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Postby Nobunaga on Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:43 pm

... I try to persuade Chinese that they don't want to kill every Japanese they place eyes on.
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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:45 pm

having any luck with that?
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Postby Nobunaga on Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:49 pm

.... to some degree, yes, though they've every reason to hate the Japanese.

... And looking from a Japanese point of view, allowing the Chinese to live and work among them is an act of "charity". ... and should the "filthy bastards" cause any trouble- they're outta here!

... Nationalism is a scary thing.
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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:52 pm

well, good luck with that...
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Postby SMITH197 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:54 pm

yeah...sounds fun...and u do this all from a silly office building...i'd like to see how it works...

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Postby johnnyrotten on Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:58 pm

Cahoots do you want that team game now? I've finally got a free slot, although I'll be off to bed after the first move lol

EDIT: Oh, right, she's gone lol. :roll:
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Postby Nobunaga on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:02 pm

... Come on over! I'll show you around. :)
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Postby rocksolid on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:06 pm

While they may be on-topic, it's weird to me how much reading pitches to visit other threads feels like getting a phone call from a telemarketer in this thread.
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Postby KoolBak on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:08 pm

Ok..that damnable max chased me off for a bit but I am back (the two threads I was enjoying today he ruined). I used to feel sorry for him but now I just cant stand him...very sad.

So Nobunaga, who foots the bill for your career...certainly not the Chinese, and it seems ironic for the this a Korean plot to undermine the world?

I bet you do it out of goodwill toward fellow man, free gratis.

Next, you should come convince Oregonians that Californians are our friends (sorry scarus!) or Arkanseese that Washingtonians are their friends...

I really dont know what the hell I'm talking about....still pissed at max. And Nobunaga, you know I mean nothing derogatory! My pitiful stab at humor.....
Last edited by KoolBak on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby SMITH197 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:09 pm

yeah...does anyone else feel like they are...i dunno...different from us?

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I hate Max

Postby Scarus on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:11 pm

cahoots wrote:am I the only one who feels like Max has desecrated our spectacular forum?

Desecrate is a good word. I also like Denigrate.

I Hate Max.

It took me a while. Way back when Grim started a thread on that very subject I sent him a little pm asking him to lighten up. My bad, I apolgize Sir Grim. All it took was for Max to mess with our precious thread, and I'm ready to jump on the I Hate Max bandwagon.

thegrimsleeper wrote:Well, really, if you're going to come into ANY thread and promote another, this is really the only one in which you can get away with doing so. Although it's lame, it's still sort of on-topic.

But it's still really tacky. :P

Sure, I guess anything goes here, but that doesn't mean that we have to like it, and it doesn''t mean that Max's intrusion isn't going to stir up levels of seething emotion that I've tried to keep buried deep down inside.

In a way, my hating Max is a victory for him. Isn't that what he's really after? To see his name up in lights, so to speak? I can't help it. He wins. We all Lose.

I Hate Max.
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Postby SMITH197 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:12 pm

lynch mob anyone?

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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:13 pm

johnnyrotten wrote:Cahoots do you want that team game now? I've finally got a free slot, although I'll be off to bed after the first move lol

EDIT: Oh, right, she's gone lol. :roll:

yeah, let's go :?
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Postby Nobunaga on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:14 pm

... I am employed by local Japanese governments, cities and towns, to help smooth relations between the local population and the very necessary immigrant population (overwhelmingly Chinese).

... The Japanese governments have realized they NEED foreign labor, with a steady population decline and a near complete loss of the Japanese work ethic, but their own feelings of absolute superiority are hard to hold back.

... And most Chinese come here wanting to work, but also wanting to kill their employers and neighbors (WWII atrocities never forgiven, things like that).

... So, the Japanese pay me. And I'm perfect fo the job - I've lived both in China and Japan for over a decade, speak both languages, and my family lives in China, though they maintain Japanese citizenship (save for my boy - who is American).
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Postby thegrimsleeper on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:17 pm

Or don't you mean h8...

It's true, I finally ended up regretting creating that thread just for the simple fact that it was getting him more of the only thing he ever wanted: attention.

On the other hand, I doubt ignoring him would work either. So, Mr. Scarus, I think you should go make yourself feel better and have a nice long rant in the "i h8 max is gr8" thread.

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself... :lol:
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Postby SMITH197 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:21 pm

johnny or cahoots...i want in...i got a free spot...for once...i should be killing Scarus but that can


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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:24 pm

Why don't you people have premium? I'm sorry, but it is absolutely without a doubt the way to go!!! BUY PREMIUM!
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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:24 pm

thegrimsleeper wrote:Or don't you mean h8...

It's true, I finally ended up regretting creating that thread just for the simple fact that it was getting him more of the only thing he ever wanted: attention.

On the other hand, I doubt ignoring him would work either. So, Mr. Scarus, I think you should go make yourself feel better and have a nice long rant in the "i h8 max is gr8" thread.

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself... :lol:

distasteful! simply distasteful! :x
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Postby SMITH197 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:29 pm

i'm working on in ok Cahoots? There is nothing else i want more than Premium....other than you of course. :wink: i kid...

so is that a no to a game?

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Postby KoolBak on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:30 pm

Nobunaga..thank you for the informative reply...fascinating to a boring redneck....I have only been out of state in the very near Oregon vicinity, to St Thomas for a vaca and to Kauai every year for the last 30 or so.....yours sounds like such an interesting career / lifestyle.

My best friend travels the globe for IBM and goes to Japan a few times a year....we still have the old fashioned board wars when he is around into the early morns....Maybe you oughtta link up for some sake next time he is about an oxymoron...reeeaall redneck from Montana in the higher ranks at IMB....WTF???!!!!

Scarus, I am with you on max - as I said before...sad.
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:46 pm

game 15593...i guess it's about time we have a longest thread, thread game...

so, if you want to play, pm me for pass...
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Postby battletroop27 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:52 pm

visit and sign up! it's another forums but is music and freestyling- themed!
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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:54 pm

battletroop27 wrote:visit and sign up! it's another forums but is music and freestyling- themed!

this is kind of annoying...
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Postby rocksolid on Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:16 pm

areyouincahoots wrote:game 15593...i guess it's about time we have a longest thread, thread game...

so, if you want to play, pm me for pass...

4 full slots...too cheap for premium...
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Postby areyouincahoots on Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:17 pm

Dude! It is so worth the money!
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