackers instead of trying to be a crusader and the worlds police force.

Jay the Pompous wrote:boxcutta...wake up, you live in a dream world.

This coming from a man who believes in fairy tales... :roll:
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Postby Econ2000 on Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:07 pm

Backglass wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:it's more like, 9/11 does happen, but there's no retaliation. And Terrorists take over the world, pretty much

9-11 would have still happened, they attacked America not George W. Bush.

However, Gore would have gone after the actual attackers instead of trying to be a crusader and the worlds police force.

Jay the Pompous wrote:boxcutta...wake up, you live in a dream world.

This coming from a man who believes in fairy tales... :roll:

ur right
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:56 pm

How can you go after the attackers, when they died in the crash? anyway, Bush is going after the attackers, he's just going on a ramble. you have to remember he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. he might just be adhd and cant concentrate on killing only 1 group, he has to go for 2 countries.
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Postby heavycola on Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:55 pm

jay_a2j wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:
Econ2000 wrote:
Boxcutta wrote:It makes me sad that Caleb doesn't know Bush said those things and Jay thinks we found WMDs in Iraq.

I suppose they only people that still support Bush are those who know as little about the world around them as these two.

By the way, I have a different scenario for you if Gore won:

* 9/11 never happens

* 2000 US soldiers and countless Iraqis don't die in a senseless war

* The end

actuallly u mean 3000 would not die uselessly in afganistan and iraq

it's more like, 9/11 does happen, but there's no retaliation. And Terrorists take over the world, pretty much

Glad to see someone else besides me doesn't have their head stuck in the sand!

boxcutta...wake up, you live in a dream world. :roll:

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Postby Kegler on Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:33 pm

the reality is hes an idiot and a liar real eyes realize real lies as for the obvious PopnSon agenda I guess they are blood relatives with Truman too.
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Postby jay_a2j on Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:09 pm

English 101?
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:38 pm

Kegler wrote:the reality is hes an idiot and a liar real eyes realize real lies as for the obvious PopnSon agenda I guess they are blood relatives with Truman too.

no hablo espanol
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Postby Kegler on Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:09 am

iraq>IRAN<afghanistan deploy
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