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Israel's commentators masterbate to religious scriptures

Postby Pack Rat on Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:58 am

Let's see...
This thread is about the attack on Israel by Hamas, but some of you want to talk about anal sex and other homosexual behaviors. And some of you used to be messed up on drugs and now you are messed up on the Lord.
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Re: Israel

Postby Qwert on Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:05 pm

Izrael lock Gaza strip-no water, no food, no electric power, no in no out. Well these became biggest Ghetto after Nazi Germany create many ghettos in WW2, Warsaw ghetto was biggest with 400000 people, but Gaza Ghetto are now with 2.3 million people biggest .
I think that you need to punish only responsible for attack on Israel, not to put entire Gaza population on starvation.
Azerbaijan solve hes problem with NAgorno Kharabak, expelling entire Armenian population, but they only have 120000 people,, here you have 2,3 million citizens.
Nazi Germany had hes final solution for Jews,,, are these Israeli final solution for Palestinians in Gaza??
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Re: Israel

Postby Votanic on Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:22 pm

Pack Rat, people are just calling out 'liberal' (if that's even the right word) hypocrisy.

No exceptionalism for Israel. If you didn't like it in Nazi Germany or South Africa (or almost anywhere else at some point in history), then don't like it there either.
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Hamas showing love and kindness to civilian girls.

Postby Pack Rat on Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:32 pm

saxitoxin wrote:The one thing Biden has done that I can agree with - releasing the $6 billion to Iran.

Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad tells the BBC that Iran gave its support to the Palestinian terror group to launch its surprise multi-front attack on Israel on Saturday, as cited by Hebrew media. ... on-israel/

Palestinian soldiers mercifully provide aid and assistance to a young Zionist mother who has surrendered to them.

    Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), verse 190: "Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors."

Let's pretend there was only kindness shown by Hamas to the civilians, especially the girls.
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Re: Israel

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:55 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:ALL ON BIDEN'S HANDS.

Sorry, Confed, but you have this completely backwards.

Very little of this is about America, but to the extent that this is about America, it's all on Trump.

Before Trump, moderate forces in Iran were on the rise. Democracy was solidifying, the power of the Ayatollahs was weakening by the day. By now, Iran could have been on our side.

Trump tore up the road map to peace with Iran. Almost overnight, the tables turned, the moderates in Iran were crushed, and the extremists were back in the saddle. Trump, and Trump alone, put the Iranian extremists back in power.

Israel created Hamas. ... -conflict/

That may be true, but Confed was talking about this specific attack and its (presumed) Iranian funding.

Pack Rat wrote:Let's see...
This thread is about the attack on Israel by Hamas, but some of you want to talk about anal sex and other homosexual behaviors. And some of you used to be messed up on drugs and now you are messed up on the Lord.

Even if the house was burning down, Saxi and Swickdick would pause on emergency stairs to exchange some innuendo in their long-distance homosexual love affair.
ā€œā€ŽLife is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.ā€
ā€• Voltaire
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Re: Israel

Postby jimboston on Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:01 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
jimboston wrote:
DirtyDishSoap wrote:Maybe we should let this unfold a little bit before we start making really stupid comments? I mean, this thread was started by oua guy who thinks God talks to him

Iā€™m fine not waiting to stand up against the idea of attacking non-combatants, especially with sneak attack methods.

Zionist soldier recalling how he and his pals used to rape Arab children and use flamethrowers on fleeing villagers - ... ryCMw&s=19

Because no one ever lies on Twitter?
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Re: Israel

Postby bigtoughralf on Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:34 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
bigtoughralf wrote:tbf Votanic appears to hang out with the Westboro Baptist Church so he's not exactly spouting mainstream ideology himself.

Votanic - you'll lose. No one knows more about sodomy than Ralf.

See, legendary Conquer Club debater saxitoxin agrees with me.
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Re: Israel

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:49 am

Dukasaur wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:ALL ON BIDEN'S HANDS.

Sorry, Confed, but you have this completely backwards.

Very little of this is about America, but to the extent that this is about America, it's all on Trump.

Before Trump, moderate forces in Iran were on the rise. Democracy was solidifying, the power of the Ayatollahs was weakening by the day. By now, Iran could have been on our side.

Trump tore up the road map to peace with Iran. Almost overnight, the tables turned, the moderates in Iran were crushed, and the extremists were back in the saddle. Trump, and Trump alone, put the Iranian extremists back in power.

------No, America and Iran have been at it since 1979A.D...America built the monster Saddam Hussein, to fight Iran, Iran/Iraq War, than had to deal with the monster America created...
------ "F" the nuclear deal Obama had going on...With was no good for anyone...Trump put a stop to that...
------- Trump once again was right...Duk...when he said The Radical LEFT (Trojan Horse Biden)...What they will do to America...They have done everything Trump said they would do... Trump's sayings , all come true in time...
------- It is about America, America is Israel's Greatest ally...11 minutes after they declared themselves a country in 1948A.D...Truman recognized them as their own country...
------ Trump moved The U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem...
------ Trump's son in law, grandchildren are Jewish...Biden has shell off shore accounts...
------- Trump had shut down Iran's nuclear hopes...Just as when Israel bombs Iran sites when they get close to "THE BOMB"...
------- Trump was getting all the Arab nations to start Peace with Israel, through economic plan...Never done by a True Politician...It was working...With one country, one that was getting nervous , That The Arabic Nations were getting friendly with Israel...Iran can't have that...This attack...was to break up, the Israel , Saudi Arabia getting friendly talks...Iran doesn't want to be left alone, in their quest to destroy Israel...
------- Trump had The U.S./Mexican Border shut down...
------- Trump had America energy independent for the 1st time since WW2... Russia/Soviet Union , The Middle East and Other OPEC nations no longer controlled America...
------- Biden got rid of everything Trump accomplished on January 20th,2021A.D.(Day 1) of his destroy America Administration....Yeah,Yeah, Trump is fighting with Gretta on Twitter...Oh,no...All politicians lie...We don't elect a Mother Teresa, Trump delt with the world as a business man... Another thing, a Politician couldn't do...Like Reagan, when Trump spoke, America's Enemies listened...
------- Biden is a joke, he is not really running things...The Global Elitists are... Everything Biden does hurts America...This is for your not about America comment Duk.... America is the leader of the Free World...The World looks to America for Guidance... Leadership....Well, after Afghanistan, Ukraine, now Israel not anymore...It does have to do with Biden...After Afghanistan... America's enemies see Biden will appease them...Putin attacks the Ukraine...Both have given money to Biden...Where is all this funding to the Ukraine going???...Where are the receipts???
-------- China has bought Biden, China has gained control over South America,Africa,Asia,Even have their hands in The Middle East, They have moved into Afghanistan's rich minerals, as in Africa,S.A.,Asia...The New Green Deal, all minerals come by way of China...
--------- Not only did Biden break, never pay for Hostages...6 Billion with Iran, Iran has made 10s and 10s of Billions as Biden relaxed oil sanctions on Iran...Since He has been President... Which has trickled down to The Terrorist Groups...Biden has bent over backwards, upside down, in and out(you think he is a pretzel) for America's enemies(well paid for it)...You want to stick to your Trump theory , You don't like him....But he hasn't sold America to our enemies ....Biden has...With Iran, payed to have hostages released...Now, more Americans are dead, and taken hostage...How much will Biden give Iran this time.....His mouth pieces, will say, we have done nothing wrong...You deal with Iran, America's most Terrible Enemy...Since 1979A.D...Have not sold America out, really... :roll:
-------- Where is Biden when Americans are turning up dead and captured???...On T.V..speaking from the Oval Office, to the American people... Yesterday...NO!...You think any other U.S. President, or World Leader would do that...No, I feel about Trudeau, like you do about Trump...I know even Trudeau wouldn't do that to Canada, or The Canadian People...
------- The Democrats in The House/Senate , have also turned on Israel...No comment on any topic, that will turn their base, hurt their pocketbooks...
------- Yes , even my Congressman(Screw Political Correctness) Rashida Tlaib...The Attack Is All Israel's Fault,leading a Palestine protest...The Money to Iran...No comment from the Democrats...Dead Americans, Hostages..Dead Israelis, Hostages... Democrats are calling for a ceasefire...The Squad ,others...
------- What does it take???To shake the LEFT and their base...As an American, you should be ... What The HELL :!: ... What ever your political view is, we are talking about dead and captured Americans...Can the Bought Biden Administration, even try like they care about America/Americans for once...
------- Like Ukraine, This attack on Israel would not have happened under a Trump Presidency...Duk..It is that plain and simple...The Dead , Captured, Americans,Israelis.., the Blood is on Biden's(Trojan Horse)hands...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: Israel

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:48 am

Israel got what it paid for - why is it complaining?

ā€œAnyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,ā€ Netanyahu told his Likud partyā€™s Knesset members in March 2019. ā€œThis is part of our strategy" ... 9b5dbf0000

These are the game it plays. It knows it must have regular atrocities to keep the train of foreign aid and global ambivalence to West Bank settlement. Without these it can't function as a viable state. Israel is a high functioning U.S. bantustan and nothing more. It knows that itself.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism

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Re: Israel

Postby Votanic on Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:51 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:Funnily enough Arabic-speaking Muslims don't read the Bible. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is in the Quran, the contents of Leviticus are not.

The main Islamic basis for persecuting homosexuality is the hadith, accounts of the Prophet's words and deeds that were passed down orally for 2-3 centuries after his death before being codified in writing. Many Muslims treat the hadith as gospel, others disagree with that approach given that the Quran was intended to be God's final and complete word, and the obvious reliability issues with oral record-keeping.

Just because there are people who interpret holy texts in one particular way doesn't mean those people are right. The Ottoman Empire was Muslim and was tolerant of homosexuality. Not all Christian denominations agree on whether Christianity prohibits divorce, contraception, extra-marital sex etc. Make your own mind up rather than just copying the angriest preacher you've seen on YouTube.

Firstly, of course all the many versions of Abrahamic texts, be they Torahs, Bibles, Qurans, etc. are somewhat different. Yet none of the them have any significant pro-homosexual messaging in them. All, Ralf can do is cherry-pick the versions that say the least of what he doesn't want to read or hear.

Secondly, Holy Text interpretation (or any othe religious/ethical system) is never right nor wrong outside the belief system that believes in it. So don't even go down that rabbit hole.

Thirdly and mainly, Ralf seems to have a vested interest in making sure that traditional religious beliefs are 'reinterpreted', or really misinterpreted, to fit his homophiliac worldview.
Why? Because it is a much easier political sell to tell people that the Abrahamic god, Yahweh, actually loves homosexuality, rather than admittng that a major world religion (or group of religions) considers homosexuality to be an 'abomination'. BTW, that's their holy scripture's word for it, not mine.

I don't know Ralf, if you need a deity to back up your lifestyle (or not?), consider the Greco-Roman pantheon. I understand some of their gods at least swing AC/DC.

..and by the way, I haven't been to Westboro. Is it nice, Ralf?... Or maybe you don't know either.
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Re: Israel

Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:47 pm

>provides a quote from the Bible as evidence Islam is homophobic
>blusters aimlessly when challenged

jp, Voltanic needs your help. Come copy-paste some CCN articles about homophobic Muslims immediately!
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Re: Israel

Postby Votanic on Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:26 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:>provides a quote from the Bible as evidence Islam is homophobic
>blusters aimlessly when challenged

jp, Voltanic needs your help. Come copy-paste some CCN articles about homophobic Muslims immediately!

Wait a minute, you're saying I'm blustering aimlessly?! Please.
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Re: Israel

Postby Pack Rat on Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:30 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:>provides a quote from the Bible as evidence Islam is homophobic
>blusters aimlessly when challenged

jp, Voltanic needs your help. Come copy-paste some CCN articles about homophobic Muslims immediately!

Are we really fighting over interpretations of some fairy tales?
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Re: Israel

Postby Lonous on Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:57 pm

Pack Rat wrote:Are we really fighting over interpretations of some fairy tales?
We are indeed, but some troubled people can't accept that biology dictates gender.
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Re: Israel

Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:15 pm

Pack Rat wrote:Are we really fighting over interpretations of some fairy tales?

Uber intelligent atheist detected.
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Re: Israel

Postby Votanic on Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:40 pm

Pack Rat wrote:Are we really fighting over interpretations of some fairy tales?

I presume this (tiresomely rhetorical) question was directed at Israel, Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc.

Packrat, Go tell them all to give up their state-favored and ethnically-based religions, and just focus objectively on scientific materialism.
Though you might have to toss out some of your liberal, humanist fairy tales too.
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Re: Israel

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:14 pm

--------Angry Grandpa put down the Ice Cream...Little to late Grandpa...Biden didn't say a word about Iran Today...His mouth pieces walked around The Iran money...No, the hostage money, not involved, wouldn't answer...When asked, so will you freeze the money....No Biden Administration member would answer...Or why they have allowed Iran to make 10s and 10s of Billions in oil sales(which thanks to Biden's attack on Fossil Fuels here in America have help Iran, Russia/Soviet Union to Excel in oil profits, backing their world gains)...The Obama Administration, Now The Biden Administration(3rd Obama Administration) has treated Iran with kid gloves...THEIR OFF SHORE ACCOUNTS ARE FILLING UP WITH BLOOD MONEY...
--------- Biden didn't talk about his Party's swing twords Palestine...A 50% swing from 10 years ago, when the majority support was twords Israel ...Oh, but the brainwashed U.S. Higher Education, Factories are in full swing...As they blame Israel for the attack...The main stream Fake LEFT Media...They will talk when the crickets quiet down... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Israel

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:11 am

Votanic wrote:
Pack Rat wrote:Are we really fighting over interpretations of some fairy tales?

I presume this (tiresomely rhetorical) question was directed at Israel, Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc.

Packrat, Go tell them all to give up their state-favored and ethnically-based religions, and just focus objectively on scientific materialism.
Though you might have to toss out some of your liberal, humanist fairy tales too.

What the middle east needs, isn't what the middle east wants and so things will just keep on keeping on. Israel doesn't want peace, it wants it's land back. Hamas doesn't want peace, it wants it's land back. Iran doesn't want peace, it wants the west gone from the middle east. Saudi Arabia doesn't want peace, it wants to represent the middle east on the world stage and to trade with the west. Now all of these parties might think getting what they want will lead to peace, but the reality is for one to get what they want a counterparty has to lose what they want. Peace isn't what they actually want.

The West wants peace, because we want cheap trade... but none of these parties truly give a f*ck what the west wants. It's fun that we talk about it so much though! See you guys in 10-15 years when we have this talk again

This aired 9 years ago
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Re: Israel

Postby Lonous on Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:45 am

mookiemcgee wrote:This aired 9 years ago
On point video.

Here's another one worth watching.
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Re: Israel

Postby bigtoughralf on Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:10 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:Israel doesn't want peace, it wants it's land back.

lmao, what land?
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Re: Israel

Postby Votanic on Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:49 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:Israel doesn't want peace, it wants it's land back.

lmao, what land?

What??... Ah, maybe you know it by its other name: Palestine.
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Re: Israel

Postby bigtoughralf on Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:28 pm

Israel declared a "complete siege" on Gaza on Monday, declaring electricity, food, fuel and water would be cut off. The impacts of that siege can now be seen.

About 80% of people in Gaza relied on humanitarian aid even before the latest war began - and the UN agency for Palestinian refugees said at least a million people had not been able to get their food rations since Saturday.

Gaza's only power plant has run out of fuel, and medical and food supplies are dwindling, after another night which saw hundreds scramble onto the streets to flee relentless air strikes.

Air strikes from Israeli warplanes have continued into their fifth day.

The situation for 2.3 million people in Gaza is increasingly desperate, with no way of leaving the tiny territory.

On Wednesday morning, Hamas said 30 people were killed in overnight strikes. In total, more than 1,000 Gazans have died in the retaliatory air strikes.

The UN human rights chief has said sieges are illegal under international law.
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Re: Israel

Postby Votanic on Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:43 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:
Israel declared a "complete siege" on Gaza on Monday, declaring electricity, food, fuel and water would be cut off. The impacts of that siege can now be seen.

About 80% of people in Gaza relied on humanitarian aid even before the latest war began - and the UN agency for Palestinian refugees said at least a million people had not been able to get their food rations since Saturday.

Gaza's only power plant has run out of fuel, and medical and food supplies are dwindling, after another night which saw hundreds scramble onto the streets to flee relentless air strikes.

Air strikes from Israeli warplanes have continued into their fifth day.

The situation for 2.3 million people in Gaza is increasingly desperate, with no way of leaving the tiny territory.

On Wednesday morning, Hamas said 30 people were killed in overnight strikes. In total, more than 1,000 Gazans have died in the retaliatory air strikes.

The UN human rights chief has said sieges are illegal under international law.

Okay. It sounds like your side is winning. Israel U.S. money is better than Iran/Hamas U.S. money.
Now you can turn your moral outrage back down to a sanctimonious simmer, with just an occasional 'Think of the children!", stuff like that.
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Re: Israel

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:35 pm

Lebanon's intelligence chief Major General Abbas Abraham has announced a decision has been reached by regional actors to open an "all fronts war" against Israel if it sends grounds troops into Gaza. Hezbollah is at full strength and the regular Lebanese Army has started war mobilization. No info from Jordan, Egypt, or Syria. Maybe a feint.

For the first time in history, the Saudi and Iranian heads of government spoke on the phone today to coordinate "Islamic unity" in the face of Zionist war crimes. These countries were blood enemies as recently as last week.

The U.S. should be ready to launch airstrikes against Israel nuclear weapons if it appears they're going to lose to prevent the Zionists from trying to take the world out with them.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism

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